56. TikTok’s corrosive effect on mental health
[kel]: welcome
[roger_mcfillin]: welcome
[kel]: to the
[roger_mcfillin]: to
[kel]: radically
[roger_mcfillin]: the radically
[kel]: genuine podcast
[roger_mcfillin]: pod cast
[kel]: om
[roger_mcfillin]: and
[kel]: dr roger
[roger_mcfillin]: roger
[kel]: mcphillan
[roger_mcfillin]: milan
[kel]: you can find
[roger_mcfillin]: find
[kel]: me
[roger_mcfillin]: me
[kel]: on
[roger_mcfillin]: on
[kel]: twitter
[roger_mcfillin]: twitter
[kel]: at
[roger_mcfillin]: at
[kel]: r mc
[roger_mcfillin]: mcpillan
[kel]: phelan
[roger_mcfillin]: and
[kel]: at
[roger_mcfillin]: at
[kel]: drmcphilan
[roger_mcfillin]: mcpilan
[kel]: dot
[roger_mcfillin]: dot
[kel]: com
[roger_mcfillin]: com
[kel]: i am
[roger_mcfillin]: i am
[kel]: going
[roger_mcfillin]: going
[kel]: to
[roger_mcfillin]: to
[kel]: be
[roger_mcfillin]: be
[kel]: hosting
[roger_mcfillin]: posting
[kel]: a web
[roger_mcfillin]: lebanon
[kel]: in
[roger_mcfillin]: on
[kel]: october
[roger_mcfillin]: october
[kel]: twenty
[roger_mcfillin]: twenty
[kel]: first
[roger_mcfillin]: first
[kel]: friday
[roger_mcfillin]: friday
[kel]: october
[roger_mcfillin]: october
[kel]: twenty
[roger_mcfillin]: twenty
[kel]: first
[roger_mcfillin]: first
[kel]: at
[roger_mcfillin]: at
[kel]: twelve
[roger_mcfillin]: twelve
[kel]: thirty
[roger_mcfillin]: thirty
[kel]: eastern
[roger_mcfillin]: eastern
[kel]: time
[roger_mcfillin]: time
[kel]: you
[roger_mcfillin]: you
[kel]: can
[roger_mcfillin]: can
[kel]: register
[roger_mcfillin]: register
[kel]: that
[roger_mcfillin]: that
[kel]: through
[roger_mcfillin]: through
[kel]: dr
[roger_mcfillin]: drillin
[kel]: mcphillan dot
[roger_mcfillin]: dot
[kel]: com
[roger_mcfillin]: com
[kel]: and
[roger_mcfillin]: and
[kel]: it's
[roger_mcfillin]: it's
[kel]: going
[roger_mcfillin]: going
[kel]: a be
[roger_mcfillin]: to be
[kel]: on
[roger_mcfillin]: on
[kel]: what
[roger_mcfillin]: what
[kel]: you're
[roger_mcfillin]: you're
[kel]: not
[roger_mcfillin]: not
[kel]: being
[roger_mcfillin]: being
[kel]: told
[roger_mcfillin]: told
[kel]: about
[roger_mcfillin]: about
[kel]: anti
[roger_mcfillin]: anti
[kel]: depressence
[roger_mcfillin]: present
[kel]: it's
[roger_mcfillin]: it's
[kel]: going
[roger_mcfillin]: going
[kel]: to be
[roger_mcfillin]: to be
[kel]: a real
[roger_mcfillin]: a real
[kel]: deep
[roger_mcfillin]: deep
[kel]: dive
[roger_mcfillin]: dive
[kel]: into
[roger_mcfillin]: until
[kel]: the
[roger_mcfillin]: the
[kel]: science
[roger_mcfillin]: science
[kel]: and
[roger_mcfillin]: and
[kel]: the
[roger_mcfillin]: the
[kel]: history
[roger_mcfillin]: history
[kel]: so
[roger_mcfillin]: so
[kel]: for
[roger_mcfillin]: for
[kel]: those
[roger_mcfillin]: those
[kel]: who
[roger_mcfillin]: who
[kel]: are
[roger_mcfillin]: are
[kel]: on
[roger_mcfillin]: on
[kel]: anti
[roger_mcfillin]: anti
[kel]: depressence
[roger_mcfillin]: present
[kel]: considering
[roger_mcfillin]: considering
[kel]: being
[roger_mcfillin]: then
[kel]: placed
[roger_mcfillin]: placed
[kel]: on
[roger_mcfillin]: on
[kel]: anti
[roger_mcfillin]: ntipresiden
[kel]: de presence or have
[roger_mcfillin]: have
[kel]: a family
[roger_mcfillin]: a family
[kel]: member
[roger_mcfillin]: member
[kel]: who's
[roger_mcfillin]: who's
[kel]: on
[roger_mcfillin]: on
[kel]: anti
[roger_mcfillin]: antipresent
[kel]: de presence rarely
[roger_mcfillin]: rarely
[kel]: rarely
[roger_mcfillin]: rarely
[kel]: do
[roger_mcfillin]: do
[kel]: we
[roger_mcfillin]: we
[kel]: get
[roger_mcfillin]: get
[kel]: informed
[roger_mcfillin]: portant
[kel]: consent
[roger_mcfillin]: consent
[kel]: and
[roger_mcfillin]: and
[kel]: hopefully
[roger_mcfillin]: hopefully
[kel]: in an
[roger_mcfillin]: in an
[kel]: hour
[roger_mcfillin]: hour
[kel]: webanarit
[roger_mcfillin]: webonarcan
[kel]: can provide
[roger_mcfillin]: provide
[kel]: a lot
[roger_mcfillin]: a lot
[kel]: of valuable
[roger_mcfillin]: of valuable
[kel]: information
[roger_mcfillin]: information
[kel]: for
[roger_mcfillin]: for
[kel]: people
[roger_mcfillin]: people
[kel]: to
[roger_mcfillin]: to
[kel]: make
[roger_mcfillin]: make
[kel]: an
[roger_mcfillin]: an
[kel]: ormed
[roger_mcfillin]: armed
[kel]: decision
[roger_mcfillin]: decision
[kel]: can you keep it to one hour
[roger_mcfillin]: probably
[kel]: not
[roger_mcfillin]: not
[kel]: i guess
[roger_mcfillin]: i guess
[kel]: it's
[roger_mcfillin]: it's
[kel]: going
[roger_mcfillin]: going
[kel]: to go
[roger_mcfillin]: to go
[kel]: over
[roger_mcfillin]: over
[kel]: an
[roger_mcfillin]: and
[kel]: hour
[roger_mcfillin]: out
[kel]: good
[roger_mcfillin]: good
[kel]: morning
[roger_mcfillin]: morning
[kel]: fellow
[roger_mcfillin]: fellows
[kel]: that's
[roger_mcfillin]: is
[kel]: good
[roger_mcfillin]: good
[kel]: to
[roger_mcfillin]: to
[kel]: see
[roger_mcfillin]: see
[kel]: you
[roger_mcfillin]: you
[kel]: when you know
[roger_mcfillin]: i
[kel]: was
[roger_mcfillin]: was
[kel]: reflecting
[roger_mcfillin]: reflecting
[kel]: back
[roger_mcfillin]: back
[kel]: in
[roger_mcfillin]: in
[kel]: my
[roger_mcfillin]: my
[kel]: time
[roger_mcfillin]: time
[kel]: and
[roger_mcfillin]: in
[kel]: gradual
[roger_mcfillin]: graduate
[kel]: school
[roger_mcfillin]: school
[kel]: both
[roger_mcfillin]: both
[kel]: in
[roger_mcfillin]: in
[kel]: my
[roger_mcfillin]: my
[kel]: master's
[roger_mcfillin]: master's
[kel]: program
[roger_mcfillin]: program
[kel]: and
[roger_mcfillin]: and
[kel]: before
[roger_mcfillin]: before
[kel]: i went
[roger_mcfillin]: i went
[kel]: into
[roger_mcfillin]: into
[kel]: my
[roger_mcfillin]: my
[kel]: doctorial
[roger_mcfillin]: doctor
[kel]: program
[roger_mcfillin]: program
[kel]: we would
[roger_mcfillin]: we would
[kel]: take
[roger_mcfillin]: take
[kel]: these
[roger_mcfillin]: these
[kel]: psycho
[roger_mcfillin]: psycho
[kel]: pathology
[roger_mcfillin]: pathology
[kel]: courses
[roger_mcfillin]: courses
[kel]: where
[roger_mcfillin]: where
[kel]: you'd
[roger_mcfillin]: you'd
[kel]: be
[roger_mcfillin]: be
[kel]: exposed
[roger_mcfillin]: exposed
[kel]: to
[roger_mcfillin]: to
[kel]: the
[roger_mcfillin]: the
[kel]: d
[roger_mcfillin]: d
[kel]: s
[roger_mcfillin]: s
[kel]: m
[roger_mcfillin]: m
[kel]: and
[roger_mcfillin]: and
[kel]: the
[roger_mcfillin]: the
[kel]: professors
[roger_mcfillin]: professors
[kel]: would
[roger_mcfillin]: would
[kel]: always
[roger_mcfillin]: always
[kel]: talk
[roger_mcfillin]: talk
[kel]: about
[roger_mcfillin]: about
[kel]: this
[roger_mcfillin]: this
[kel]: phenomenon
[roger_mcfillin]: phenomenon
[kel]: where
[roger_mcfillin]: where
[kel]: everyone
[roger_mcfillin]: everyone
[kel]: would
[roger_mcfillin]: would
[kel]: start
[roger_mcfillin]: start
[kel]: diagnosing
[roger_mcfillin]: diagnosing
[kel]: themselves
[roger_mcfillin]: themselves
[kel]: you
[roger_mcfillin]: you
[kel]: know
[roger_mcfillin]: know
[kel]: because
[roger_mcfillin]: because
[kel]: when
[roger_mcfillin]: when
[kel]: you
[roger_mcfillin]: you
[kel]: start
[roger_mcfillin]: start
[kel]: going
[roger_mcfillin]: going
[kel]: through
[roger_mcfillin]: through
[kel]: the d
[roger_mcfillin]: the d
[kel]: s
[roger_mcfillin]: s
[kel]: m
[roger_mcfillin]: m you know
[kel]: almost
[roger_mcfillin]: almost
[kel]: every
[roger_mcfillin]: every
[kel]: single
[roger_mcfillin]: single
[kel]: symptom
[roger_mcfillin]: symptom
[kel]: is
[roger_mcfillin]: is
[kel]: experienced
[roger_mcfillin]: experienced
[kel]: to some
[roger_mcfillin]: some
[kel]: degree
[roger_mcfillin]: degree
[kel]: in the
[roger_mcfillin]: in the
[kel]: human
[roger_mcfillin]: human
[kel]: experience
[roger_mcfillin]: experience
[kel]: you
[roger_mcfillin]: you
[kel]: know
[roger_mcfillin]: know
[kel]: it's
[roger_mcfillin]: it's
[kel]: always
[roger_mcfillin]: always
[kel]: to
[roger_mcfillin]: to
[kel]: like what
[roger_mcfillin]: what
[kel]: extent
[roger_mcfillin]: extent
[kel]: and
[roger_mcfillin]: and
[kel]: it's
[roger_mcfillin]: it's
[kel]: impairment
[roger_mcfillin]: impairment
[kel]: and
[roger_mcfillin]: and
[kel]: functioning
[roger_mcfillin]: functioning
[kel]: and
[roger_mcfillin]: and
[kel]: when
[roger_mcfillin]: when
[kel]: you
[roger_mcfillin]: you
[kel]: like look
[roger_mcfillin]: look
[kel]: that
[roger_mcfillin]: back
[kel]: people
[roger_mcfillin]: people
[kel]: didn't
[roger_mcfillin]: didn't
[kel]: really
[roger_mcfillin]: really
[kel]: have
[roger_mcfillin]: have
[kel]: that
[roger_mcfillin]: that
[kel]: much
[roger_mcfillin]: much
[kel]: widespread
[roger_mcfillin]: wide sped
[kel]: exposure
[roger_mcfillin]: exposure
[kel]: to
[roger_mcfillin]: to
[kel]: what
[roger_mcfillin]: what
[kel]: a
[roger_mcfillin]: a
[kel]: mental
[roger_mcfillin]: mental
[kel]: illness
[roger_mcfillin]: illness
[kel]: or
[roger_mcfillin]: or
[kel]: a mental
[roger_mcfillin]: mental
[kel]: health
[roger_mcfillin]: health
[kel]: diagnosis
[roger_mcfillin]: diagnosis
[kel]: actually
[roger_mcfillin]: actually
[kel]: was
[roger_mcfillin]: was
[kel]: it was restricted
[roger_mcfillin]: restricted
[kel]: to
[roger_mcfillin]: to
[kel]: those
[roger_mcfillin]: those
[kel]: who
[roger_mcfillin]: who
[kel]: are
[roger_mcfillin]: were
[kel]: the
[roger_mcfillin]: in
[kel]: professionals
[roger_mcfillin]: the professional
[kel]: they
[roger_mcfillin]: s they
[kel]: knew
[roger_mcfillin]: knew
[kel]: the
[roger_mcfillin]: the
[kel]: criteria
[roger_mcfillin]: criteria
[kel]: they
[roger_mcfillin]: they
[kel]: knew
[roger_mcfillin]: knew
[kel]: the
[roger_mcfillin]: the
[kel]: research
[roger_mcfillin]: research
[kel]: and
[roger_mcfillin]: and
[kel]: through
[roger_mcfillin]: through
[kel]: time
[roger_mcfillin]: time
[kel]: they
[roger_mcfillin]: they
[kel]: could
[roger_mcfillin]: could
[kel]: get
[roger_mcfillin]: get
[kel]: to
[roger_mcfillin]: to
[kel]: know
[roger_mcfillin]: know
[kel]: somebody
[roger_mcfillin]: somebody
[kel]: and
[roger_mcfillin]: and
[kel]: understand
[roger_mcfillin]: understand
[kel]: their
[roger_mcfillin]: their
[kel]: patterns
[roger_mcfillin]: patterns
[kel]: their
[roger_mcfillin]: and
[kel]: way
[roger_mcfillin]: way
[kel]: of
[roger_mcfillin]: of
[kel]: thinking
[roger_mcfillin]: thinking
[kel]: any
[roger_mcfillin]: many
[kel]: behaviors
[roger_mcfillin]: behaviors
[kel]: or
[roger_mcfillin]: or
[kel]: so
[roger_mcfillin]: so
[kel]: forth
[roger_mcfillin]: forth
[kel]: that
[roger_mcfillin]: that
[kel]: could
[roger_mcfillin]: could
[kel]: be
[roger_mcfillin]: be
[kel]: problematic
[roger_mcfillin]: problematic
[kel]: and
[roger_mcfillin]: and
[kel]: interfering
[roger_mcfillin]: interfering
[kel]: with
[roger_mcfillin]: with
[kel]: their
[roger_mcfillin]: their
[kel]: life
[roger_mcfillin]: life
[kel]: and
[roger_mcfillin]: and
[kel]: therefore
[roger_mcfillin]: therefore
[kel]: you
[roger_mcfillin]: you
[kel]: would
[roger_mcfillin]: would
[kel]: attain
[roger_mcfillin]: obtain
[kel]: a diagnosis
[roger_mcfillin]: a diet of this
[kel]: and
[roger_mcfillin]: and
[kel]: receive
[roger_mcfillin]: receive
[kel]: some
[roger_mcfillin]: some
[kel]: form
[roger_mcfillin]: form
[kel]: of
[roger_mcfillin]: of
[kel]: treatment
[roger_mcfillin]: treatment at the ultima
[kel]: to make goal
[roger_mcfillin]: goal
[kel]: always
[roger_mcfillin]: always
[kel]: is it grounded
[roger_mcfillin]: grounded
[kel]: in
[roger_mcfillin]: in
[kel]: some
[roger_mcfillin]: some
[kel]: form
[roger_mcfillin]: form
[kel]: of
[roger_mcfillin]: of
[kel]: evidence
[roger_mcfillin]: evidence
[kel]: based
[roger_mcfillin]: base
[kel]: where
[roger_mcfillin]: where
[kel]: clinicians
[roger_mcfillin]: clinicians
[kel]: can
[roger_mcfillin]: can
[kel]: make
[roger_mcfillin]: make
[kel]: clinical
[roger_mcfillin]: clinical
[kel]: decisions
[roger_mcfillin]: decision
[kel]: and
[roger_mcfillin]: and
[kel]: take
[roger_mcfillin]: take
[kel]: a person
[roger_mcfillin]: a person
[kel]: through
[roger_mcfillin]: through
[kel]: a course
[roger_mcfillin]: a course
[kel]: of
[roger_mcfillin]: of
[kel]: treatment
[roger_mcfillin]: treatment
[kel]: in some
[roger_mcfillin]: in some
[kel]: way
[roger_mcfillin]: way
[kel]: those
[roger_mcfillin]: those
[kel]: times
[roger_mcfillin]: times
[kel]: are
[roger_mcfillin]: are
[kel]: over
[roger_mcfillin]: over
[kel]: falls
[roger_mcfillin]: falls
[kel]: reminds
[roger_mcfillin]: reminds
[kel]: me of
[roger_mcfillin]: me of
[kel]: a
[roger_mcfillin]: the
[kel]: story
[roger_mcfillin]: story
[kel]: and this
[roger_mcfillin]: and this
[kel]: was
[roger_mcfillin]: was
[kel]: years
[roger_mcfillin]: years
[kel]: back
[roger_mcfillin]: back
[kel]: i
[roger_mcfillin]: and
[kel]: was
[roger_mcfillin]: was
[kel]: working
[roger_mcfillin]: working
[kel]: with
[roger_mcfillin]: with
[kel]: this
[roger_mcfillin]: this
[kel]: precocious
[roger_mcfillin]: precocious
[kel]: teen
[roger_mcfillin]: teen
[kel]: ager
[roger_mcfillin]: ager
[kel]: who
[roger_mcfillin]: who
[kel]: certainly
[roger_mcfillin]: certainly
[kel]: was
[roger_mcfillin]: was
[kel]: struggling
[roger_mcfillin]: struggling
[kel]: with
[roger_mcfillin]: with
[kel]: her
[roger_mcfillin]: her
[kel]: own
[roger_mcfillin]: own
[kel]: personal
[roger_mcfillin]: personal
[kel]: entity
[roger_mcfillin]: entity
[kel]: development
[roger_mcfillin]: development
[kel]: she
[roger_mcfillin]: she
[kel]: was
[roger_mcfillin]: was
[kel]: on
[roger_mcfillin]: on
[kel]: the
[roger_mcfillin]: the
[kel]: younger
[roger_mcfillin]: younger
[kel]: and
[roger_mcfillin]: and
[kel]: very
[roger_mcfillin]: very
[kel]: very
[roger_mcfillin]: very
[kel]: bright
[roger_mcfillin]: bright
[kel]: family
[roger_mcfillin]: family
[kel]: problems
[roger_mcfillin]: problems
[kel]: and
[roger_mcfillin]: and
[kel]: a number
[roger_mcfillin]: a number
[kel]: of
[roger_mcfillin]: of
[kel]: things
[roger_mcfillin]: things
[kel]: and
[roger_mcfillin]: and
[kel]: she
[roger_mcfillin]: she
[kel]: came
[roger_mcfillin]: came
[kel]: to
[roger_mcfillin]: to
[kel]: me
[roger_mcfillin]: me
[kel]: in
[roger_mcfillin]: in
[kel]: a session
[roger_mcfillin]: a session
[kel]: you
[roger_mcfillin]: you
[kel]: know kind
[roger_mcfillin]: kind
[kel]: of
[roger_mcfillin]: of
[kel]: laughing
[roger_mcfillin]: laughing
[kel]: that
[roger_mcfillin]: that
[kel]: she
[roger_mcfillin]: she
[kel]: got
[roger_mcfillin]: got
[kel]: three
[roger_mcfillin]: three
[kel]: more
[roger_mcfillin]: mor
[kel]: diagnoses
[roger_mcfillin]: diagnosis
[kel]: from
[roger_mcfillin]: from
[kel]: her
[roger_mcfillin]: her
[kel]: psychiatrist
[roger_mcfillin]: psychiatrist
[kel]: and
[roger_mcfillin]: and
[kel]: you know
[roger_mcfillin]: you know
[kel]: i kind
[roger_mcfillin]: i could
[kel]: of
[roger_mcfillin]: a
[kel]: questioned
[roger_mcfillin]: questioned
[kel]: you
[roger_mcfillin]: you
[kel]: know
[roger_mcfillin]: know
[kel]: what
[roger_mcfillin]: what
[kel]: was
[roger_mcfillin]: was
[kel]: the
[roger_mcfillin]: the
[kel]: nature
[roger_mcfillin]: nature
[kel]: of
[roger_mcfillin]: of
[kel]: the
[roger_mcfillin]: the
[kel]: meeting
[roger_mcfillin]: meeting
[kel]: and
[roger_mcfillin]: and
[kel]: what
[roger_mcfillin]: what
[kel]: diagnosis
[roger_mcfillin]: diagnosis
[kel]: did
[roger_mcfillin]: did
[kel]: you
[roger_mcfillin]: you
[kel]: receive
[roger_mcfillin]: receive
[kel]: you
[roger_mcfillin]: you
[kel]: know
[roger_mcfillin]: know
[kel]: try
[roger_mcfillin]: try
[kel]: and
[roger_mcfillin]: and
[kel]: assess
[roger_mcfillin]: assess
[kel]: like
[roger_mcfillin]: like
[kel]: the
[roger_mcfillin]: the
[kel]: purpose
[roger_mcfillin]: purpose
[kel]: and
[roger_mcfillin]: and
[kel]: function
[roger_mcfillin]: function
[kel]: of
[roger_mcfillin]: of
[kel]: this
[roger_mcfillin]: this and
[kel]: she
[roger_mcfillin]: she
[kel]: told
[roger_mcfillin]: told
[kel]: me that
[roger_mcfillin]: me that
[kel]: she
[roger_mcfillin]: she
[kel]: was
[roger_mcfillin]: was
[kel]: on
[roger_mcfillin]: on
[kel]: the
[roger_mcfillin]: the
[kel]: internet
[roger_mcfillin]: internet
[kel]: and
[roger_mcfillin]: and
[kel]: like
[roger_mcfillin]: like
[kel]: doing
[roger_mcfillin]: doing
[kel]: a lot
[roger_mcfillin]: a lot
[kel]: of
[roger_mcfillin]: of
[kel]: research
[roger_mcfillin]: research
[kel]: about
[roger_mcfillin]: about
[kel]: how
[roger_mcfillin]: how
[kel]: to get
[roger_mcfillin]: to get
[kel]: a diagnosis
[roger_mcfillin]: a diagnosis
[kel]: of
[roger_mcfillin]: of
[kel]: o
[roger_mcfillin]: o
[kel]: c
[roger_mcfillin]: c
[kel]: d so
[roger_mcfillin]: so
[kel]: she
[roger_mcfillin]: she
[kel]: kind
[roger_mcfillin]: kind
[kel]: of
[roger_mcfillin]: of
[kel]: played
[roger_mcfillin]: played
[kel]: it
[roger_mcfillin]: it
[kel]: out
[roger_mcfillin]: out
[kel]: with with
[roger_mcfillin]: with
[kel]: her
[roger_mcfillin]: her
[kel]: psychiatrist
[roger_mcfillin]: psychiatrist
[kel]: and
[roger_mcfillin]: and
[kel]: a psychiatrist
[roger_mcfillin]: a psychiatrist
[kel]: gave
[roger_mcfillin]: gave
[kel]: her
[roger_mcfillin]: her
[kel]: a number
[roger_mcfillin]: a number
[kel]: of
[roger_mcfillin]: of
[kel]: check
[roger_mcfillin]: check
[kel]: lists
[roger_mcfillin]: list
[kel]: and assessment
[roger_mcfillin]: assessment
[kel]: measures
[roger_mcfillin]: measures
[kel]: you know
[roger_mcfillin]: you know
[kel]: probably
[roger_mcfillin]: probably
[kel]: the
[roger_mcfillin]: the
[kel]: entire
[roger_mcfillin]: entire
[kel]: appointment
[roger_mcfillin]: appointment
[kel]: was
[roger_mcfillin]: was
[kel]: no
[roger_mcfillin]: no
[kel]: more
[roger_mcfillin]: more
[kel]: than
[roger_mcfillin]: than
[kel]: forty
[roger_mcfillin]: forty
[kel]: minutes
[roger_mcfillin]: minutes
[kel]: probably
[roger_mcfillin]: probably
[kel]: less
[roger_mcfillin]: less
[kel]: than
[roger_mcfillin]: than
[kel]: thirty
[roger_mcfillin]: thirty
[kel]: minutes
[roger_mcfillin]: minutes
[kel]: and
[roger_mcfillin]: and
[kel]: the
[roger_mcfillin]: the
[kel]: scary
[roger_mcfillin]: scary
[kel]: thing
[roger_mcfillin]: thing
[kel]: about
[roger_mcfillin]: about
[kel]: it
[roger_mcfillin]: it
[kel]: was
[roger_mcfillin]: was
[kel]: that
[roger_mcfillin]: that
[kel]: she
[roger_mcfillin]: she
[kel]: received
[roger_mcfillin]: received
[kel]: new
[roger_mcfillin]: new
[kel]: prescription
[roger_mcfillin]: prescription
[kel]: drugs
[roger_mcfillin]: rugs
[kel]: so she
[roger_mcfillin]: she
[kel]: was
[roger_mcfillin]: was
[kel]: laughing because she
[roger_mcfillin]: he
[kel]: totally
[roger_mcfillin]: ate
[kel]: manipulated the system she
[roger_mcfillin]: she
[kel]: just
[roger_mcfillin]: just
[kel]: manipulated
[roger_mcfillin]: manipulated
[kel]: the
[roger_mcfillin]: the
[kel]: she thought it was
[roger_mcfillin]: the
[kel]: the whole thing was a joke it
[roger_mcfillin]: it
[kel]: was
[roger_mcfillin]: was
[kel]: it was
[roger_mcfillin]: it was
[kel]: a joke
[roger_mcfillin]: a joke
[kel]: to
[roger_mcfillin]: to
[kel]: her now
[roger_mcfillin]: now
[kel]: i
[roger_mcfillin]: i
[kel]: think
[roger_mcfillin]: think
[kel]: there
[roger_mcfillin]: there
[kel]: was
[roger_mcfillin]: were
[kel]: some
[roger_mcfillin]: some
[kel]: secondary
[roger_mcfillin]: secondary
[kel]: gain
[roger_mcfillin]: gain
[kel]: or
[roger_mcfillin]: or
[kel]: other
[roger_mcfillin]: other
[kel]: functions
[roger_mcfillin]: functions
[kel]: to
[roger_mcfillin]: to
[kel]: this
[roger_mcfillin]: this
[kel]: obviously
[roger_mcfillin]: obviously
[kel]: it's
[roger_mcfillin]: it's
[kel]: somewhat
[roger_mcfillin]: somewhat
[kel]: out
[roger_mcfillin]: out
[kel]: of
[roger_mcfillin]: of
[kel]: the
[roger_mcfillin]: the
[kel]: was
[roger_mcfillin]: was
[kel]: some
[roger_mcfillin]: some
[kel]: out
[roger_mcfillin]: adam
[kel]: of the
[roger_mcfillin]: be
[kel]: norm
[roger_mcfillin]: warm
[kel]: at that
[roger_mcfillin]: at that
[kel]: time
[roger_mcfillin]: time
[kel]: for
[roger_mcfillin]: for
[kel]: a teen
[roger_mcfillin]: a teen
[kel]: ager
[roger_mcfillin]: ager
[kel]: to
[roger_mcfillin]: to
[kel]: be
[roger_mcfillin]: be
[kel]: seeking
[roger_mcfillin]: seeking
[kel]: out
[roger_mcfillin]: out
[kel]: these
[roger_mcfillin]: these
[kel]: diagnoses
[roger_mcfillin]: diagnosis
[kel]: she
[roger_mcfillin]: she
[kel]: certainly
[roger_mcfillin]: certainly
[kel]: chose
[roger_mcfillin]: chose
[kel]: to
[roger_mcfillin]: to
[kel]: talk
[roger_mcfillin]: talk
[kel]: to
[roger_mcfillin]: to
[kel]: talk
[roger_mcfillin]: talk
[kel]: to me
[roger_mcfillin]: to me
[kel]: openly
[roger_mcfillin]: openly
[kel]: about
[roger_mcfillin]: about
[kel]: it
[roger_mcfillin]: it
[kel]: in
[roger_mcfillin]: and
[kel]: in a therapy
[roger_mcfillin]: a therapy
[kel]: session
[roger_mcfillin]: session
[kel]: so
[roger_mcfillin]: so
[kel]: it's
[roger_mcfillin]: it's
[kel]: not
[roger_mcfillin]: not
[kel]: something
[roger_mcfillin]: something
[kel]: she
[roger_mcfillin]: she
[kel]: was
[roger_mcfillin]: was
[kel]: like hiding
[roger_mcfillin]: hiding
[kel]: um
[roger_mcfillin]: um
[kel]: so
[roger_mcfillin]: so
[kel]: i think
[roger_mcfillin]: i think
[kel]: she
[roger_mcfillin]: she
[kel]: had
[roger_mcfillin]: had
[kel]: like
[roger_mcfillin]: like
[kel]: a
[roger_mcfillin]: a
[kel]: post
[roger_mcfillin]: post
[kel]: traumatic
[roger_mcfillin]: traumatic
[kel]: stress
[roger_mcfillin]: stress
[kel]: disorder
[roger_mcfillin]: disorder
[kel]: diagnosis
[roger_mcfillin]: diagnosis
[kel]: so
[roger_mcfillin]: so
[kel]: she
[roger_mcfillin]: she
[kel]: made
[roger_mcfillin]: made
[kel]: up
[roger_mcfillin]: up
[kel]: some
[roger_mcfillin]: some
[kel]: events
[roger_mcfillin]: events
[kel]: that
[roger_mcfillin]: that
[kel]: happened
[roger_mcfillin]: happened
[kel]: in her
[roger_mcfillin]: in her
[kel]: past
[roger_mcfillin]: past
[kel]: and
[roger_mcfillin]: and
[kel]: started
[roger_mcfillin]: started
[kel]: describing
[roger_mcfillin]: describing
[kel]: symptoms
[roger_mcfillin]: symptoms
[kel]: and how
[roger_mcfillin]: how
[kel]: it
[roger_mcfillin]: it
[kel]: moved
[roger_mcfillin]: moved
[kel]: into
[roger_mcfillin]: into
[kel]: o
[roger_mcfillin]: o
[kel]: c
[roger_mcfillin]: c
[kel]: d
[roger_mcfillin]: d
[kel]: then
[roger_mcfillin]: then
[kel]: there
[roger_mcfillin]: there
[kel]: was
[roger_mcfillin]: was
[kel]: shifts
[roger_mcfillin]: shifting
[kel]: and in
[roger_mcfillin]: in
[kel]: psychiatric
[roger_mcfillin]: psychuatricdrugs
[kel]: drugs and
[roger_mcfillin]: and
[kel]: medication
[roger_mcfillin]: medication
[kel]: obviously
[roger_mcfillin]: obviously
[kel]: that
[roger_mcfillin]: that
[kel]: was
[roger_mcfillin]: was
[kel]: quite
[roger_mcfillin]: quite
[kel]: concerning
[roger_mcfillin]: concerning
[kel]: to
[roger_mcfillin]: to
[kel]: me
[roger_mcfillin]: me
[kel]: and
[roger_mcfillin]: and
[kel]: i had
[roger_mcfillin]: i had
[kel]: to get
[roger_mcfillin]: to get
[kel]: on the
[roger_mcfillin]: on
[kel]: phone
[roger_mcfillin]: one
[kel]: and
[roger_mcfillin]: and
[kel]: talk
[roger_mcfillin]: talk
[kel]: to
[roger_mcfillin]: to
[kel]: that
[roger_mcfillin]: that
[kel]: sakhiatrust
[roger_mcfillin]: kiatrust
[kel]: i'm
[roger_mcfillin]: i'm
[kel]: not
[roger_mcfillin]: not
[kel]: saying
[roger_mcfillin]: saying
[kel]: this
[roger_mcfillin]: this
[kel]: is
[roger_mcfillin]: is
[kel]: typical
[roger_mcfillin]: typical
[kel]: usually
[roger_mcfillin]: usually
[kel]: you
[roger_mcfillin]: you
[kel]: know
[roger_mcfillin]: know
[kel]: most
[roger_mcfillin]: most
[kel]: professionals
[roger_mcfillin]: professionals
[kel]: are
[roger_mcfillin]: are
[kel]: open
[roger_mcfillin]: open
[kel]: and
[roger_mcfillin]: and
[kel]: we have
[roger_mcfillin]: we have
[kel]: conversation
[roger_mcfillin]: conversation
[kel]: but
[roger_mcfillin]: but
[kel]: this
[roger_mcfillin]: this
[kel]: particular
[roger_mcfillin]: particular
[kel]: psychiatrist
[roger_mcfillin]: psychiatrist
[kel]: for
[roger_mcfillin]: for
[kel]: whatever
[roger_mcfillin]: whatever
[kel]: reason
[roger_mcfillin]: reason
[kel]: wanted
[roger_mcfillin]: wanted
[kel]: to
[roger_mcfillin]: to
[kel]: defend
[roger_mcfillin]: defend
[kel]: the
[roger_mcfillin]: the
[kel]: validity
[roger_mcfillin]: validity
[kel]: of
[roger_mcfillin]: of
[kel]: her
[roger_mcfillin]: her
[kel]: diagnosis
[roger_mcfillin]: diet
[kel]: the
[roger_mcfillin]: the
[kel]: diagnosis
[roger_mcfillin]: diagnosis
[kel]: that
[roger_mcfillin]: that
[kel]: was
[roger_mcfillin]: was
[kel]: just
[roger_mcfillin]: just
[kel]: provided
[roger_mcfillin]: provided
[kel]: in
[roger_mcfillin]: in
[kel]: a
[roger_mcfillin]: a
[kel]: short
[roger_mcfillin]: short
[kel]: period
[roger_mcfillin]: period
[kel]: of
[roger_mcfillin]: of
[kel]: time
[roger_mcfillin]: time
[kel]: through
[roger_mcfillin]: through
[kel]: check
[roger_mcfillin]: check
[kel]: list
[roger_mcfillin]: list
[kel]: and
[roger_mcfillin]: and
[kel]: this
[roger_mcfillin]: this
[kel]: was
[roger_mcfillin]: was
[kel]: before
[roger_mcfillin]: before
[kel]: i
[roger_mcfillin]: i
[kel]: started
[roger_mcfillin]: started
[kel]: being
[roger_mcfillin]: being
[kel]: open
[roger_mcfillin]: open
[kel]: on
[roger_mcfillin]: on
[kel]: social
[roger_mcfillin]: social
[kel]: media
[roger_mcfillin]: media
[kel]: about
[roger_mcfillin]: about
[kel]: the
[roger_mcfillin]: the
[kel]: limitations
[roger_mcfillin]: limitations
[kel]: of
[roger_mcfillin]: of
[kel]: the
[roger_mcfillin]: the
[kel]: d
[roger_mcfillin]: d
[kel]: s
[roger_mcfillin]: s
[kel]: m
[roger_mcfillin]: m
[kel]: and
[roger_mcfillin]: in
[kel]: the
[roger_mcfillin]: the
[kel]: psychiatric
[roger_mcfillin]: psychiatric
[kel]: interview
[roger_mcfillin]: interview
[kel]: and
[roger_mcfillin]: and
[kel]: so
[roger_mcfillin]: so
[kel]: forth
[roger_mcfillin]: forth
[kel]: but
[roger_mcfillin]: but
[kel]: it
[roger_mcfillin]: it
[kel]: really
[roger_mcfillin]: really
[kel]: give
[roger_mcfillin]: gave
[kel]: me
[roger_mcfillin]: me
[kel]: so
[roger_mcfillin]: so
[kel]: much
[roger_mcfillin]: much
[kel]: valuable
[roger_mcfillin]: valuable
[kel]: information
[roger_mcfillin]: information
[kel]: about
[roger_mcfillin]: about
[kel]: what
[roger_mcfillin]: what
[kel]: the
[roger_mcfillin]: the
[kel]: nature
[roger_mcfillin]: nature
[kel]: of our
[roger_mcfillin]: of our
[kel]: health
[roger_mcfillin]: health
[kel]: care
[roger_mcfillin]: care
[kel]: system
[roger_mcfillin]: system
[kel]: has
[roger_mcfillin]: has
[kel]: evolved
[roger_mcfillin]: evolved
[kel]: to
[roger_mcfillin]: to
[kel]: its
[roger_mcfillin]: it's
[kel]: an
[roger_mcfillin]: an
[kel]: assembly
[roger_mcfillin]: assembly
[kel]: line
[roger_mcfillin]: line
[kel]: in
[roger_mcfillin]: in
[kel]: so
[roger_mcfillin]: so
[kel]: many
[roger_mcfillin]: many
[kel]: ways
[roger_mcfillin]: ways
[kel]: of like
[roger_mcfillin]: of
[kel]: check
[roger_mcfillin]: check
[kel]: check
[roger_mcfillin]: check
[kel]: lists
[roger_mcfillin]: list
[kel]: and
[roger_mcfillin]: and
[kel]: symptoms
[roger_mcfillin]: symptoms
[kel]: and
[roger_mcfillin]: and
[kel]: that
[roger_mcfillin]: that
[kel]: meeting
[roger_mcfillin]: meeting
[kel]: with
[roger_mcfillin]: with
[kel]: the
[roger_mcfillin]: the
[kel]: psychiatrist
[roger_mcfillin]: psychiatrist
[kel]: and
[roger_mcfillin]: and
[kel]: the
[roger_mcfillin]: the
[kel]: diagnosis
[roger_mcfillin]: diagnosis
[kel]: lacked
[roger_mcfillin]: lacked
[kel]: any
[roger_mcfillin]: any
[kel]: real
[roger_mcfillin]: real
[kel]: depth
[roger_mcfillin]: depth or
[kel]: connection
[roger_mcfillin]: connection
[kel]: or
[roger_mcfillin]: or
[kel]: understanding
[roger_mcfillin]: understanding
[kel]: with
[roger_mcfillin]: with
[kel]: the
[roger_mcfillin]: the
[kel]: nature
[roger_mcfillin]: nature
[kel]: of
[roger_mcfillin]: of
[kel]: the
[roger_mcfillin]: the
[kel]: person
[roger_mcfillin]: person
[kel]: in
[roger_mcfillin]: in
[kel]: front
[roger_mcfillin]: front
[kel]: of them
[roger_mcfillin]: of them and
[kel]: the
[roger_mcfillin]: the
[kel]: prescription
[roger_mcfillin]: prescription
[kel]: drugs
[roger_mcfillin]: drugs
[kel]: that
[roger_mcfillin]: that
[kel]: were
[roger_mcfillin]: were
[kel]: prescribed
[roger_mcfillin]: prescribed
[kel]: were
[roger_mcfillin]: were
[kel]: off
[roger_mcfillin]: off
[kel]: label
[roger_mcfillin]: label
[kel]: prescription
[roger_mcfillin]: prescription
[kel]: drugs
[roger_mcfillin]: drugs
[kel]: her
[roger_mcfillin]: her
[kel]: age
[roger_mcfillin]: age
[kel]: range
[roger_mcfillin]: range
[kel]: and
[roger_mcfillin]: and
[kel]: i
[roger_mcfillin]: i
[kel]: was
[roger_mcfillin]: was
[kel]: just
[roger_mcfillin]: just
[kel]: absolutely
[roger_mcfillin]: absolutely
[kel]: appalled
[roger_mcfillin]: appalled by
[kel]: the
[roger_mcfillin]: the
[kel]: arrogance
[roger_mcfillin]: air again
[kel]: of this
[roger_mcfillin]: this
[kel]: medical
[roger_mcfillin]: medical
[kel]: professional
[roger_mcfillin]: professional
[kel]: who
[roger_mcfillin]: who
[kel]: believed
[roger_mcfillin]: believed
[kel]: her
[roger_mcfillin]: her
[kel]: diagnosis
[roger_mcfillin]: diagnosis
[kel]: were
[roger_mcfillin]: were
[kel]: legitimate
[roger_mcfillin]: legitimate
[kel]: and
[roger_mcfillin]: and
[kel]: it
[roger_mcfillin]: it
[kel]: got
[roger_mcfillin]: got
[kel]: into
[roger_mcfillin]: two
[kel]: like
[roger_mcfillin]: like
[kel]: questions
[roger_mcfillin]: questions
[kel]: about
[roger_mcfillin]: about
[kel]: stigma
[roger_mcfillin]: stigma
[kel]: or
[roger_mcfillin]: or
[kel]: decreasing
[roger_mcfillin]: depreasing
[kel]: stigma
[roger_mcfillin]: stigma
[kel]: and
[roger_mcfillin]: and you need
[kel]: to
[roger_mcfillin]: to
[kel]: believe
[roger_mcfillin]: believe
[kel]: somebody
[roger_mcfillin]: somebody
[kel]: when
[roger_mcfillin]: when
[kel]: they
[roger_mcfillin]: they
[kel]: tell
[roger_mcfillin]: tell
[kel]: you
[roger_mcfillin]: you
[kel]: and
[roger_mcfillin]: and
[kel]: it's
[roger_mcfillin]: it's
[kel]: only
[roger_mcfillin]: only
[kel]: for the
[roger_mcfillin]: the
[kel]: last
[roger_mcfillin]: last
[kel]: few
[roger_mcfillin]: few
[kel]: years
[roger_mcfillin]: years
[kel]: where
[roger_mcfillin]: where
[kel]: a number
[roger_mcfillin]: a number
[kel]: of
[roger_mcfillin]: of
[kel]: things
[roger_mcfillin]: things
[kel]: have
[roger_mcfillin]: a
[kel]: kind
[roger_mcfillin]: kind
[kel]: of
[roger_mcfillin]: of
[kel]: exploded
[roger_mcfillin]: exploded
[kel]: in
[roger_mcfillin]: in
[kel]: our
[roger_mcfillin]: our
[kel]: society
[roger_mcfillin]: society
[kel]: one
[roger_mcfillin]: one
[kel]: of
[roger_mcfillin]: of
[kel]: them
[roger_mcfillin]: them
[kel]: is
[roger_mcfillin]: is
[kel]: the
[roger_mcfillin]: the
[kel]: social
[roger_mcfillin]: social
[kel]: media
[roger_mcfillin]: media
[kel]: app
[roger_mcfillin]: of
[kel]: tik
[roger_mcfillin]: tik
[kel]: tok
[roger_mcfillin]: tok
[kel]: and
[roger_mcfillin]: and
[kel]: it's
[roger_mcfillin]: it's
[kel]: not
[roger_mcfillin]: not
[kel]: something
[roger_mcfillin]: something
[kel]: that
[roger_mcfillin]: that
[kel]: i've
[roger_mcfillin]: i've
[kel]: really
[roger_mcfillin]: really
[kel]: ever
[roger_mcfillin]: ever
[kel]: been
[roger_mcfillin]: been
[kel]: on
[roger_mcfillin]: and
[kel]: i think
[roger_mcfillin]: i think
[kel]: it's
[roger_mcfillin]: it's
[kel]: really
[roger_mcfillin]: really
[kel]: designed
[roger_mcfillin]: designed
[kel]: for
[roger_mcfillin]: for three
[kel]: young
[roger_mcfillin]: young
[kel]: people
[roger_mcfillin]: people
[kel]: you
[roger_mcfillin]: you
[kel]: guys
[roger_mcfillin]: guys
[kel]: might
[roger_mcfillin]: might
[kel]: know
[roger_mcfillin]: know
[kel]: more
[roger_mcfillin]: more
[kel]: about
[roger_mcfillin]: about
[kel]: tik
[roger_mcfillin]: tik
[kel]: tok
[roger_mcfillin]: tok
[kel]: i mean tiktok you go on and
the video
[roger_mcfillin]: video
[kel]: plays immediately and it's based off of
anything that you enjoy or like
[roger_mcfillin]: like
[kel]: so when you start hitting the hard
button it creates this kind of like algorithm
[roger_mcfillin]: or
[kel]: of trends
[roger_mcfillin]: trends
[kel]: that and it will
[roger_mcfillin]: i'll
[kel]: give
[roger_mcfillin]: give
[kel]: you
[roger_mcfillin]: you more
[kel]: of what you want um basically
[roger_mcfillin]: basically
[kel]: it's the epitome
[roger_mcfillin]: pity
[kel]: of kind of confirmation bias where if
[roger_mcfillin]: i
[kel]: like
[roger_mcfillin]: like
[kel]: something and
[roger_mcfillin]: you
[kel]: i like the videos and it's going
to keep
[roger_mcfillin]: keep
[kel]: showing
[roger_mcfillin]: showing
[kel]: me all
[roger_mcfillin]: all
[kel]: of those
[roger_mcfillin]: of those
[kel]: videos and all i have to do
is just kind of scroll up i can
[kel]: get rid of something within like half
a second if i don't like it it's
[roger_mcfillin]: it's
[kel]: pretty
[roger_mcfillin]: pretty
[kel]: it's pretty addictive
[roger_mcfillin]: thick
[kel]: so then you
[roger_mcfillin]: you
[kel]: just
[roger_mcfillin]: just
[kel]: keep getting
[roger_mcfillin]: get
[kel]: sere the ones
[roger_mcfillin]: one
[kel]: that
[roger_mcfillin]: that
[kel]: you actually
[roger_mcfillin]: actually
[kel]: watch sometimes and sometimes now there's versions
of versions that absolutely and it's
[roger_mcfillin]: it's
[kel]: like
[roger_mcfillin]: like
[kel]: constant
[roger_mcfillin]: constant
[kel]: dopamin
[roger_mcfillin]: dopaminhits
[kel]: hits right
[roger_mcfillin]: right
[kel]: like
[roger_mcfillin]: like
[kel]: some
[roger_mcfillin]: some
[kel]: of them
[roger_mcfillin]: of them
[kel]: are
[roger_mcfillin]: are
[kel]: funny
[roger_mcfillin]: funny
[kel]: some
[roger_mcfillin]: some
[kel]: of
[roger_mcfillin]: of
[kel]: them
[roger_mcfillin]: them
[kel]: are
[roger_mcfillin]: are
[kel]: interesting
[roger_mcfillin]: interesting
[kel]: but
[roger_mcfillin]: but
[kel]: you
[roger_mcfillin]: you
[kel]: end
[roger_mcfillin]: end
[kel]: up
[roger_mcfillin]: up
[kel]: getting
[roger_mcfillin]: getting
[kel]: filtered
[roger_mcfillin]: filtered
[kel]: into
[roger_mcfillin]: into
[kel]: like areas
[roger_mcfillin]: areas
[kel]: where
[roger_mcfillin]: where
[kel]: i think
[roger_mcfillin]: i think
[kel]: you
[roger_mcfillin]: you
[kel]: have
[roger_mcfillin]: have
[kel]: kind of an
[roger_mcfillin]: an
[kel]: interest
[roger_mcfillin]: interest
[kel]: and
[roger_mcfillin]: and
[kel]: what's
[roger_mcfillin]: what's
[kel]: kind
[roger_mcfillin]: kind
[kel]: of
[roger_mcfillin]: of
[kel]: blown
[roger_mcfillin]: blown
[kel]: up
[roger_mcfillin]: up
[kel]: over
[roger_mcfillin]: over
[kel]: the
[roger_mcfillin]: the
[kel]: past
[roger_mcfillin]: past
[kel]: year
[roger_mcfillin]: year
[kel]: has
[roger_mcfillin]: has
[kel]: been like
[roger_mcfillin]: like
[kel]: certain
[roger_mcfillin]: certain
[kel]: trends
[roger_mcfillin]: trends
[kel]: around
[roger_mcfillin]: around
[kel]: like
[roger_mcfillin]: like
[kel]: faking
[roger_mcfillin]: faking
[kel]: mental
[roger_mcfillin]: mental
[kel]: illness
[roger_mcfillin]: illness
[kel]: or
[roger_mcfillin]: or
[kel]: describing
[roger_mcfillin]: describing
[kel]: mental
[roger_mcfillin]: mental
[kel]: illness
[roger_mcfillin]: illness
[kel]: and
[roger_mcfillin]: and
[kel]: it's
[roger_mcfillin]: it's
[kel]: this
[roger_mcfillin]: this
[kel]: new
[roger_mcfillin]: new
[kel]: phenomenon
[roger_mcfillin]: phenomenon
[kel]: in
[roger_mcfillin]: in
[kel]: the
[roger_mcfillin]: the
[kel]: mental
[roger_mcfillin]: mental
[kel]: health
[roger_mcfillin]: health
[kel]: field
[roger_mcfillin]: field
[kel]: where
[roger_mcfillin]: where
[kel]: if
[roger_mcfillin]: if
[kel]: you
[roger_mcfillin]: you
[kel]: are
[roger_mcfillin]: are
[kel]: not
[roger_mcfillin]: not
[kel]: aware
[roger_mcfillin]: ware
[kel]: of
[roger_mcfillin]: of
[kel]: this
[roger_mcfillin]: this
[kel]: phenomenon
[roger_mcfillin]: phenomenon
[kel]: where
[roger_mcfillin]: where
[kel]: young
[roger_mcfillin]: young
[kel]: people
[roger_mcfillin]: people
[kel]: mostly
[roger_mcfillin]: mostly
[kel]: vulnerable
[roger_mcfillin]: vulnerable
[kel]: teen agers
[roger_mcfillin]: agers
[kel]: are
[roger_mcfillin]: are
[kel]: constantly
[roger_mcfillin]: constantly
[kel]: on
[roger_mcfillin]: on
[kel]: these
[roger_mcfillin]: these taps
[kel]: apps and
[roger_mcfillin]: and
[kel]: they
[roger_mcfillin]: they
[kel]: are
[roger_mcfillin]: are
[kel]: kind
[roger_mcfillin]: kind
[kel]: of
[roger_mcfillin]: of
[kel]: seeking
[roger_mcfillin]: seeking
[kel]: out
[roger_mcfillin]: out
[kel]: like
[roger_mcfillin]: like
[kel]: information
[roger_mcfillin]: information
[kel]: or
[roger_mcfillin]: where
[kel]: they're
[roger_mcfillin]: they're
[kel]: trying
[roger_mcfillin]: trying
[kel]: to
[roger_mcfillin]: to
[kel]: define
[roger_mcfillin]: define
[kel]: themselves
[roger_mcfillin]: themselves
[kel]: and
[roger_mcfillin]: and
[kel]: they
[roger_mcfillin]: they
[kel]: get
[roger_mcfillin]: get
[kel]: kind
[roger_mcfillin]: kind
[kel]: of
[roger_mcfillin]: of
[kel]: caught
[roger_mcfillin]: cost
[kel]: in
[roger_mcfillin]: in
[kel]: that
[roger_mcfillin]: that
[kel]: algorithm
[roger_mcfillin]: algorithm you're
[kel]: re gonna
[roger_mcfillin]: gonna
[kel]: they're
[roger_mcfillin]: they're
[kel]: gonna
[roger_mcfillin]: gonna
[kel]: be exposed
[roger_mcfillin]: be exposed
[kel]: to
[roger_mcfillin]: to
[kel]: videos
[roger_mcfillin]: videos
[kel]: and
[roger_mcfillin]: and
[kel]: influencers
[roger_mcfillin]: influences
[kel]: who
[roger_mcfillin]: who
[kel]: are
[roger_mcfillin]: are
[kel]: pretty
[roger_mcfillin]: pretty
[kel]: much
[roger_mcfillin]: much
[kel]: like
[roger_mcfillin]: like
[kel]: telling
[roger_mcfillin]: telling
[kel]: you
[roger_mcfillin]: you
[kel]: or
[roger_mcfillin]: or
[kel]: diagnosing
[roger_mcfillin]: diagnosing
[kel]: you
[roger_mcfillin]: you
[kel]: with
[roger_mcfillin]: with
[kel]: mental
[roger_mcfillin]: mental
[kel]: illness
[roger_mcfillin]: illness
[kel]: so it's
[roger_mcfillin]: it's
[kel]: almost
[roger_mcfillin]: almost
[kel]: like
[roger_mcfillin]: like
[kel]: if you
[roger_mcfillin]: if you
[kel]: just
[roger_mcfillin]: just
[kel]: put
[roger_mcfillin]: put
[kel]: a search
[roger_mcfillin]: a search
[kel]: in
[roger_mcfillin]: in
[kel]: it
[roger_mcfillin]: like
[kel]: cum now if
[roger_mcfillin]: if
[kel]: you
[roger_mcfillin]: you
[kel]: know
[roger_mcfillin]: know
[kel]: you're
[roger_mcfillin]: you're
[kel]: diagnosed
[roger_mcfillin]: diagnosed
[kel]: with
[roger_mcfillin]: in
[kel]: by
[roger_mcfillin]: a
[kel]: polar
[roger_mcfillin]: polar
[kel]: if
[roger_mcfillin]: if
[kel]: or
[roger_mcfillin]: or
[kel]: like
[roger_mcfillin]: like
[kel]: you
[roger_mcfillin]: you
[kel]: know
[roger_mcfillin]: know
[kel]: how
[roger_mcfillin]: how
[kel]: do you
[roger_mcfillin]: do you
[kel]: know
[roger_mcfillin]: know
[kel]: you
[roger_mcfillin]: you
[kel]: have
[roger_mcfillin]: have
[kel]: by
[roger_mcfillin]: i
[kel]: pole
[roger_mcfillin]: polaryoumight
[kel]: but you might not even have to
put that search
[roger_mcfillin]: search
[kel]: in from
[roger_mcfillin]: from
[kel]: what
[roger_mcfillin]: what
[kel]: kelly
[roger_mcfillin]: kelly
[kel]: is saying is you
[roger_mcfillin]: you've
[kel]: could
[roger_mcfillin]: been
[kel]: someone
[roger_mcfillin]: one
[kel]: you
[roger_mcfillin]: you
[kel]: can
[roger_mcfillin]: can
[kel]: i guess
[roger_mcfillin]: guess
[kel]: flip
[roger_mcfillin]: flick
[kel]: up
[roger_mcfillin]: up
[kel]: and
[roger_mcfillin]: and
[kel]: eventually
[roger_mcfillin]: eventually
[kel]: stumble
[roger_mcfillin]: tumble
[kel]: upon
[roger_mcfillin]: upon
[kel]: one of
[roger_mcfillin]: one
[kel]: these
[roger_mcfillin]: of these
[kel]: videos
[roger_mcfillin]: videos
[kel]: watch
[roger_mcfillin]: watch
[kel]: it to
[roger_mcfillin]: it to
[kel]: completion
[roger_mcfillin]: completion
[kel]: and
[roger_mcfillin]: and
[kel]: then
[roger_mcfillin]: then
[kel]: get served another
[roger_mcfillin]: another
[kel]: one very
[roger_mcfillin]: very
[kel]: similar
[roger_mcfillin]: similar
[kel]: because you've watched the previous one
[roger_mcfillin]: on
[kel]: to completion
[roger_mcfillin]: pletionore
[kel]: and before you
[roger_mcfillin]: you
[kel]: know
[roger_mcfillin]: know
[kel]: it you're you're
[roger_mcfillin]: you're
[kel]: stuck
[roger_mcfillin]: stuck
[kel]: in that rabbit
[roger_mcfillin]: rather
[kel]: hole no
[roger_mcfillin]: no
[kel]: doubt
[roger_mcfillin]: doubt
[kel]: i mean
[roger_mcfillin]: i mean
[kel]: so
[roger_mcfillin]: so
[kel]: i
[roger_mcfillin]: i
[kel]: tried
[roger_mcfillin]: tried
[kel]: to
[roger_mcfillin]: to
[kel]: do
[roger_mcfillin]: do
[kel]: it yesterday
[roger_mcfillin]: it yesterday
[kel]: so
[roger_mcfillin]: so
[kel]: for
[roger_mcfillin]: for
[kel]: the
[roger_mcfillin]: the
[kel]: first
[roger_mcfillin]: first time
[kel]: i
[roger_mcfillin]: i
[kel]: started
[roger_mcfillin]: started
[kel]: like
[roger_mcfillin]: like
[kel]: putting
[roger_mcfillin]: putting
[kel]: in these
[roger_mcfillin]: in these
[kel]: hash
[roger_mcfillin]: hashtagns
[kel]: tags like
[roger_mcfillin]: like
[kel]: by
[roger_mcfillin]: by
[kel]: pole
[roger_mcfillin]: polrelatism
[kel]: or autismand
[roger_mcfillin]: i
[kel]: got
[roger_mcfillin]: got
[kel]: exposed
[roger_mcfillin]: exposed
[kel]: to
[roger_mcfillin]: to
[kel]: these
[roger_mcfillin]: these
[kel]: videos
[roger_mcfillin]: videos
[kel]: and
[roger_mcfillin]: and
[kel]: do you have it i
[roger_mcfillin]: i
[kel]: do
[roger_mcfillin]: do
[kel]: it's
[roger_mcfillin]: it's
[kel]: actually
[roger_mcfillin]: actually
[kel]: one
[roger_mcfillin]: one
[kel]: of
[roger_mcfillin]: of
[kel]: those
[roger_mcfillin]: those
[kel]: things
[roger_mcfillin]: things where
[kel]: or if
[roger_mcfillin]: if
[kel]: you
[roger_mcfillin]: you
[kel]: were
[roger_mcfillin]: were
[kel]: watching
[roger_mcfillin]: watching
[kel]: it and these
[roger_mcfillin]: these
[kel]: are
[roger_mcfillin]: are
[kel]: not
[roger_mcfillin]: not
[kel]: professionals
[roger_mcfillin]: professionals
[kel]: i
[roger_mcfillin]: i
[kel]: mean
[roger_mcfillin]: mean
[kel]: these
[roger_mcfillin]: these
[kel]: are
[roger_mcfillin]: are
[kel]: mostly
[roger_mcfillin]: mostly
[kel]: these
[roger_mcfillin]: these
[kel]: are
[roger_mcfillin]: are
[kel]: kids
[roger_mcfillin]: kids
[kel]: young
[roger_mcfillin]: young
[kel]: people
[roger_mcfillin]: people
[kel]: i'd
[roger_mcfillin]: i
[kel]: like
[roger_mcfillin]: like
[kel]: i'd
[roger_mcfillin]: i
[kel]: like
[roger_mcfillin]: like
[kel]: to get into that eventual because there
is a business
[roger_mcfillin]: ness
[kel]: component um and you know look
[roger_mcfillin]: look
[kel]: at all
[roger_mcfillin]: at all
[kel]: the
[roger_mcfillin]: the
[kel]: social media platforms and i think tik
tok is one that i think we can
[kel]: we can dissect
[roger_mcfillin]: and
[kel]: a little bit further but go ahead
[roger_mcfillin]: had
[kel]: you talked about influencers if individual post
one of these videos and all of a
[kel]: sudden gets all these lights then they
start getting these followers and once you get
[kel]: up to like i don't know five
sin to ten thousand and even more then
[roger_mcfillin]: then
[kel]: you
[roger_mcfillin]: he
[kel]: start you keep making those videos and
[roger_mcfillin]: it's
[kel]: just
[roger_mcfillin]: just
[kel]: they're
[roger_mcfillin]: there
[kel]: just
[roger_mcfillin]: just
[kel]: on it all the time watching you
and that the influence or part is what
[kel]: scares
[roger_mcfillin]: airs
[kel]: me because these are
[roger_mcfillin]: are
[kel]: not
[roger_mcfillin]: not
[kel]: medical
[roger_mcfillin]: medical
[kel]: professionals these are not anyone other than
just people that
[roger_mcfillin]: that
[kel]: have
[roger_mcfillin]: happen
[kel]: a lot followers know they're
[roger_mcfillin]: they're
[kel]: actually
[roger_mcfillin]: actually
[kel]: benefiting
[roger_mcfillin]: benefiting
[kel]: off
[roger_mcfillin]: off
[kel]: of
[roger_mcfillin]: of
[kel]: providing
[roger_mcfillin]: providing
[kel]: themselves
[roger_mcfillin]: themselves
[kel]: with
[roger_mcfillin]: with
[kel]: multiple
[roger_mcfillin]: multiple
[kel]: diagnosis
[roger_mcfillin]: diagnosis
[kel]: it's
[roger_mcfillin]: it's
[kel]: like
[roger_mcfillin]: like
[kel]: it's
[roger_mcfillin]: it's
[kel]: called
[roger_mcfillin]: called
[kel]: illness
[roger_mcfillin]: illness
[kel]: appropriation
[roger_mcfillin]: appropriation
[kel]: you know
[roger_mcfillin]: you know
[kel]: that's
[roger_mcfillin]: that's
[kel]: like
[roger_mcfillin]: like
[kel]: a
[roger_mcfillin]: a
[kel]: search
[roger_mcfillin]: search
[kel]: word
[roger_mcfillin]: word
[kel]: that
[roger_mcfillin]: that
[kel]: was
[roger_mcfillin]: was
[kel]: coming
[roger_mcfillin]: coming
[kel]: up
[roger_mcfillin]: up
[kel]: on the
[roger_mcfillin]: on the
[kel]: internet
[roger_mcfillin]: internet
[kel]: is
[roger_mcfillin]: is
[kel]: illness
[roger_mcfillin]: ille
[kel]: appropriation
[roger_mcfillin]: appropriation
[kel]: tiktok
[roger_mcfillin]: tiktok
[kel]: most
[roger_mcfillin]: most
[kel]: troubling
[roger_mcfillin]: troubling
[kel]: trend
[roger_mcfillin]: trend
[kel]: whatever
[roger_mcfillin]: whatever
[kel]: you
[roger_mcfillin]: you
[kel]: know
[roger_mcfillin]: know
[kel]: this
[roger_mcfillin]: this
[kel]: concept
[roger_mcfillin]: concept
[kel]: of
[roger_mcfillin]: of
[kel]: illness
[roger_mcfillin]: illness
[kel]: appropriation
[roger_mcfillin]: appropriation
[kel]: so
[roger_mcfillin]: so
[kel]: we
[roger_mcfillin]: we
[kel]: have
[roger_mcfillin]: have
[kel]: a number
[roger_mcfillin]: a number
[kel]: of these
[roger_mcfillin]: of these
[kel]: videos
[roger_mcfillin]: videos
[kel]: i
[roger_mcfillin]: i
[kel]: think
[roger_mcfillin]: think
[kel]: the
[roger_mcfillin]: the
[kel]: value
[roger_mcfillin]: value
[kel]: of
[roger_mcfillin]: of
[kel]: this
[roger_mcfillin]: this
[kel]: today
[roger_mcfillin]: today
[kel]: and
[roger_mcfillin]: and
[kel]: being
[roger_mcfillin]: being
[kel]: able
[roger_mcfillin]: able
[kel]: to do
[roger_mcfillin]: to
[kel]: play
[roger_mcfillin]: play
[kel]: these
[roger_mcfillin]: these
[kel]: video
[roger_mcfillin]: video
[kel]: is
[roger_mcfillin]: is
[kel]: one
[roger_mcfillin]: one
[kel]: i want
[roger_mcfillin]: i want
[kel]: to
[roger_mcfillin]: to
[kel]: alert
[roger_mcfillin]: alert
[kel]: clinicians
[roger_mcfillin]: plenitions
[kel]: i want
[roger_mcfillin]: i want
[kel]: to alert
[roger_mcfillin]: to alert
[kel]: parents
[roger_mcfillin]: parents
[kel]: because
[roger_mcfillin]: because
[kel]: we
[roger_mcfillin]: we
[kel]: actually
[roger_mcfillin]: actually
[kel]: have
[roger_mcfillin]: have
[kel]: situations
[roger_mcfillin]: situations
[kel]: where
[roger_mcfillin]: where
[kel]: teen
[roger_mcfillin]: teen
[kel]: agers
[roger_mcfillin]: agers
[kel]: want
[roger_mcfillin]: want
[kel]: to
[roger_mcfillin]: to
[kel]: have
[roger_mcfillin]: have
[kel]: multiple
[roger_mcfillin]: multiple
[kel]: diagnoses
[roger_mcfillin]: diagnosis
[kel]: or
[roger_mcfillin]: are
[kel]: actually
[roger_mcfillin]: actually
[kel]: searching
[roger_mcfillin]: searching
[kel]: out
[roger_mcfillin]: out
[kel]: the
[roger_mcfillin]: the
[kel]: ability
[roger_mcfillin]: ability
[kel]: to
[roger_mcfillin]: to
[kel]: have access
[roger_mcfillin]: access
[kel]: to
[roger_mcfillin]: to
[kel]: psychiatric
[roger_mcfillin]: psychiatric
[kel]: drugs
[roger_mcfillin]: drugs
[kel]: some
[roger_mcfillin]: some
[kel]: of them
[roger_mcfillin]: of them
[kel]: for
[roger_mcfillin]: for
[kel]: abuse
[roger_mcfillin]: abuse
[kel]: or
[roger_mcfillin]: or
[kel]: others
[roger_mcfillin]: others
[kel]: just
[roger_mcfillin]: just
[kel]: to potentially
[roger_mcfillin]: potentially
[kel]: validate
[roger_mcfillin]: validate
[kel]: their
[roger_mcfillin]: their
[kel]: own
[roger_mcfillin]: own
[kel]: emotional
[roger_mcfillin]: emotional
[kel]: pain
[roger_mcfillin]: opinion
[kel]: or
[roger_mcfillin]: for
[kel]: their
[roger_mcfillin]: their
[kel]: struggle
[roger_mcfillin]: struggle
[kel]: it fit
[roger_mcfillin]: it
[kel]: in
[roger_mcfillin]: in
[kel]: with
[roger_mcfillin]: with
[kel]: a
[roger_mcfillin]: a
[kel]: group
[roger_mcfillin]: group
[kel]: so
[roger_mcfillin]: so
[kel]: it
[roger_mcfillin]: it
[kel]: opens
[roger_mcfillin]: opens
[kel]: up
[roger_mcfillin]: up
[kel]: a
[roger_mcfillin]: a
[kel]: conversation
[roger_mcfillin]: conversation
[kel]: to
[roger_mcfillin]: today
[kel]: for
[roger_mcfillin]: for
[kel]: us
[roger_mcfillin]: us
[kel]: to
[roger_mcfillin]: to
[kel]: kind
[roger_mcfillin]: kind
[kel]: of
[roger_mcfillin]: of
[kel]: get
[roger_mcfillin]: get
[kel]: grounded
[roger_mcfillin]: grounded
[kel]: and
[roger_mcfillin]: and
[kel]: where
[roger_mcfillin]: where
[kel]: are
[roger_mcfillin]: are
[kel]: we
[roger_mcfillin]: we
[kel]: right
[roger_mcfillin]: right
[kel]: now
[roger_mcfillin]: now
[kel]: in
[roger_mcfillin]: in
[kel]: twenty
[roger_mcfillin]: twenty
[kel]: twenty
[roger_mcfillin]: twenty
[kel]: two
[roger_mcfillin]: two
[kel]: young
[roger_mcfillin]: young
[kel]: people
[roger_mcfillin]: people
[kel]: here
[roger_mcfillin]: here
[kel]: in the
[roger_mcfillin]: in the
[kel]: united
[roger_mcfillin]: united
[kel]: states
[roger_mcfillin]: states
[kel]: the
[roger_mcfillin]: the
[kel]: mental
[roger_mcfillin]: mental
[kel]: health
[roger_mcfillin]: health
[kel]: field
[roger_mcfillin]: field
[kel]: how
[roger_mcfillin]: how
[kel]: we
[roger_mcfillin]: we
[kel]: kind
[roger_mcfillin]: kind
[kel]: of respond
[roger_mcfillin]: of respond
[kel]: what
[roger_mcfillin]: what
[kel]: do
[roger_mcfillin]: do
[kel]: clinicians
[roger_mcfillin]: clinicians
[kel]: need
[roger_mcfillin]: need
[kel]: to know
[roger_mcfillin]: to know
[kel]: what
[roger_mcfillin]: what
[kel]: the
[roger_mcfillin]: the
[kel]: teachers
[roger_mcfillin]: teachers
[kel]: need
[roger_mcfillin]: need
[kel]: to know
[roger_mcfillin]: to know
[kel]: what
[roger_mcfillin]: what
[kel]: do parents
[roger_mcfillin]: parents
[kel]: need
[roger_mcfillin]: need
[kel]: to know
[roger_mcfillin]: to know
[kel]: and
[roger_mcfillin]: and
[kel]: just
[roger_mcfillin]: just
[kel]: we'll
[roger_mcfillin]: we'll
[kel]: take
[roger_mcfillin]: take
[kel]: it wherever
[roger_mcfillin]: it wherever
[kel]: it
[roger_mcfillin]: it
[kel]: goes
[roger_mcfillin]: goes
[kel]: but
[roger_mcfillin]: but
[kel]: we'll
[roger_mcfillin]: we'll
[kel]: have
[roger_mcfillin]: have
[kel]: to
[roger_mcfillin]: to
[kel]: comment
[roger_mcfillin]: comment
[kel]: on
[roger_mcfillin]: on
[kel]: some
[roger_mcfillin]: some
[kel]: of these videos so we'll have to
pop them up and just see where this
[kel]: conversation can can we pop one up
now just for an example you send a
[kel]: few but there might be a better
one some only have like music beds which
[kel]: is just try to i try to
filter those out so like this one might
[kel]: be yeahheckthat one out queen te terret
on tik tok there's five signs are probably
[kel]: autistic number one you miss or don't
understand when people are being sarcastic or passive
[kel]: aggressive or hinting towards something because you
always just plainly say what you mean and
[kel]: you act everyone else too number two
you listen to music everywhere you go or
[kel]: always have headphones and otherwise you're too
over stimulated or overwhelmed by the people and
[kel]: the noises it's life to have to
bring headphones number three you always mirror people's
[kel]: behavior back to them even when you
don't want to so if you're like oh
[kel]: i'm not in competition with this person
or i'm not intentionally being an ass hole
[kel]: by my so expressions are expressing that
is because you're mirroring how they're acting um
[kel]: number four you always spend time in
the dark naturalizing is okay but you get
[kel]: over stimulated by light and number five
you're always told you're a good listener because
[kel]: your mirror people's actions back to them
roger you're a good listener and you tend
[kel]: to spend a lot of time in
the dark it's these completely made up kind
[kel]: of symptoms are any of those actual
i don't know that one was for autism
[kel]: but are any of those at all
symptoms of what would traditionally be autismis someone
[kel]: just opening up up a diagnostic manual
and just pulling out a couple of things
[kel]: and reading them i mean what they're
doing is they're taking what could be a
[kel]: potential sign of autism and turning it
in to something that everyone would experience from
[kel]: time to time like first of all
no you know putting on headphones as a
[kel]: way of blocking out the world is
not a sign of autism in fact i
[kel]: remember back in two thousand nine i
was on the campus of temple university in
[kel]: philadelphia pennsylvania and it was like the
first time i was back in like an
[kel]: undergrad campus because i went to philadelphia
college of austiopathic medicine which was graduate school
[kel]: medical school and i think when i
was walking on campus seventy five per cent
[kel]: at that time of um students walking
around would have some form of a headphone
[kel]: in and that was like new for
me like oh this is new this never
[kel]: happened before so it's quite common for
people to pop in headphones air pods and
[kel]: you know i was up in new
york city not too long ago you know
[kel]: most people are going through the city
in their day and maybe they're listening to
[kel]: podcasts the radically genuine podcasts or other
no doubt so if you're young and you're
[kel]: vulnerable and you're impressionable you're seeking out
some way to define yourself or even try
[kel]: to understand yourself and this is what's
challenging they believe or their condition to believe
[kel]: that there's something wrong with them and
we think about adolescent development it's quite normal
[kel]: for you to question who you are
and what you're experiencing is normal in comparison
[kel]: to others now this is like people
can become hyper sensitive to this because it's
[kel]: in your face all the time in
that introspection and kind of judging your internal
[kel]: experience as if it's some sort of
a disorder that's concerning right and this is
[kel]: why we're having these rise in these
diagnoses and this identification with mental illness and
[kel]: going into mental health out patient practices
now i think the saviclinician can understand when
[kel]: somebody's just repeating symptoms from a book
um but i don't think a lot of
[kel]: our clinicians specially young clinicians really trained
at a really high level and are sophisticated
[kel]: enough be able to use deductive reasoning
and clinical questioning to be able to shift
[kel]: conversations back to get information and test
things out we are in this health care
[kel]: world where people are just coming in
quickly and say i'm experiencing this i'm experiencing
[kel]: this i'm experiencing that and you're you're
hit with a diagnosis some sort of treatment
[kel]: plan and trying to move forward so
this is the danger but aren't a lot
[kel]: of young doctors and antherapists aren't they
trained to be affirm good point really good
[kel]: point um yeah that's affirmative kind of
care model where anyone who comes in to
[kel]: see you you are validating and infirming
what they're experiencing as ways one of building
[kel]: a relationship and as a way of
decreasing kind of self judgment accepting what the
[kel]: and is telling you is as truth
and kind of valuing that person in front
[kel]: of you to apply that one hundred
per cent of the time without considering other
[kel]: potential functions or hypotheses to what might
be happening is really dangerous that's actually taking
[kel]: away the clinician's ability to critically evaluate
and think and i posted something on around
[kel]: this on twitter months ago back when
we were talking about social contagion effect and
[kel]: i had a psychiatrist create ironically a
tik tok video about me you know i
[kel]: remember i wish i could have bought
that up and it's like this idea i
[kel]: am completely invalidating somebody's experience by bringing
up these cultural phenomenons and i don't think
[kel]: that you can work in the mental
health field unless you are real attentive to
[kel]: what is happening in your culture around
you and that was scary for me that
[kel]: a child psychiatrist would accept at face
value ver billy what a child would kind
[kel]: of tell you about what they're experiencing
now first and foremost what's really important i
[kel]: feel like we've gone away from this
i was trained as a clinical psychologist i
[kel]: was trained that you must get multiple
reports from multiple environments to be able to
[kel]: confirm diagnosis meaning you know i'm going
to get what the what the teen ager
[kel]: or the kid is presenting with what
i'm observing what they're reporting but then i
[kel]: want to test that out what's the
school reporting as their parents reporting let me
[kel]: get some other data and information to
try to create a case conceptualization what about
[kel]: when it's a young adult young adult
how do you how do you go about
[kel]: getting other points of view other stories
or whatever workplace environment that kind of stuff
[kel]: no i wouldn't say workplace environment tends
to be family so if if it's an
[kel]: adult it could be a spouse if
you're a young adult or a teen age
[kel]: obviously it's the parents and if they're
in school you just ask for a release
[kel]: maybe talk to a school council or
so you have to get permission from your
[kel]: client you do okay and that's just
you know that's kind of standard also with
[kel]: like sochiatry or a medical professional so
it's really important that you are coordinating care
[kel]: i never get contacted these psychiatrists are
medical professionals when i'm working with a young
[kel]: person or a teen ager and it's
part of the systemic problem that exists in
[kel]: our in our health care system i
saw a recent study regarding ah our primary
[kel]: care you know what the average time
a doctor will spend with somebody in primary
[kel]: care six minutes close eight minutes you're
talking about a health care system that's that's
[kel]: food style right get him in get
them out it's almost like hurting cattle so
[kel]: you try to get the quickest diagnosis
possible and move forward with some sort of
[kel]: referal or treatment plan i mean we're
referring this on a previous podcast where we're
[kel]: talking about kind of like quick protocols
and so forth and you know this is
[kel]: so this is really problematic because you're
not going to have that time for co
[kel]: ordination of care identified identification of hypotheses
testing that out and so forth and too
[kel]: many of these doctors don't realize that
the symptoms are the presentations that are being
[kel]: provided especially if they're coming straight out
of a d s m that's got to
[kel]: be a red flag because you can
easily bring that up on the internet if
[kel]: they're just talking about their experience in
terms of like symptoms or behaviours they're feeding
[kel]: right in two the problems that exist
in our health care centers yeah um m
[kel]: do you want to play another one
a d h d popped up so i'm
[kel]: just curious what you think about we've
had a couple of podcasts on this i
[kel]: want to see what this video says
so i'm going to pull this up okay
[kel]: people think having d d just means
you can't focus but it's so much more
[kel]: than that you are nine signs that
you may have a d and we're going
[kel]: to remember them with the acton fast
minds for forget you forget if people have
[kel]: told you where you put things you
need reminders for everyday things or do you
[kel]: mis appointments aids for achieving below potential
do you feel like you should be getting
[kel]: better grades in school or you should
be farther ahead in your career s stands
[kel]: for stuck in a run are you
having a hard time moving ahead in your
[kel]: life are you constantly playing catch up
instead of living life how you want to
[kel]: is for time challenge are you often
late do you underestimate the amount of time
[kel]: things actually take stands for motivationally challenged
procrastinator or do things last minute you wait
[kel]: for the pressure of a dead line
to get things done his as for impulsive
[kel]: do you do things without anticipating the
consequences you let things out in conversation by
[kel]: the way if you're still with me
on this video good job on stands for
[kel]: a novelty are you often bored do
you say yes to new obligations when you're
[kel]: already too busy stands for distractable though
sights sounds thoughts or lower priority activities to
[kel]: at you from what you should be
doing and finally is for scattered are things
[kel]: messy in your personal space is there
chaos in your desk house or car if
[kel]: any of these things sound familiar you
might have a d d highly recommend a
[kel]: ride if you have and of course
follow me for there's that ending follow me
[kel]: for more that was i believe i
have a my wife has a d d
[kel]: i can tell i hate this stuff
i mean i loathe it right because he
[kel]: just he just defined an adolescent a
fat mind well like novelty seeking impulsivity in
[kel]: the terms of like speaking out and
without thinking ahead of consequences kind of distractable
[kel]: or scattered motivationally challenged you know the
concern about this is a number of people
[kel]: believe that their poor achievement or their
struggles are related to some illness hey everybody
[kel]: d h d was made up let
me put it out there a d h
[kel]: d is not a legitimate illness it
was designed for a small portion of people
[kel]: whose brains worked in a certain way
there's a concept called nero diversity you know
[kel]: nero diversity has to be developed as
a concept and an idea in response to
[kel]: these ridiculous trends right your brain has
been adapted over centuries to survive in the
[kel]: environment in which you live right the
brain is developed to be able to attend
[kel]: to relrelative stimuli we live in a
fast paced world we are exposed to constant
[kel]: stimuli why we can drive it's why
we can drive on a highway and make
[kel]: decisions so quickly and automatically there's so
much stimuli that's going on you know when
[kel]: you're driving a car when you grow
up in a world where you're playing video
[kel]: games listening to tik tok texting doing
a number of other things your brain is
[kel]: really being conditioned it's developed to respond
to this multiple stimuli quickly right and so
[kel]: when you don't have at you might
feel bored the brain is kind of craving
[kel]: kind of that opening kind of response
or reaction so we see generate we have
[kel]: a whole generation of kids living in
screens and so forth who are going to
[kel]: have a very difficult time um responding
appropriately and environments that are not stimulating and
[kel]: so that makes makes it a challenge
to be able to potentially even chive achieve
[kel]: at a level that school environment or
maybe your parents have expectations to if you
[kel]: are living in that environment um and
i think it's going to be really challenging
[kel]: motivationally to be able to read history
we're to read english when you're playing these
[kel]: video games that are really emotionally stimulating
and complex and cognitively challenging that could be
[kel]: like first person kind of shooter games
or so forth there's competition it's kind of
[kel]: mimic ing um you know being in
almost like a warfare situation so there's like
[kel]: there's a there's an emotional kind of
component to it then you have these tik
[kel]: tok videos and you have instagram and
it's the constant you know uh rolling and
[kel]: sweeping back and forth which gives you
like a dopamean hit after a dopamenit so
[kel]: your response to that isn't disordered that's
like so important like how you then evolve
[kel]: and develop doesn't mean you're disordered your
brain is actually working exactly as it's supposed
[kel]: to it's adapting to its environment and
so you have clowns like this who's trying
[kel]: to financially benefit from these labels are
diagnosis which he knows nothing about the history
[kel]: he's not a clinician he may have
wrote that book though i don't know i'll
[kel]: look into it but because even in
the comments he's telling people to read the
[kel]: book so he has some type of
connection there and let's go into the business
[kel]: part of this because think of the
three major platforms video sharing you've got youtube
[kel]: have instagram probably facebook but we'll just
focus on instagram and then you have tik
[kel]: tok so youtubeh's been around for a
long time youtube is a search engine that's
[kel]: all it is it's a search engine
even the wy it's structured cynematic you know
[kel]: horizontal people spend much more time investing
in quality producing it to be visually inspiring
[kel]: and also engaging and it's usually a
little bit of a longer content instagram started
[kel]: off as a very visual place people
were post ting images art work so the
[kel]: people that are on instagram are most
mostly strolling scrolling to look at visual inspiration
[kel]: and now they're getting these videos and
they're usually produced a little more high quality
[kel]: tik tok started off and it mostly
was just people taking pictures of themselves with
[kel]: their friends and it's very low quality
is very entry level the amount of time
[kel]: that somebody puts into a video can
be done in less than an hour there
[kel]: just basically holding it up recording themselves
and then putting some text over it so
[kel]: the business bottle behind anything is if
you're not paying for it you are the
[kel]: business model so your eyeballs is what's
generating the revenue for these companies so first
[kel]: think about that you tube has a
business model where it's very easily understood if
[kel]: you produce great content and you're in
their revenue sharing you're getting the views on
[kel]: your vid o they're giving you a
small percentage of that revenue that's generated from
[kel]: your your video when it comes to
instagram and tik tok it's all about selling
[kel]: your own content if you've got a
book if you a product or if you
[kel]: want to be an influencer and work
with brands tik tok has done something different
[kel]: tik tok developed what they call a
creator fund so they're encouraging people to create
[kel]: as much content as possible put it
out there and they have a fund of
[kel]: couple million dollars but they don't tell
you how they're going to disperse that fund
[kel]: so the people that are in that
space believe that that money is going to
[kel]: be distributed based on one thing your
ability to create a video that's going to
[kel]: get a lot of views and go
viral right and then that money might potentially
[kel]: get dispersed to you so people on
tik tok are mostly following a trend looking
[kel]: to see what's getting a lot of
balls what people are being exposed to and
[kel]: then they try and mimic that and
try and step it up maybe creating a
[kel]: video that they think could be a
little bit better so because it's so easy
[kel]: to create content in tiktok i think
what we're seeing is a lot of people
[kel]: in the creative space maybe actors that
may be young and just creative quickly creating
[kel]: something that they believe following what they've
been exposed to and they're seeing a video
[kel]: like this that's getting twenty seven thousand
views or twenty seven thousand hearts and what
[kel]: they want to do is create something
very similar and then you just have this
[kel]: mis amount of content that is created
for one specific topic and everybody's competing trying
[kel]: to be the one that gets exposed
next and goes viral for the hope of
[kel]: maybe getting some money from tiktok that
will support them in the future that's the
[kel]: whole business model of tik tok scary
very easy to get into but that's why
[kel]: they're so much crap on there and
that's all it is i crap yeah well
[kel]: if you in tiktok also when with
with the trends they use sound right yeah
[kel]: that was a big thing to the
trend but in a case like this all
[kel]: right going back to roger this individual
do you believe he is he has everyone's
[kel]: best interest about a d h d
at heart or this you know this is
[kel]: the garbage that puts out there there's
no actual investment in you know caring about
[kel]: people's lives he just wants views he
just wants hits and basically with the texas
[kel]: our shooter fallacy is so like if
you're really good at shooting a pistol and
[kel]: you know you're saying you're going to
hit right dead center those of us that
[kel]: are bad it though we could just
sit there and shoot and at one point
[kel]: there'll be a cluster somewhere off of
the target and i can just circle hey
[kel]: look i've got all these symptoms i've
got all these right i can just circle
[kel]: and believe oh my gosh that's me
i d d i can there and in
[kel]: generalizations that he's using i'm watching this
and i really do believe wow this is
[kel]: what's wrong with me if i'm going
through a tough part of my life or
[kel]: if somebody has said something my grades
are going down i can simply watch this
[kel]: say wow and then that could bring
up a conversation with parents or a therapist
[kel]: well actually i think he's a victim
i'm not going to blame the people who
[kel]: are exposed to this in culture this
is consequence to the medicalization of the human
[kel]: experience that was purposely driven by both
the medical establishment and its alliance with the
[kel]: farmasutical industry there was a period in
time where they tried to identify mental illness
[kel]: is a brain condition similar to any
other medical disorder it would provide credibility to
[kel]: the psychiatric community and medical professionals and
so they developed these quote unquote illnesses and
[kel]: try to push this onto society now
obviously there's a financial benefit by trying to
[kel]: create drugs to treat it we've kind
of a nausium kind of gone over this
[kel]: experts on and so someone like him
actually probably believes that his own creativity his
[kel]: tendency to get bored with certain things
that you know maybe society is telling him
[kel]: he should focus on means that there's
something wrong with him and he's over identifying
[kel]: with that diagnosis now he's smart enough
to be able to try to benefit off
[kel]: that in some way through getting likes
which is another dopamine rush and try to
[kel]: get followers and can create a career
around this so he's financially incentivized to be
[kel]: able to present things in this way
and he is now identifying with this diagnosis
[kel]: now this is my concern i don't
think in it benefits any individual to develop
[kel]: a personal identity around a d s
m diagnosis in fact there's professionals like myself
[kel]: there's researchers who really motivated to actually
throw out the d s m and start
[kel]: over by talking about um m people
who are struggling with their mental health to
[kel]: be on a spectrum or a continuum
and to really limit or decrease the number
[kel]: of kind of conditions or disorders and
try to understand it more from the scientific
[kel]: perspective using actual research and strong science
to understand the range of normal that exists
[kel]: that's really important as there's such a
range of normal the concept of nero diversity
[kel]: i remember in one of my classes
one of the professors said you know what
[kel]: i really want guy who's working at
the nuclear power plant to be a warrior
[kel]: well what does that mean well the
way that that person's mind works as an
[kel]: engineer or something you wanted to be
able to attend to and create to all
[kel]: the possible problems while they're on shift
or they're doing their job to prevent a
[kel]: mask catastrophe right there's this normal aspect
of the way our brains work at this
[kel]: beautiful way allows society all to kind
of connect there's people whose brains work in
[kel]: a way that create there's peoples whose
brain work in a certain way to s
[kel]: problems there's there's engineers there's artists there's
teachers there's helpers right there's people who like
[kel]: to work with their hands that's that
beautiful way that everything integrates in the way
[kel]: that it's supposed to the idea of
some of these mental illnesses are a very
[kel]: restricted and narrow way of looking at
the human experience and then the more you
[kel]: begin to internally criticise or assess or
evaluate or judge whether it's your attention or
[kel]: an emotion or a sensation we know
that's going to intensify itself and become a
[kel]: problematic mental health concern so the way
that you actually think about your own experience
[kel]: matters so that's like what happens when
when you're going to work with somebody as
[kel]: a clinical psychologist we want to be
really really attentive to how that person thinks
[kel]: about their experience this is the problem
with videos like this it helps shape narrative
[kel]: we create a story about what our
life is or about who we are and
[kel]: that shaping of the story then gets
presented to a to health professional or a
[kel]: medical professional and then those people attach
to that story as if it's real and
[kel]: they give a label to it and
they give a diagnosis to it and then
[kel]: they provide a treatment to it so
that's why you know i honestly believe all
[kel]: this kind of works in a way
that has created a system of care at
[kel]: least in the united states and what
i think of throughout the western world that
[kel]: is creating more harm yeah what do
you say to the people that advocate on
[kel]: behalf of social networks that this is
where people can find a community and find
[kel]: out how to get support and find
out how to get the proper treatment because
[kel]: that is kind of the language that
is used that we're we're finally giving people
[kel]: were stigmatizing it and giving people a
place where they can see that there they're
[kel]: not that they're like others and that
there's there's a solution that there's a plan
[kel]: ahead that they can get better there's
a lot of assumptions kind of when you
[kel]: when you make that statement is that
anyone who's going through a difficult time or
[kel]: is vulnerable or young it's this idea
that they can go get treatment as if
[kel]: that's what they need number one there
is an effective treatment number two and that
[kel]: sense of community or attachment to that
as a form of identity is actually healthy
[kel]: and helpful so if we take certain
ideas one is community important yeah it's very
[kel]: important human beings are relational we need
to be socially connected socially connected to screens
[kel]: does not seem to have the same
benefit it's a soto connection right and a
[kel]: lot of times that people are feeling
less alone not because they're actually connected with
[kel]: somebody but because they're watching somebody on
a video or they're texting that does not
[kel]: seem to have the same positive benefit
second point to that is what is actually
[kel]: driving that persons struggle yeah i tend
to believe it's more about loneliness it's about
[kel]: elieving that you're different than others it's
the resulting sadness and anxiety that might come
[kel]: from that isolation it's not knowing how
to find that connection or how to engage
[kel]: in the world in an effective way
to get your needs met i don't like
[kel]: to think about a struggle has an
illness or a disorder because if you think
[kel]: about it as an opportunity or something
that you need to do to address problems
[kel]: in your life it's a point of
transformation so i'm really concerned with that whole
[kel]: medical idea that you know you just
communicated like we're decreasing stigma where we're getting
[kel]: the right help all available evidence would
say first of all our getting steered down
[kel]: the direction be provided a diagnosis and
potentially a drug under the disguise that that's
[kel]: actually going to improve your quality of
life now one other area is the doctor's
[kel]: putting videos on tik tok so it's
almost like you move away from the influence
[kel]: or strategy and you're going to a
professional professional is now engaging in the space
[kel]: and trying to inform and educate people
in a style that mimics what is on
[kel]: those platforms um there are some and
there's one here for by polar disorder a
[kel]: click on that because that's an adult
it's dr tracy marks i don't know i
[kel]: d tracy polar disorder can first show
itself as depression mania or hypo mania there's
[kel]: some signs that your depression may really
be by polar disorder even if you haven't
[kel]: received that diagnosis yet you and your
doctor might want to think about whether or
[kel]: not your illness is really your depression
that you're seeing at the moment is really
[kel]: part of a by polar illness and
why does this matter because the way that
[kel]: we treat by polar disorder is different
than the way that we treat depression so
[kel]: here's five signs that you may really
be on the by polar spectrum number one
[kel]: your first depressive episode occurs before age
twenty number two you don't get better with
[kel]: anti presence and in some cases you
may even get worse number three you have
[kel]: a family member with by polar order
number four you have three or more depressive
[kel]: episodes in a five year time span
number five you take a mood stabilizer and
[kel]: have a full recovery within a month
polaris or all right hold on a second
[kel]: here if anybody knows dr tracy marks
tik tok she might have a national presence
[kel]: somewhere outside of we have to find
her because i find that so completely our
[kel]: response on these two videos up she's
a psychiatrist so he got a hundred and
[kel]: sixty nine thousand follower that is so
complete that was so irresponsible first of all
[kel]: she's you know following right down the
path of what we see too many in
[kel]: psychiatry doing they're talking about things in
terms of illnesses and depressive episodes without strong
[kel]: definition so the idea that you know
you're actually this is young people here that
[kel]: year is your target audience and when
you're talking about the pressive episodes before the
[kel]: age of twenty do you really think
that teenagers know what the pressive episodes are
[kel]: they don't they don't even understand what
the feeling of sadness is anymore they talk
[kel]: about depression in terms of a normal
kind of experience that anyone would go through
[kel]: my depression just meant you were sad
like i hear teen agers consistently talking about
[kel]: their sadness is my depression so if
you count like three four fine this is
[kel]: all made up there's no science around
this bullshit so you just say like well
[kel]: you had three depressive episodes before the
age of twenty well this could be a
[kel]: by polar illness think what it does
to a young person who has no do
[kel]: what she's talking about right so a
bi polar illness by polar illness is traditionally
[kel]: something that was quite serious right it
was a way to categorize the side of
[kel]: mania man is really impairing and there
is you know a response to that man
[kel]: people would often go through a manic
episode in an absolutely crash we don't really
[kel]: understand the etiology of it like why
some people experience it but traditionally like eighty
[kel]: percent before we had drugs like quote
unquote mood stabilizers those who are hospitalized for
[kel]: by pole are close to eighty per
cent of those would have only one episode
[kel]: but anyway you're just like mass producing
this idea to get people to be confused
[kel]: around their own their own emotional experience
and of course she talks about treatments in
[kel]: terms of drugs and so if you
have this depressive illness for teen agers could
[kel]: be just sad and it's balanced maybe
not feeling sad well then you can view
[kel]: your normal experience or just having a
positive mood or having some energy you can
[kel]: then interpret that as hypomenia this concept
of mania on on a spectrum and so
[kel]: i really think that people like dr
tracy marks are harmful and they're perpetrating a
[kel]: lot of these ideas too vulnerable population
and it's why we see these rising rates
[kel]: of by polar diagnosis in young people
when it would have never met that criteria
[kel]: thirty forty fifty years ago is she
benefiting in some way financially from this she's
[kel]: selling books so i mean it's a
platform your eyeballs are basically the whole reason
[kel]: for this platform existing and if you're
going to be on the platform it's to
[kel]: sell a product affiliate yourself with a
brand to try and get them to pay
[kel]: you or to do something so extreme
that you're going to go viral and you're
[kel]: going to get paid through tik tok
so that's all it is so he's creating
[kel]: sixty second video that's cut and edited
in a way that everything else on tik
[kel]: tok is it's fast paced it's going
through a list lists are stupid and digestible
[kel]: and people click on that stuff and
then it directs you back to buy her
[kel]: books on amazon or t shirts and
things like that for you incurring revenue stream
[kel]: right there you know it's interesting when
you talk to some of the old talked
[kel]: to or you just listen to some
of the old psychiatrists who are in the
[kel]: early days of the d s m
development the purpose of that was to have
[kel]: some construct professionals to communicate with each
other the many will recognize that those diagnosis
[kel]: don't have strong scientific validity but yet
just a way to articulate and communicate a
[kel]: cluster of kind of symptoms or reactions
in order to drive a direction and how
[kel]: you help that person boy has that
just gotten com pletely out of control where
[kel]: people believe that these are discreet and
separate medical illnesses with scientific validity and that's
[kel]: the sad thing about this polar disorder
doesn't mean what by polar disorder was fifty
[kel]: years ago it has now developed its
own meaning so anybody who's experiencing it tense
[kel]: emotions in any way or any dis
regulated episode if they are exposed to this
[kel]: propaganda they go to the wrong medical
professional they are going to receive a label
[kel]: by pull or disorder with high frequency
because that's how it's going to be communicated
[kel]: so medical professionals psychological professional professionals everyone
in the mental health field you have to
[kel]: be aware of how these videos are
influencing how your client or patient is going
[kel]: to describe their experience to you yea
because it's the first place a lot of
[kel]: people go to get the information to
self diagnose themselves and then they say all
[kel]: the things that they need to say
that a doctor will say well those are
[kel]: all the things you know i'm checking
my list you've you've hit them all you
[kel]: clearly have this let's get into like
i think the problem and the real problem
[kel]: is our health care system i mean
you have you have a doctor that is
[kel]: probably over a hundred thousand dollars in
debt because of student loans got paid nothing
[kel]: while they're in their residency and then
they're out in the free world in their
[kel]: finally starting to start their own practice
and get reimversed through our health insurance model
[kel]: which doesn't pay doctors anything which is
the reason why they sit down with a
[kel]: client or a patient in a normal
general practitioner for eight minutes because the only
[kel]: way you can generate enough revenue through
the reimbursement from the health care industry is
[kel]: to make sure that you're seeing enough
pay ants or clients in a day to
[kel]: pay your nurses to pay your office
and then it's just not enough so then
[kel]: you have doctors that going to write
a book and they're going hope to sell
[kel]: the book to hopefully make things ends
meet and then they're like well the book
[kel]: needs to sell i need to get
on these platforms and create a one minute
[kel]: video or a thirty second video that's
going to generate enough eyeball to get clicks
[kel]: to possibly sell my book and they're
probably working with production companies that are guiding
[kel]: them on the things that work and
that's why that video looks the way that
[kel]: it does i'm not going to say
that tracy a is an evil person but
[kel]: i think she's fallen into the system
that exists today that is broken and that's
[kel]: our united states national health care system
i don't want to say that she's evil
[kel]: but i do think we to talk
about a high ethical standard and to meet
[kel]: that high ethical standard you have to
be aware of how you're communicating and how
[kel]: how this can be interpreted that's the
idea of exploitation right she's exploiting the platform
[kel]: is exploiting a certain group of people
that are now exposed to this and are
[kel]: vulnerable and are now sell diagnosing which
is causing a whole bunch of problems and
[kel]: from an ethical perspective somebody needs to
take a step back and say at what
[kel]: point am i putting myself over the
welfare of others such a good point and
[kel]: when you think about the medium of
tik tok you're talking about i don't like
[kel]: thirty second one minute clips something as
complex as medical condition or your own mental
[kel]: health being dumb down in a thirty
second or one minute clip for a vulnerable
[kel]: population who is going to be on
that is so incredibly harmful dangerous ignorant throw
[kel]: the word whatever it exists out there
and i want to go back to your
[kel]: comment on the health care system because
you made some really good points i don't
[kel]: know and i haven't studied this but
we know in our region the major hospital
[kel]: networks have bought out all the primary
care centers so you have more and more
[kel]: kind of middle man involved in this
all the way up to the top so
[kel]: the primary care doctors which i think
close to eighty percent of all psychiatric drugs
[kel]: are being prescribed in primary care centers
the real victims of this because they do
[kel]: accrue all that debt going to medical
school and there the income for primary care
[kel]: doctor is not rising at the rate
of other specialists we have obviously increasing and
[kel]: inflation so the money that you do
make isn't going as far here's a lot
[kel]: of different costs that you have to
pay and the model is being driven and
[kel]: it's a sick care model to get
him and get him out and the more
[kel]: people you see the more revenue you're
going to generate and then with the insurance
[kel]: care model now they have their own
separate kind of business model and they're going
[kel]: to make money by denying claims by
denying tests so really it's kind of a
[kel]: center that kind of system that kind
of feeds off of itself in a way
[kel]: that harms the patient and these videos
when i think about it are away for
[kel]: people to get information because they're not
getting that information from sources that are valid
[kel]: if you don't have a relationship with
your own doctor um and you don't have
[kel]: enough time to ask questions and they
don't have enough time to do adequate research
[kel]: there's a lot of information that's being
left out and generations ago your primary care
[kel]: physician knew your entire family know there
was a relationship that was built and you
[kel]: trusted that person and there was hum
connection involved and you made decisions based on
[kel]: the health i'm based on your own
health welfare and that of your family based
[kel]: on the trust that you gave to
that physician and i feel like that's kind
[kel]: of gotten eroded and our current culture
because of this fast food health care model
[kel]: you're not going to develop the relationship
with the physician in fact it's very challenging
[kel]: to get the same person over and
over again if you go into health care
[kel]: centers i mean you might deal with
the physician that day or another person in
[kel]: his or her group or a physician
assistant or a nurse practitioner and they're getting
[kel]: their information from quick notes that they're
putting into a system so it's really become
[kel]: a dumb down um m liquidated kind
of approached to know symptom management and this
[kel]: fits right into it and i don't
know all the solutions because that's kind of
[kel]: above my pay grade but i know
what the problems are and in some ways
[kel]: that people are going to who are
working in the health care system mental health
[kel]: physical health are going to have to
somehow detach the way of currently doing things
[kel]: from and make it more of a
cash kind of system where people who are
[kel]: really interested in their their health can
spend time with somebody and get get the
[kel]: tests that they require to be able
to really evaluate what might be happening with
[kel]: their health and their mental health instead
of going for these quick symptom check list
[kel]: than pills
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