170. Silicon Valley Sociopaths: How Big Tech Plans to Steal Your Humanity
Roger K. McFillin, Psy.D, ABPP (00:01.762)
Welcome to the radically genuine podcast. I'm Dr. Roger McFillin. You know, the greatest lie we're being sold right now that there are limits to human potential that we've reached the ceiling of what's possible that things can't get better. So why even try? It's the most dangerous cancer spreading through our society is toxic cynicism that has millions of people just sitting on their ass scrolling through their phones, waiting for someone else to fix everything.
And while humanity sleeps and has slept, we've kind of surrendered our power to this lie. And there are forces at work, powerful ones, investing billions to reshape what it means to be human. But here's what they don't want you to know. The only real limit to human potential is believing there are limits at all. And they are really invested in having you see yourself that way. Because this idea
that humans are designed to be upgraded with technology is a dangerous one. You weren't designed to be upgraded. You were designed to be awakened. So look around. They're pushing everybody to be sick. They're sending the message that you're broken. They're provoking fear and they're actively trying to poison us through technologies, through foods, through chemicals, through synthetic compounds, through pills.
That's exactly how they want us, a society paralyzed by fear, medicated into submission, too triggered, too tired to see what's really happening. And so you have to ask yourself, when did we start believing that human was just a disease that needed to be cured? And more importantly, who profits? Who achieves control when we all believe that lie?
In the beginning, we are created in the image and likeness of God, beings of infinite potential, blessed with consciousness, free will, and the divine spark of creation itself. I don't view our bodies as a mere collection of cells and synapses, but rather sacred vessels housing an internal soul. We are beings of spirit and matter, perfectly designed to experience both the profound joy of existence and the transformative power of suffering.
Roger K. McFillin, Psy.D, ABPP (02:22.87)
every breath we take, every tear we shed, every moment of love we experience, it's part of this divine orchestration. Yet right now in labs and tech companies around the world, there are those who see this sacred design as fundamentally flawed. Our God given nature is something that needs to be corrected by these people. Our consciousness, somehow a code to be rewritten. Our bodies as hardware to be enhanced.
If you're not familiar with this movement, it's called transhumanism, a movement that believes we can and should use technology to fundamentally transform the human condition, to transcend the very limitations that make us human, to become, well, something else entirely. But here's what should disturb us deeply. This is not a philosophy anymore.
The war against our God given nature is already underway. It has been. You can see it now in the child who can no longer sit and contemplate of silence without reaching for a screen, the inability to go create on their own, something that occurs within the spirit and mind of being a human. You see it in the rise of artificial companions and connections, replacing genuine human connection.
AI, for example, you see it in the hubris of tech visionaries who believe they can solve death itself as if mortality were an essential part of our divine design. You see it in our healthcare system where any negative emotional state or struggle is drugged with a chemical compound made in a factory, redesigning our own chemistry with consequences unpredictable and unforeseen.
If you're not familiar with the transhumanist movement, you need to wake up now. Because while we've been sleeping, some of the world's most powerful billionaires have been quietly funding research and technologies aimed at fundamentally altering what it means to be a human being. And they're not quiet about it anymore. Here's a quick explanation of the transhumanist movement through a video if you are not familiar yet.
Roger K. McFillin, Psy.D, ABPP (07:21.016)
frightening. These modern day alchemists aren't content with mere wealth. They're pursuing godlike powers over human nature itself. They're fearing their own mortality. And it's already happening in ways you might not even recognize. I've already mentioned how we normalize the chemical alteration of human consciousness through psych drugs, carefully disguised and market as if it's medicine. We're not just blunting the full hu-
human spectrum of emotions, we're creating a society that views these normal reactions, grief, anxiety, sadness, as if they're inconvenient glitches to be engineered away by these technocrats. Big Pharma sells us a narrative that a better you is one that doesn't feel that much. Makes you more productive. You're stable. Fits neatly into the machinery of modern life.
But there's a contempt for your humanness because a lot of these billionaires who are forging this movement, they themselves kind of view us as kind of parasites and they view our humanity, our collective humanity, our love and connection for each other as really something that kind of just gets in the way of their own godlike pursuits.
But what they're not gonna tell you is there is a cost to giving up our humanness, the depths of our sorrow, the heights of our joy, the sacred intensity of being fully alive. This is a systemic redesign of human biology.
Now I'm very outspoken about SSRIs because I see that they're a billion dollar industry and I see how many people are haphazardly being prescribed these drugs without understanding its implications. There has been a recent study, which was published in Translational Psychiatry, a couple of researchers found that antidepressants actually reduce people's ability to emotionally connect with other's suffering. So think about that.
Roger K. McFillin, Psy.D, ABPP (09:36.578)
The brain scans showed that people could still see other pain, other people's pain, but they stopped feeling it emotionally. It's empathy. So think about what's really happening here. First, they tell us our human emotions are problems. They need to be fixed, you're broken. Then they give us pills to essentially numb us out at the best. And that's the best possible outcome of those drugs. There's many other worse outcomes. And now they want AI to redesign our biology completely. This isn't...
about healing. This isn't improving. This is about creating humans who are less human, less connected, less feeling. They want to make us into some zombie state that's connected with supercomputers. Think about what happens, the ethical implications of this. When we stop feeling each other's pain, when a mother can't emotionally connect to her crying child, when a friend can't truly feel
your grief when a community loses its ability to emotionally respond to suffering. Without empathy, we lose the very thing that binds us together as human beings. Listen, this is a potential existential threat to humanity because emotions are the basic fabric of human society itself and anything that alters our DNA in a way
that shifts how we experience each other is potentially catastrophic. Because our capacity to feel deeply is what drives us to help, to protect, to love, to build communities. It's what makes us reach out when someone's hurting, what makes us fight against injustice, what makes us human. When you strip away empathy, you don't create a more efficient human, you create a sociopath. And that's exactly what these transhumanist tech billionaires are.
They're emotionally stunted individuals trying to remake humanity in their own broken image. They have contempt for human beings. That's why they're so focused on technology. What I'm sharing with you, it's not science fiction. It's happening right now. Just a few days into President Trump's second term, we witnessed the perfect storm that exemplifies everything we need to fear about the transhumanist movement. A $500 billion public private initiative
Roger K. McFillin, Psy.D, ABPP (11:57.678)
called Project Stargate was announced, bringing together some of the most powerful figures in tech and some of the most dangerous people on earth, Larry Ellison and Sam Altman for one. It's a bid to merge AI with human biology. They're promising personalized mRNA vaccines designed by AI in 48 hours as if our bodies were computer systems to be reprogrammed at will. If you have not heard the
press conference, I'm going to give you a clip here that was introducing this project Stargate.
Roger K. McFillin, Psy.D, ABPP (13:31.246)
If you're not familiar with Dr. Robert Malone, I do suggest you check out his work. He's an internationally recognized scientist and the original patent holder of mRNA technology. He's been involved in mRNA vaccination research, DNA vaccination, multiple non-viral DNA and RNA mRNA delivery technologies. On X, he put out a post, quote,
These people have no idea how complicated the immune system is and they have no understanding of the difficulties facing predictive computational immunology. And they have no understanding of cancer immunology. This is marketing propaganda and hype.
End quote. So what are they marketing then? You know, it probably the same marketing of mRNA technology for COVID fundamentally altering human DNA. What could go wrong? From a bioethical standpoint, this should absolutely terrify us. We're watching the mechanistic worldview of Silicon Valley being applied to the sacred complexity of human biology. These tech leaders are
treating the human body as if it was just another programming challenge, a system to be optimized, upgraded. We're not a computer system, folks, not a code to be rewritten. It's carried within us billions of years of wisdom, evolutionary wisdom, or from a spiritual perspective, divine intelligence that we can barely comprehend. Our bodies exist in perfect synchronicity.
with billions of other organisms from the microbes in our gut to the bacteria in our soil to the intricate dance of our immune systems. Every intervention we make sends ripples through this divine orchestration. When we arrogantly inject AI designed genetic modifications into this perfectly balanced ecosystem, we're not just changing one element. We're potentially disrupting a symphony that took billions of years to compose.
Roger K. McFillin, Psy.D, ABPP (15:47.182)
We don't even fully understand how a single cell works and all its complexity. can't even predict with certainty how one psychiatric drug or other drugs are going to interact with another. Yeah, we do it. Now we're proposing to let AI design genetic interventions that could alter the very blueprint of human life. It's playing with the fundamental code of existence itself. This arrogance is staggering. We're being asked to trust AI intelligence to redesign our biological processes to create
personalized genetic interventions without fully understanding the long-term implications or the complex interplay of our biological systems? This is playing God and history has shown us repeatedly that when we rush to deploy powerful new technologies without adequate understanding or ethical frameworks, the consequences are devastating. Every time in history when we try to perfect nature, according to our limited understanding, we create catastrophes from genetic monocultures,
that collapse entire ecosystems to antibiotics that create superbugs to cite drugs that fundamentally alter brain chemistry. Our attempts to improve on natural systems have resulted in devastating unintended consequences. We're supposed to be living with nature, in alignment with nature. And when we don't, that's when we're diseased. Another person I'm really interested right now is the work of Dr. Greg Braden.
He's a scientist and five-time New York Times bestselling author. His new book, Pure Human, The Hidden Power of Our Divinity, Power and Destiny addresses this really critical question of our time. I haven't heard anyone speak more intelligently and compassionately on the subject. Here is a clip from him speaking on the Know Thyself podcast.
Roger K. McFillin, Psy.D, ABPP (19:07.886)
I really do recommend listening to that entire podcast on the Know Thyself podcast, The Rise of Transhumanism, really give you some insight into the depth of this and what we should be thinking about. Another person, Dr. Eben Alexander, is a Harvard-trained neurosurgeon. And he discovered this profound truth firsthand when his consciousness journeyed beyond the physical realm during a seven-day coma. In that space, he encountered what
You know, countless mystics, prophets, Jesus, those who've had near-death experiences had described throughout human history. The reality is that we are spiritual beings having a temporary human experience. It's not just that we exist in this short amount of time that we are without a soul, that we are admitting consciousness through the brain. It's much more complicated than that.
Here's a clip of Dr. Alexander, who is the author of a great book. It's called Proof of Heaven, A Neurosurgeon's Journey into the Afterlife.
Roger K. McFillin, Psy.D, ABPP (23:44.27)
I think he speaks to the devastating spiritual consequences of the transhumanist agenda. They're not just playing with biological systems, they're potentially interfering with the sacred interface between our physical bodies and our divine nature. They seek to optimize what God has perfected.
to improve upon sacred design while being blind to the profound evidence that we are already part of something far greater than our physical forms. God did not create us to be optimized by algorithms, He created us in His image with the capacity for love, suffering, growth, and ultimately transcendence. Do transhumanists want to flatten these divine qualities?
into these mere computational processes to debug the very emotions and limitations that make us human, they seek to create a heaven on earth through technology while ignoring that heaven exists beyond our physical realm.
When we allow AI to start tinkering with these delicate systems, we risk damaging our connection to God's higher realms of existence. This is a form of spiritual amputation driven by those who worship at the altar of technology rather than recognizing the divine perfection that's already present in human design. Where these technocrats see emotions as in a
efficient or messy, something to be fixed. They want to use AI and genetic engineering to smooth out the rough edges of human experience.
Roger K. McFillin, Psy.D, ABPP (25:31.296)
I mean, it's hard for me to really fully understand how they see their place in this human experience. It's almost a glimpse into their attempts at immortality and achieving that godlike kind of status, which certainly we have been warned about through Scripture.
We need to wake up and see what's really at stake here. When they talk about optimizing human beings, they're talking about altering it. And in that, we become more predictable, more controllable.
think we're facing dire consequences of giving up our humanness.
Dr. Greg Braden.
had that other interview up, he kind of warns us against giving up our humanness. He has a new book that will be coming out. Here's another clip that I think is really critical to kind of just ponder on for a second.
Roger K. McFillin, Psy.D, ABPP (28:10.968)
Think about it.
Are we experiencing the proverbial darkness versus light, that spiritual warfare that exists? We're asking to give up our humanness, our humanness which is connected to our divinity. And when we think about the limitations that are provided on us, aren't we disconnecting us from, ultimately, our connection to the divine, the spirit within all of us? Let's be real for second. Who the hell are these Silicon Valley types to decide?
What needs to be optimizing? Who voted for this? Most of them can barely handle basic human interaction. And now they want to redesign human biology based on what? We're at a crossroads here. We can either hand over our humanity to these tech billionaires and their AI teams, let them flatten our emotional experience into something manageable and efficient, try to alter our DNA in a way that merges us with technology.
or we can wake up, we can realize that our humanness, our tears, our laughter, our rage, our love, it's not just human nature, it's a divine design. And no amount of AI or psychiatric drugs should mess with that. It's time to stop being afraid of our own hearts. Time to stop letting these people convince us of every disorder that we can face so they monetize it.
creating a fear-based consciousness. Because once they get us afraid of ourselves, we become afraid of our emotions, we become afraid of our thoughts, we become afraid of disease. We are ultimately putting ourselves in a state of disease. This is about consciousness. We have the ability to heal when we are aligned with nature. They've got us trapped in a prison that most of us can't even see.
Roger K. McFillin, Psy.D, ABPP (30:10.21)
And we have to be so careful because of these phones. You're probably listening to me or watching this on a phone right now. Listen, there's this, like anything, there are benefits and there are costs. So we have to be able to really guard our minds too, because the algorithm is really designed to influence your sense of reality. So how do we connect with what is real, what is objective? Well, that's only going to have, that's only going to occur from more human connection.
You're going to have to take time to be connected to nature. You're to have to take time to be in prayer, to be in silence, to meditate. You're to have to move your body intensely. You have to be connected to the sun and clean water and good food. This is health. When we have this, we are connected to nature. That's what I mean. That is connected to the divine. This is health. You're not going to get health from a pill. You're not going to get health from an injection. That is the lie that's being sold to us.
and we are at such a critical point in humanity. Dr. Greg Braden predicts like this could be the last generation of pure humans if we allow it to be.
So have to be very careful how you're raising your children right now. Like I am seeing two year olds with their face in phones and screens. Like it's the new modern pacifier. And then when our brains and our attention spans aren't able to adapt to other situations without that stimulation and technology, we label it with another disorder for another drug.
It's, up to us to reclaim that about ourselves. Normalize the struggle because it's divinely inspired. You know, it's interesting. You look back at times in your life where you've struggled and you've gone through pain and they've often led to creation of something new, more beautiful, more important. It was a necessary learning experience. We always have to ask ourselves the why, you know, why are we here? Why am I on this earth? How do I serve?
Roger K. McFillin, Psy.D, ABPP (32:19.246)
Because you become disconnected from that greater purpose, then you are very similar to these transhumanists. They have no greater meaning, but to serve their own pleasure, their own power. That's why they're so dangerous. And it's not that difficult to be able to see who those people are. They have very sociopathic qualities, right? They seem to lack an inner empathy and connection and understanding.
And that's why they can sound so robotic.
You know, we do certainly confuse that with intelligence. It certainly is a certain level of intelligence. It's almost like a computer-like intelligence. But the intelligence within our capabilities connected to God and connected to a greater consciousness where we are understanding that we are all one interconnected in a way we have access to a divine intelligence that certainly supersedes any computer.
Let's be very mindful about the ethical implications of technology and let's hold our government accountable to ideas when they're sold by those technocrats. Listen, I'm not against making sure that there's an AI infrastructure and that is under control of those who care about humanity. That's different because another country is going to do it. That's much different than making a promises.
that they cannot keep, that are pushing people to more mRNA interventions, or from people who have been very clear that human beings need to be controlled. And what does that mean? Surveillance? Censorship?
Roger K. McFillin, Psy.D, ABPP (34:08.664)
digital money, digital IDs, you become a slave. In some ways, we are slaves to the matrix. We are some ways still slaves to the information. limited by what is provided to us. That's why we have to separate it as often as we can. We'll have continued mental health crisis if you're attached to the matrix. It will control you in ways that will make you miserable and feel empty.
Roger K. McFillin, Psy.D, ABPP (34:38.614)
is an introduction to transhumanism. I think even myself right now I am at the beginning of state of stages of understanding how dangerous this really is and how it is really aligned with other past movements that are anti human like those who really see us as parasites and want to decrease the popular human population. And if you want to ask yourselves why
Are we going to be facing a fertility crisis? Why are we facing a fertility crisis? Why are men testosterone and sperm counts dropping at dangerous levels? Well, because we've been mass poisoned and that's intentional. This is a anti-human human movement on so many levels. Right? So a lot of people come and listen to me for, you know, mental health and you can't step away.
from the greater questions of human existence.
Roger K. McFillin, Psy.D, ABPP (35:45.75)
in the mental health field, have to ask these critical ethical questions all the time when you have the responsibility of taking care of somebody who might be suffering. And then when we pathologize suffering and we don't see its greater value, we are creating an emptiness, a hopelessness, because suffering without meaning leads to eventual suicide.
because it's pain without purpose. It's pain without ending. If you've ever worked with anybody who has struggled with suicide, is that is the state of existence that they live in. They see no purpose to their pain. They see life as only pain without any ending.
instead of seeing it as something that is divine for your own transformation and growth. I wouldn't wish away the pain in my life. Not at all.
I know that's scary for a lot of people. You fear your own mortality. You fear the loss of others. You know, in my work.
I see just so many people who are afraid of that attachment, right? They struggle in connection. They struggle in building relationships. They struggle in keeping them. And it creates that profound emptiness and feeling of loss.
Roger K. McFillin, Psy.D, ABPP (37:12.866)
And the more we use technology, the less connected we are, the more of the swipe right, swipe left culture. And that's how you're picking out a partner with meaningless sex. Again, you're just serving pleasure without something that's greater, you know, and you see in the undermining of families in that. And then you see that culture being pushed into public schooling. You see it being pushed into the medical establishment. How many parents out there feel alienated?
alienated from public education, alienated from mental health treatment.
Roger K. McFillin, Psy.D, ABPP (37:48.462)
It's, in my opinion, it's all part of a greater transhumanist anti-human agenda.
You this isn't meant to somehow, you know, provoke more fear or be an alarmist. This certainly at this point is not conspiracy theories. This is facing reality as it is. And we're at a unique time in human evolution. And if you're like me and you believe that you're a divine soul in this human experience, then you can understand that you are probably incarnated into this body for a particular reason.
You're probably listening to this right now. It's certainly not a coincidence. I don't believe there are coincidences that were energetically aligned in some way, or we're moving in the right direction, the same direction. But that's only going to be built through community.
You know, it's been a little bit of a challenging week for me because I've had to come across a number of situations where I'm either evaluating or working with people who are told lies. And in those lies, they're forced medical interventions and they were harmed by those medical interventions.
Roger K. McFillin, Psy.D, ABPP (39:07.39)
And is everybody intentionally lying? No, they're just not conscious. They're just not aware. Almost, it's kind of like just automatic brainwashing, repeating what you were told. You have to be a conscious being, we all do. We can't just blindly and passively accept what we're told. It has to be challenged. We have to challenge our government. We have to challenge the medical authorities. We have to challenge our teachers.
We need to be critical thinkers in this time. It is through this critical thinking and asking those questions is that we can consider implications, the horrible consequences of technology and people trying to play God. If you don't have the ability to predict consequences and ask those questions, then we repeat the same mistakes we've repeated in the past. History repeats itself.
You become controlled, you become enslaved.
Roger K. McFillin, Psy.D, ABPP (40:12.238)
Appreciate everybody on this podcast. Please look into the transhumanist movement. Let's hold our government accountable.
Stargate is more than just, you know, what you're going to hear on mainstream news. We have to really hold Silicon Valley and technocrats accountable and realize that they certainly do not and have not earned the power to make critical decisions about the future of humanity and be very skeptical when the medical authorities or tech...
tech authorities tell us that they have an easy fix to the human problem and they can prevent or prolong your life in ways that certainly could be unpredictable about the consequences down the line, intervening with nature and intervening in ways that have catastrophic consequences. Thank you.
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