83. Screw fear, trust yourself

Conformity impacts our perception of reality. Having the tools and opportunities to manage our own life provides an excellent chance to develop independence and confidence. Individuals who possess self-reliance are better equipped to overcome challenges and find solutions independently.

If you are in a crisis or think you have an emergency, call your doctor or 911. If you're 
considering suicide, call 1-800-273-TALK to speak with a skilled trained counselor.



1:04:00 - Roger’s 7 steps to learn how to trust yourself
  1. Let go of the past
  2. Accept certain things to be true
  3. Understand that your emotions are gifts
  4. Perfection is the enemy of progress
  5. Life is time limited
  6. Be curious
  7. The opinions of others hold little if any value

Creators and Guests

Dr. Roger McFillin
Dr. Roger McFillin
Dr. Roger McFillin is a Clinical Psychologist, Board Certified in Behavioral and Cognitive Psychology. He is the founder of the Conscious Clinician Collective and Executive Director at the Center for Integrated Behavioral Health.
Kel Wetherhold
Kel Wetherhold
Teacher | PAGE Educator of the Year | CIBH Education Consultant | PBSDigitalInnovator | KTI2016 | Apple Distinguished Educator 2017 | Radically Genuine Podcast
Sean McFillin
Sean McFillin
Radically Genuine Podcast / Advertising Executive / Marketing Manager / etc.
83. Screw fear, trust yourself
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