Rizwan Ahmad, Psy.D.

Rizwan Ahmad, Psy.D.

Dr. Ahmad specializes in working with adolescents (ages 12+) and adults of all ages, with expertise in the application of CBT

Appears in 5 Episodes

168. Nature Doesn't Make Mistakes: A Functional Approach to Mental Health w/ Dr. Riz Ahmad

Dr. Roger McFillin welcomes back Clinical Psychologist Dr. Riz Ahmad to explore a fundamental question: "Does nature make mistakes?" Challenging conventional psychiatr...

126. Anatomy of the teen mental health crisis

Dr. McFillin and Dr. Ahmad discuss what they have been witnessing in adolescent clients post-pandemic. Is phone addiction and social media, particularly platforms like...

69. Declining Mental Health in America: Psychologist Roundtable discussion

Our culture is sick—physically and emotionally. The quick fix approach to normal human struggle has misled many down a path to misery. The system is broken and we need...

20. A clinical training crisis w/ Dr. Ahmad

The longer you practice as a therapist does not correlate with improved outcomes. Time is not enough. To improve, you need to work at it. This is true in sports, m...

19. Why do people yell at their kitchen cabinets? w/ Dr. Ahmad

Context matters. A teen experiencing a moment of emotional distress may manifest itself in an irrational way. Fifteen minutes should not be the standard of care to iss...

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