149. The Secret Power of 528 Hz w/ Sigmar Berg
Roger K. McFillin, Psy.D., ABPP (00:01.26)
Welcome to the Radically Genuine Podcast. I am Dr. Roger McFilin. Recent advances in quantum physics are reshaping our understanding of human nature at a fundamental level. Beyond our physical bodies, we are, in essence, complex systems of energy. This perspective is not merely theoretical. It's grounded in emerging scientific research.
Our bodies, cognitive processes, and even consciousness can be conceptualized as intricate energy patterns. This paradigm shift offers new insights into human potential, suggesting possibilities for influencing our health and interacting with our environment in ways previously unimagined. As our grasp of quantum mechanics evolves, we're on the cusp of a new era.
in understanding human consciousness, one that may allow us to harner our innate energetic nature for personal and collective advancement. Imagine a tone so powerful that it's said to repair DNA, realign your spirit, and unlock the very fabric of the universe, a frequency that's been whispered about for centuries from ancient meditation halls to cutting -edge research labs.
Some call it the miracle tone, others the frequency of love. But what if I told you this is not science fiction? The sound is real and its potential is only beginning to be understood. That listening to this frequency reduced cortisol levels, which is a primary stress hormone, and increased oxytocin, a relaxation hormone. It is shown to lower tension and anxiety.
as well as overall mood disturbance. It may mitigate the damaging effects of toxins like alcohol use. It's linked to increased testosterone in the brain and decreased anxiety behaviors and animal studies and may repair damaged DNA. As our human consciousness grows and scientific understanding expands, we are opening ourselves more and more to the understanding of alternative healing modalities. Throughout history,
Roger K. McFillin, Psy.D., ABPP (02:25.334)
Mystics and scientists alike have sought to unravel its mysteries. Ancient civilizations incorporated into sacred geometries and healing practices. Nikola Tesla, the enigmatic inventor believed it held the key to unlimited free energy. Modern researchers are exploring its potential to revolutionize medicine and technology. On today's episode, we'll dive
into a world where vibration meets mystery, where the line between science and spirituality becomes blurred. We'll explore groundbreaking research and ways you can incorporate the sound frequency to completely alter your life and just maybe change the way you think about the power of sound forever. I wanna welcome to the podcast, Sigmar Berg. He's an entrepreneur, artist, photographer and fashion designer.
who is the founder of LoveTuner, which is a fascinating tool that produces the 528 Hertz frequency, known as the Love Vibration and Miracle Tone. Before his team reached out to me, I had already purchased the product and I have been using it in my meditation. So I'll definitely talk about my journey with LoveTuner. Sigmar Berg, I wanna welcome you to the Radically Genuine Podcast.
Sigmar Berg (03:46.084)
Roger, thank you for having me on your show. I really like your show. I like what you're doing and let's get into it and have an interesting conversation.
Roger K. McFillin, Psy.D., ABPP (03:55.8)
Yeah, I mean, this is a fascinating area of science for me and it kind of connects the science and spirituality aspects of who I am as a clinical psychologist. But I'm more interested in kind of first understanding about you, a little bit about your background, your story. How did you get into this understanding of this kind of field in science to develop this product?
Sigmar Berg (04:18.708)
So like my journey started like maybe even subconsciously long time ago. I was as a teenager, a professional swimmer, so long before I even understood what breast work means. Later in my life, I got into meditation. And I think about six to seven years after I was already meditating and consciously being on a spiritual path, I got introduced to the 528 hertz frequency.
and I did a guided sound meditation and it was just like a feeling like if somebody gives you the possibility to ride a car with let's say 200 horsepower and then somebody gives you something with 600 horsepower and you go like, that's cool, I wanna do this and this was the feeling what I had in this sound meditation. It was something that took me beyond what I ever experienced in a regular meditation before.
And I think I was pretty consistent in my meditation journey already, but this frequency opened something up that really triggered my curiosity. an old friend of mine, they have been working already on this frequency. And then we came up and said, listen, we need to integrate this, that it's instantly available. And this was the beginning of Loftune as we have it now.
And the beauty of it is like when you've been talking about the frequency, it sounds like, wow, that's something what man created. How beautiful. But it's not. It's a divine frequency. I have nothing to do with 528 Hertz besides that I facilitated through the love tournament that I use it for healing, for meditation. But that's the beauty of it. It's and that's the understanding where science and spirituality completely merge because
There is none without the other. And if you deny the existence of God or the existence of a higher power, then you know, like what is the research and what is science even worse? And this is the beauty of it. So the 528 Hertz is a magic, divine frequency, and it helps us humans to heal and to connect. And this is also the names of it, like miracle frequency, DNA repair.
Sigmar Berg (06:44.902)
And then at the end, the hippie -esque word, love frequency. But we all know everything is energy and frequency. And what makes us the most happiest one and what makes us vibrate the highest one is unconditional love. So that's just the beauty of it. In our nowadays, when you say it's the DNA repair frequency, people get big ears. If you say love frequency,
you lose half of the people because they say, love, that's so hippie, but it's what it is. It's the core frequency of love. It's the understanding of unconditional love and what this can do. when you look in the history of 528 Hertz, it was used over centuries as a healing frequency. And it was our natural C note on the musical scale. So there's all the reason to everything.
and why it's so beneficial for humans and why it's so powerful.
Roger K. McFillin, Psy.D., ABPP (07:46.434)
Yeah, so let's get really simplified first, just develop a foundation for the listeners here who might not really be exposed to this idea of vibration and frequency. You know, what does it actually mean in its simplest terms? know like, you know, there's a lot of people out there who understand some of the popular terms like vibing with somebody, you know, I felt that vibe, I felt that experience. But really, this is a scientific term when we talk about vibration, we talk about frequency. So
How do we define it? You know, how is this stuff even measured and known?
Sigmar Berg (08:19.998)
So like, mean, frequency is measured in Hertz. And when we talk about vibing, so everybody knows this, like I went into a room, there was a certain different vibe, or this person had a different vibe. Or we all know like sounds that really stress us, like whatever street noise, you know, the classic chalkboard noise, you know, like all this kind of stuff we are very aware of. So what this means is like,
something gives a phrase a frequency we feel it because we react to frequency and then we we said that's negative the only downside what happened over i don't know how many years is that we don't recognize positive frequencies so when we go to the ocean and watch the sunset and we go this was so relaxing it was so beautiful we don't know it's a frequency and and and this is i think this this
conscious awareness that what people need to understand to even embrace frequency healing because we always go, wow, that was a bad vibe. And sometimes you vibe with someone and you go like you have a dinner with someone and you come home and it feels like great. You had a great conversation. It was in the same vibe, the same ideas, you you're lined up. And this goes all back to to how we as a human vibe, you know, and and our hearts.
curiously always want to connect. So what disconnects us is the intellect. You you look at someone, you have certain ideas in your head, your mind, the intellect separates us and this actually disconnects us from feeling vibrations. And when you're with, I mean, I don't know if you have children, but if you had babies at one point, you know, there's no communication, you like you talk.
But it's not about the word, it's about the vibration. You hold your baby, you give it comfort, whatever you say, you say it in a way that it's humbling, that it's a good vibe. And this is basically the same thing when people talk about frequency and vibration. It's just that we focus on negative vibration and we know everything what is bad for us from the cell phone to the street noise, et cetera. But we need to consciously understand
Sigmar Berg (10:45.306)
that there's a lot of good vibrations and also how we can manipulate these frequencies in our own favor. So what can we do when there's a bad vibe? How can we avoid a bad vibe and how do we even recognize it? And then also how can we recognize if something gives a positive healing frequency or vibration? And this is the core understanding and then frequency and vibration.
don't sound so abstract anymore. If you think about it, mean, music makes us super happy. know, like we know the reaction that plants have to music. We know the reaction what water does to music. So it captures memories. We are over 70 % water. Our blood is 91 % water. No doubt that we react to vibration and frequency. And I think if you open this awareness,
then you understand life way better and it explains stuff. And this is also what I'm trying to basically preach in my book is about understanding vibration, but also understand what you are vibing with and what is cool for you because that's the only thing that really counts. There is no perception to something, there's only perspective. But you cannot have any perspective if you just...
go like, what vibration and frequency not existing because that means you are talking against existence. And this whole thing, everything what I can feel and see is the only thing that counts. I mean, that's a great limitation of life.
Roger K. McFillin, Psy.D., ABPP (12:29.516)
Yeah, and as energetic beings, our emotions are literally energy and motion, and our the thoughts that we create in our minds are energetic. I was recently watching a documentary where they were discussing this. It was a NASA scientist where they've been able to identify mathematically that our thoughts are faster than the speed of light. So we're constantly emitting
this energy. And I think when we talk about experiencing the vibration of others, we are actually experiencing their degree of consciousness, the emotions that they're generating. And we really do have this capacity, if we are in tune, like if we're, if we're not too lost and disconnected into the human mind, we have the ability to experience the energy of those around us, because we are essentially interconnected.
And in quantum mechanics, states that the universe is made up of space filled with fields of vibration, interconnected, unified, and in constant communication where distance and time are really of no consequence. I think this idea might be challenging for us in this three -dimensional material world, but we are all vibrating on energy. And so people do feel...
And I think we have like really good scientific evidence to support this too, like when grounded and connected in nature, that we have all these positive emotional and physical health benefits of doing so. like, is the, what is going on when we are connecting with nature on a vibrational frequency level?
Sigmar Berg (14:11.728)
Yeah, like what you just talked about. mean, it's a big thing right now, grounding. But I remember when I was growing up, we have been barefoot all summer. So that was one thing. And this is really the first thing you should do. know, like we are like a battery. We have electric from the sun. We have a magnetic field in the earth and we are this little battery in there. And whatever we can do to be
fueled by energy and be connected to Mother Earth, that's the most important thing. So when you understand this, then healing happens. This is where it's so important that people are barefoot at least once in a while, go outside. And I write about this in my book. It starts with me hugging a tree and believe me, whatever.
15 years ago, if somebody told me about hugging a tree, even when I was already meditating, it was not really something what I could relate to. It was not the thing where I go like, well, I get meditation because it's beneficial. We are firing 75 ,000 salts a day. And if we get a relief from it, it's beneficial. It relaxes us, gives us some rebalancing, et cetera. But the awareness of hugging a tree
wasn't there till I really felt it, like consciously felt it and what it does, you know. And this is also your system. The more you tune your system, the more you're fine tuned, the more you are able to read and feel this energy. And this is also the beauty when you build this connection, or maybe some people never lost it, you know, like they always had it since they are children and they consciously or sometimes can't.
subconsciously maintain this relation to nature. They always have this feeling and it's not about being spiritually educated or being a scientist. It's just this acceptance of life and understanding what it means. When you go to indigenous tribes, they have this full understanding and the full connection to nature. We had a team writer, she was just in Brazil with a indigenous tribe.
Sigmar Berg (16:37.116)
in the Amazon and they use the Loftuner and they make their own music, healing music and they use the Loftuner and they immediately recognized the and we heard it from different tribes. We heard it from all the way from Asia till South America. We have been in Africa. The first thing what they say is like, that's a connection to God. And that's the beauty is because nature to them is God because they understand creation because they feel it and
Roger K. McFillin, Psy.D., ABPP (16:58.797)
Sigmar Berg (17:06.406)
As I said, it's not an intellectual understanding. And this is what I always tell people, please don't prove to nature how smart you are, because there's no relevance, you know, because your degree does not help you to get healing from Mother Earth, you know. It's when you open your heart and when you really fine tune and if you can make a fool out of yourself and give it a try.
because that's what it is. It really takes this courage to go like, okay, I have no fucking clue what I'm doing, but I give myself to nature and I want to be surprised by what it can do for me. And when you let this gods down, our arrogance, and when we really feel the creation, first of all, changes your perspective and your behavior towards nature generally, because you really have a different understanding, because you would not also
kill your own doctor. You know what mean? It's like it's one cycle. And I think meditation and being exposed to frequency and spiritual hygiene needs to go hand in hand with the understanding of nature. You know, that there's no way that you sit in your high -rise building and you have your app on the phone, what is all great, but this is not what makes you heal. You know, like
You need, no matter where you live in the world, you need to go outside, you need to breathe in air. And if there's only one tree in your city, go there and give him a hug out of courtesy because you will get a lot of things back.
Roger K. McFillin, Psy.D., ABPP (18:44.91)
Well, SIGMAR in the world that I live in as a clinical psychologist, you know, I'm exposed to the health and mental health crisis of Western societies right now. I mean, there's, there's no doubt we have 25 % of the population on at least one psychiatric drug. have over 60 % of Americans are obese. 66 % of Americans experiencing at least one chronic illness. We're getting sicker.
And the way that we think about health is part of the problem in Western societies and certainly the allopathic medical approach to viewing symptoms as just states to be drugged, really, and not being able to restore underlying health. So what is your viewpoint of the declining health in Western societies, and how some of the science can really take
gigantic quantum leaps in being able to have us have a new understanding of consciousness and health.
Sigmar Berg (19:47.988)
I mean, first of all, like I grew up a little bit different and I grew up in Austria and we, think at least till 20 years ago, we had no non -organic food. A doctor did not give you antibiotics right away. I mean, had even doctors that sent me to acupuncture like early, even for like sports injuries, whatever. And I think...
the more your approaches to understanding humanity or understanding your health in a bigger picture that everything flows in your food, what you're saying, what you're doing, your exercises. I think if you you differentiate this and you really go to the core underlying issue, you you will recognize that you need to get out of your comfort zone and out of your comfort zone. This is where life starts.
If you have a hard weekend and you have a party influencer on Monday, then you know where it's coming from. But a lot of people just take pills to make it through the day, you know, because life is too hard for them and they don't want to deal with this. They don't want to deal with the downside. But everything you do in life spikes and goes down. And if you don't want to have those spikes and if you don't want to have those valleys, you have to find something to balance it out.
And if you do this with medication, then it's not a balance. It's a band -aid. And this is what I'm seeing. And it was really shocking right now is that people are even happy to talk about the anxiety because like, I mean, obviously this has to do with anxiety, but I get so much feedback from people. I have this anxiety, I have that anxiety, and it all comes down to one point. This is like literally
not being willing to leave your comfort zone. Yes, in this world you have to have anxieties because there's a lot of stuff going on, but it's not what you want to underline. If you say it all the time, that this becomes your mantra, this becomes your vibration. And this is why I think that's what it is. It's like we have this obesity, we have all the pharmaceutical drugs that make you a happier person, but
Roger K. McFillin, Psy.D., ABPP (21:57.997)
Sigmar Berg (22:14.48)
There's nothing you're doing for it. You know what I mean? You want to be rewarded for something that you go to the doctor and say, I don't feel well, give me a pill. You go to your therapist and you tell him for weeks and weeks the same story. mean, this is like chanting your own mantra of negativity. And that's what it is. And you need to break this cycle, you cannot live like totally disconnected from life.
Roger K. McFillin, Psy.D., ABPP (22:33.795)
Sigmar Berg (22:42.78)
And then you have this one session with a therapist where you unload all your mess, you you feel better for a couple of hours. Within a week, you refill this pocket of negativity. You go there, you dump it on your therapist and you think that this is a healing. No, it's not. And this is exactly if people will believe in frequency and vibration, they will go like, well, maybe what I'm doing here is actually creating negative vibration for myself. And I think that's
Roger K. McFillin, Psy.D., ABPP (23:10.84)
Sigmar Berg (23:12.712)
the cure of the actual problem is going back to telling people literally get out of your comfort zone because within the comfort zone, there's no growth and there's no healing. And then you're stuck in the thing. I mean, and it's not the fault of humanity. It's the fault of the tools we have been given. It's just the wrong tools. It's like...
You want to build a house and somebody gives you a plastic shovel, you're not going to go nowhere, you know? And this is where we are right now. We have a society that is completely overwhelming, that is not humane, and that left us completely disconnected. And I mean, as we all know, we are more connected than ever before. Everything is like a click of a button away. You can shop, you can meet friends, you can date, you can do whatever you want. You want to find love in the internet, you find it.
But do you really find it? I doubt it because otherwise we will be so happy and we will be so connected and we would use all our devices just to make humanity happier, to make your neighbors happier, to make yourself happy, but it's not happening, you know? So we are frustrated and we are disconnected and this is because we are living, not living outside of our comfort zone.
Roger K. McFillin, Psy.D., ABPP (24:30.764)
Yeah, I want to share a little bit of a different perspective for the listeners here. know, where our mind goes, our energy flows. So just think about the interconnection between our consciousness and our emotional states. And emotions are energy and emotions like joy, love, creativity, they actually carry higher measurable vibrational frequencies where emotions like sadness, shame, and fear are lower.
vibrational states. I mean, you almost feel like you're slower and you're heavier when you're in that. But they're very connected to our state of consciousness, like where you're going to focus your mind on. Like we are creators of our own reality. If we want to focus our attention on everything that is horrible about the world, we're creating it. Internally, there's a reality. It's affecting our bodies.
It's affecting our vibrational state and it's going to influence how we create. Same thing if our minds are attended to love or areas where we're grateful or on focused areas of contribution to our community or through creativity or things we want to grow or build in our communities. Like our energy is actually going to flow through where we focus.
our attention. And one way to do that is in our minds. But there's also this burgeoning aspect of research around like the heart center and the power of the heart as a divine intelligence, an energy source where this intuitive and even creative intelligence is like
constantly communicating with us? I'm sure you're aware of like maybe potentially the HeartMath Institute and so forth and some of the science on heart coherence. Like there is literally the spirit inside of us, whether we call it the Holy Spirit, God, Christ consciousness, divine intelligence, it's like exists within us and the human mind will
Roger K. McFillin, Psy.D., ABPP (26:50.626)
take us away from that experience. Like we can get distracted into our technology, we could think, we could worry, we could compare, we can project into the future, we can go back into the past. All of that takes us away from the only moments that we can actually live, which is the now, which is the absolute now. And with your meditation background, I'm sure you've been able to connect to that divine intelligence.
Sigmar Berg (27:19.23)
Yeah, yeah. This what you just mentioned, living in the here and now is the most important thing because, you know, like if you live in the past, it creates depression. If you worry about the future, it creates anxiety and you can't do nothing. You cannot change the past nor can you predict the future. And but what you can do is you can live in the moment in the so -called here and now. And there's like the Musseleri.
wrote something what I still reference. And he said, the surfer, and this one I'll be talking about the 60s now, when this was not a glorified sport, it was like, you know, like the black sheep of society that just served and lived a very rebellious life. But he was writing about it. This is the only person right now what he sees in society living in the here and now because the wave behind him is already gone. And the one ahead is not there yet.
So he's really living in the here and now. I mean, I don't know if you serve, but it's this feeling in the moment. And if you think about this, that's the key to life. And if you do this in a conscious thing, and it doesn't mean that you need to forget the important stuff that we have to do, but just try really to be in the here and now. If you have a good day, be grateful. Don't worry about the work tomorrow. You know what I mean?
If you have a bad experience in the past, try to deal with it, but don't make it your mantra. Don't go back and do it over and over again. So I think living in the here and now is the biggest challenge for all of us. And this is like including me because as we are all talking here, it's not that we have like the formula for life. We also struggle. Everybody struggles.
but it comes down to the point, what are you doing? What are you capable of? Can you turn it around? Can you turn this downward spiral in the energies that you described, the frequencies of what I've chalice, anger, anxiety, all this negative stuff. Are you able to rewrite it? And only for this one day, are you able to gratefulness?
Sigmar Berg (29:42.868)
that the sun rises in the morning and it sets in the evening. Are you grateful of the possibilities we have as a human? And I think that's what it all comes down to. And just like one time, try to get out of your head into your heart because as you mentioned, the Heart Mass Institute, they did a lot of research. think the magnetic field and the power of the heart is 50 ,000 times more than the brain.
It's like, you don't have to be a scientist to understand this. Explain it to a child. said, you have this toy here and there you have this toy and this is so great and this is it can do for you. So then you make your curious decision and based on the information you get. And we still go like.
What are you thinking about this? How many people say, what do you feel about this? And this is where it starts. It's like in the family, you ask how you feel. As soon as you go in a corporate setting or even in the business setting or through friends, go, what do you think about this? It's like, we forget that we are totally intuitive beings.
Roger K. McFillin, Psy.D., ABPP (30:56.822)
Yeah. I really do think we're disconnected from the body in so many ways. And there's so much that exists within our body for us to be kind of in alignment. You know, just when you think about what is disease, I mean, it's the body that's no longer at ease. And then that creates this vulnerability for us, for our immune system to not function in the way that it needs to function. then slowly the body does age and the body does die. But really, I think we have these capabilities.
to heal ourselves. Like when human consciousness evolves to the point where we become aware that we can heal ourselves is when we can use that energy in order to be able to fix maybe many of the elements that we suffer with right now. Deepak Chopra, he wrote Quantum Healing and he describes how higher levels of consciousness and energy can and do help healing. I've done a number of podcasts.
you know, on the power of the mind and the placebo effect, which we is somewhat of a mystery. I think to many of us, we use it just as comparison for biological and pharmacological interventions. But the truth of the matter is it's like, that's the power of the mind and our ability to heal ourselves. So if we are disconnected from the body, then in order for us to get back into allowance and to be able to access that
that divine intelligence as well as express a vibration and energy that can positively impact those around us, we have to learn how to get out of our heads and connect to the present moment. Which brings me to your company and your Loftuner tool. I guess it's more than a tool. I it's an amazing product that
that has a lot of scientific backing, right? So if you go to your website, do list some of the research to support this frequency and its power. So what can you tell us about some of the science that supports this? Because I don't want people to think we're just talking about woo -woo nonsense here, right? When we start talking about vibration and frequency and vibing and God and spirit and all those things, I know there's...
Roger K. McFillin, Psy.D., ABPP (33:23.308)
those who are in Western society and who might be in scientific fields get a little bit disconnected from it. But there's a strong scientific basis to some of these things that we're talking about.
Sigmar Berg (33:35.38)
Yeah, like, mean, when we started with 528 Hertz and the testing of 528 Hertz, one book what I was reading back then was the hidden messages in water from a motor. And this was something for me that explained it to myself because I had no clue either. I had no clue why 528 Hertz to all these other frequencies which are out there.
why it's so special. And the most outstanding quality of this frequency is that it can restructure water. So, and what we just mentioned earlier is like, you know, we are like 70, over 70 % water. And the testing of a motor shows, and we did it, we show it also on our homepage, when you expose water, even regular water from the tap, what is polluted, and you look at it under the microscope,
It has an amorph shape. When you expose it to 528 Hertz, within a minute, it restructures to a hexagonal, beautiful crystal shape, like out of a mountain spring. So, as I said, we are 75%, even more percent water. What this does is you use the Love Tuner. This frequency goes into your body, aligns these water molecules, because that's just what it does under the microscope. It happens to yourself. And this is why
It gives you this feeling of relaxation. That's the first like physical thing that happens. And on top of it, this frequency goes out by eight foot out of your body. So when you do it in a group, you connect on a sound frequency level and you connect from heart to heart. So that's one thing. The other test that have been done with 528 Hertz was in the Gulf of Mexico after the oil spill.
Canadian scientists took like, don't know, they didn't have the financial means and they had no support, but they put speakers on the beaches, played 528 Hertz and within a couple of hours, the water got distracted from oil. I mean, it's crazy stuff what is happening. mean, UCLA is doing a test on the...
Roger K. McFillin, Psy.D., ABPP (35:51.704)
Sigmar Berg (35:59.284)
the reaction of alcohol in the body. we all know we're not getting addicted to alcohol, but what happens later on in the chemical process in the body, methanol, et cetera, how long it stays in your body. And they did test that it helps you to detoxify like really fast because it's, and now we're going a little bit spiritual in the 528 Hertz frequency. Darkness cannot exist.
where anxiety cannot exist, like darkness cannot exist in the room of light. It's just like not happening. And when you see that bees are vibrating on 528 Hertz when they're pollinating, that all our plants are vibrating on 528 Hertz. And that's the reason why chlorophyll is green. I mean, that's a connection. What is so powerful because it goes into
the source, it goes into the creation and on top of it you have the physical proof that this frequency really does something to you. So and I think the biggest thing what it does is the alignment and the restructuring of the water molecules. So this is in my opinion the strongest tool.
Roger K. McFillin, Psy.D., ABPP (37:16.546)
Yeah, I want to have it around my neck right now. And I think it's important that we talk about these actionable steps that people can make. And there's little small things I think that people can do each day that have these robust and powerful health outcomes. Meditation is one of them. And I just want to explain to the audience how I use the LoveTuner in my meditation.
So I do start with a gratitude practice every morning. I have kind of my list of, you know, at least 10 things that I'm really, really grateful for in my life. The important people, the relationships, my health, the opportunities I have for even having conversations like, like this, my, my spirit and my quest for knowledge and just a number of things, the clients I work with and that right there starts to cultivate an attention.
you know, a focus on my mind, on what is, what matters the most. But then I want to enter into a state where I am fully connected to the divine. I want to try to shut off my mind in a way that I can shut off my mind to be really connected to the now because God only exists in the now. It's the only way that we can really be present and connected with God is when we choose to live fully in the eternal now.
And the love tuner is the way that I start my meditation. So it's just, I wonder how this comes across on the microphone, but I do want to just try to demonstrate it for people who are watching or listening about what happens on the exhale, right? Because my attention now on a meditation is fully on my breath and I have the deep diaphragmatic
breath that comes deep from within my diaphragm and on the inhale and a longer exhale. And it's on the exhale where through the love tuner, am connecting with that 528 Hertz. And I just want to get a sense of like how that might sound.
Roger K. McFillin, Psy.D., ABPP (39:31.854)
Roger K. McFillin, Psy.D., ABPP (39:49.72)
And by doing that with inhale and exhale, the experience, and I'll try to just kind of communicate what I experience. To me, it's in a feeling of a vibration that I experienced at other times in my life. It might be when I'm connected to nature, when I'm, when I am in a session working with a client and I'm very much in the flow of the experience.
Sigmar Berg (39:50.002)
And by doing that.
Roger K. McFillin, Psy.D., ABPP (40:15.83)
And I can really tell it's my intuition. It's my heart center. That's really guiding me. You can get almost this warmth that exists in, in, your body. And that's the feeling I get when I connect to that. try, try to do it in nature as much as possible when the weather's good. And I'm here in the Northeast. So certainly from like April through October, November, you know, I do a lot of my meditation outside. don't always get to do that, but it's a powerful effect.
Right, we know the powerful effect even if we take different moments of the day just to stop and do some breath work and to connect back to the now. But now with this frequency and generating this vibration, it seems to have this much more powerful impact. And so I'm interested in Sigmar and not only how you use it, but what are some of these small kind of actionable steps that you incorporate?
in your life to kind of stay in a frequency and vibration that allows you to live so fully with love and to be able to create and build the things you want to build.
Sigmar Berg (41:26.59)
Yeah, like, mean, with this tuning what you just described, and by the way, I can tell that you do a lot of breast work because you have a very nice steady tone and you could have gone even longer. You have not been at the end of your breath by far. But so what do you do basically with the Lofton is you have a conscious breathing break. You invite love in your life and you arrive in the here and now. These are the three points. And the breast work is so easy with the tuner because
If you don't have a good routine in breathing, this gives you an audible feedback. It's not like a breast work where you do it and you don't really know where you're standing. It gives you an audible feedback. You hear right away when the tone drops, when the tone starts vibrating off, then you know, okay, I need to have a better rhythm in breathing or I'm working on my lung strength. That's basically what it is. And then obviously,
You have the frequency. But what I always tell people is when they get a Loftuner is first of all, no expectations. That's just really trust in the process. I mean, you have to do it correctly. And the only thing what you have can do wrong is not to do it. You cannot do it when the shit hits the fan. Then it's too late. You get your Loftuner, you read the leaflet and slowly you start integrating it.
and don't try to be somebody that needs to spread the love on the first day and run to him and this is what I'm doing, this is what I'm doing. Really grow with it because the vibration will change you and then you don't have to explain it because people will get your vibration and you will have different experiences in life. So what I always say is no expectation. Morten is you have a routine, you need to do it in my opinion at least twice a day and every time when something comes up.
That's the most important thing. And I do it in the morning before I even say good morning to anyone. I tune in the state of being half asleep. You know, when you don't really think you're like half eyes closed, you have your tuner next to your bed and you just tune and I call this always setting the tone of the day. Because I don't even know what it is because I'm not awake. I'm not like focusing on anything. It's just like literally trusting.
Sigmar Berg (43:53.06)
in the source if you want to, connecting to the source. And then you do your routine, you do whatever fitness, whatever you do, and then I do it consciously. So I do six breathing cycles. I try to extend my exhale as long as I can and I really take my time. And then during days, it's like stuff comes up, you're too late, you're sitting in the car somewhere and you want to write three text messages while you're driving and...
and everything is like going against you because you're late. And I really catch myself doing exactly the opposite, like putting everything away, taking the tune out and just tuning. And it's not going to make me arrive earlier. I'm not catching up time. But what it does, it gives me a different perspective. It calms me down and it gives me a different perspective. And you arrive in a tuned state of mind wherever you had to go anyway.
And I think this is what you need to do when you feel a little bit down, when you feel sad, just do it. also, always remember, take a breathing break. You know, this is what we what we don't do. We don't take breathing breaks. You know, we we we hustle and bustle and we breathe super shallow. And and this is like I I mean, I smoked cigarette long, long time ago. I stopped like I think more than 25 years ago and
But I understand the concept of smoking for so many people because that's the only breathing exercise of the entire day, you know, and it's a total relief, you know. You inhale and you go, and I mean, that's for sure the best breath most people take consciously all day long, you know. And if there would not be the negative side effects of smoking, yeah, it's a great breathing exercise.
Roger K. McFillin, Psy.D., ABPP (45:48.803)
Sigmar Berg (45:48.916)
And this is what the love tumor should also remind you to. Like take a breath, know, arrive in the here and now, just recalibrate yourself. And what we talked earlier is like, be aware of bad frequencies. And it's like what you said, you like you have bad weather and we don't have beautiful weather all year long. cannot be outside. We travel a lot. are in the offices. But
This frequency connects you regardless to nature. And if you ever tuned in nature, no matter where you tuned a second time, it will put you right back there. It's like setting an anchor. It's like being connected to nature. That's basically what it does. It doesn't matter if you're in the 20th floor in an office building, by the time you tune, you're completely connected to the equation.
Roger K. McFillin, Psy.D., ABPP (46:44.226)
Yeah, I mean, very simple. Not doesn't take a lot of time. Right. But it certainly can have a powerful impact on your consciousness and our consciousness is is really powerful on our health. I know, remember, it's just toxic where our minds can go and what stress can do to our bodies. In this in this high paced, fast paced world, you know, our minds are always
Sigmar Berg (46:48.818)
Roger K. McFillin, Psy.D., ABPP (47:09.442)
you know, moving in so many different directions and people have a hard time slowing their minds down, which affects how they sleep at night. And, you know, you're, you're, worrying and you're, and you're releasing stress hormones and it's affecting your immune system and you get run down and this is when you get, you get sick. These small little things that you can do every day are connecting to the now are moving away from that consciousness of sickness, that consciousness of, of worry and toxicity.
And I also think, like, my mind goes even further, like the power of prayer or the power of gratitude, like that energy that that produces, what kind of impact does that have on not only our own well -being, but like a collective consciousness? So when I start thinking about all these other things that we can do that can really improve our quality of our life, we also have to eliminate the toxicity that exists, like turning off the news.
getting off your phone, not, you know, doom scrolling on there and being, you know, getting captured really by all the negative and fear provoking messages that are constantly sent to us both to divide us, but also to get us hooked to whatever their product is. And then it creates sickness and they push us to pharmaceuticals with the false promises that this is our mental health well being.
medicines and we're taking care of our mental health when they're really just blunting our energy force. When they're just you're drugging and you're blocking energies, you're blunting human emotions, even lower frequency emotions are messages to us. And if we want to raise our frequency and we want to change how we feel, we got to understand what is contributing to why we're feeling the way we are. Like you said earlier, maybe we have to get out of our comfort zone. Maybe we have to face
problems that exist in our life, like walk through it. You know, the way out of the darkness is towards that light. Maybe we have to leave relationships. Maybe we need to change something that's really important in our lifestyle, like diet or smoking or drinking. You know, that all those emotions as energies are indicators to us. They're messages that we have to make changes. And when we are connected to the now and we feel healthy and we're eating good food,
Roger K. McFillin, Psy.D., ABPP (49:32.098)
and we're out of our head and we're engaged in creative and meaningful work and strong relationships. That is the definition of health. The definition of health isn't the absence of like a cough or some symptom. It is living fully well. And these are the things we need to talk about in mental health. These are the things we have to talk about in our healthcare system. How are we restoring our balance? How are we living well? I just feel like the messages that exist in
in Western culture and Western society are purposely designed to make us sick. I mean, they're going to make us sick and it feeds that entire industry. So this is, to me, this is a revolution. I mean, these are the type of ideas that have to lift to a higher consciousness because that collective consciousness matters. And we're the ones who have to resist the nonsense that exists out there. The poisons, the poisons in thought. They take us away from our collective consciousness, the connection with each other, our spirituality.
and our own divine desire to feel well and serve each other. And so I love what you're doing, Sigmar, because I think it's about something greater, isn't it? I think it's about how are we changing the way we think about our human experience.
Sigmar Berg (50:47.708)
Yeah, you absolutely nailed it. What you just framed is basically what we're dealing with. So we created a world of bad vibes, of frustration, of anxiety, and nobody addresses it in the correct way. So this is exactly what we are pointing out, because first of all, you can only change the world if you're self -empowered.
Self -empowerment comes only that you understand yourself, you take responsibility for your action, and you also know what is on the outside. And by turning off the news, by being conscious how you use your phone, you eliminate a lot of this already. And then you need to start your own practice to really go in there and go like, hey, I doubt this. I doubt that this is good for me.
and don't be a sheep, know, like really wake the fuck up and do something against this and don't be like, this is what this person said. I mean, we all know, for example, that media, internet, it's like you cannot, you need to take it with a grain of salt. You know, it's like, it's like they're selling you stuff, you know, that's like watching advertisement for war, for fear, for disease, for obesity, for, I mean, people are getting
completely nuts right now. And this is when we understand that the system is rigged, then we cannot go out there. And every time when something happens, we believe in the system. You know what I mean? That's like you go to the wrong doctor. How often you want to go to the wrong doctor? It's like, wake up, you know, do something, you know, be mindful of what you're doing, be mindful about your life and
And when you look into the system that you described, then also look into the system that, for example, made the frequency of 528 Hertz disappear. we know about this frequency for so long. The Gregorian choirs have been chanting and healing entire cities and villages in Europe, 600 after Christ. They did this for a couple of hundred years. And the church itself said,
Sigmar Berg (53:06.94)
stop chanting on this frequency because we don't want to have harmony. We want to have people in fear. And this was when Gothic started and when people started paying off their debt to God not to go to hell. I mean, this was the first time when it became a monetary thing to bring people in disharmony and to bring them into
Roger K. McFillin, Psy.D., ABPP (53:28.003)
Sigmar Berg (53:32.852)
Polarity, know, like hell, heaven, all those things, all these creations, which are not relevant for human experience at all. And the 528 Hz was the first time. The second time out of Hitler changed the musical scale before the Second World War to get people really rattled up. then America nailed it. And we changed in the 30s.
our musical scale in the 1930s we changed the musical scale from the A tone that gives all the other tones from 444 Hertz we went to 440 and what this did is that our original C note the 528 Hertz disappeared so nowhere in modern music you find 520 Hertz and the interesting thing is that for example John Lennon
composed the biggest love and peace song in the world in 528 hertz. So imagine is still over 50 years, the most prominent love and peace song. And there's something behind it. And I always tell people, do your research, educate yourself. And when you know that harmony was taken consciously out of our music,
then this is a bigger plan and this didn't happen like by, let's change something new. It's a system and the system got overwritten over and over again in a negative way. And now we are exposed to so many negative frequencies and we forgot about the good stuff. We forgot about that we are actually a resonant body. We are resonant body and if you know how to recalibrate yourself, then you are on the way of healing.
Roger K. McFillin, Psy.D., ABPP (55:26.284)
Yeah, I mean, there's a, there's a fascinating history around this. And you wonder if, you know, some of the greater spiritual writings about, you know, light and dark, good and evil, you know, play itself out because even, you know, it appears that through, through channeling and history that like the archangel Michael was trying to communicate this frequency. And then people were just tried as, as witches are hung for witchcraft and a number of things, but this new research confirms.
you know, this mathematical component of it, you know, it resonates at the heart of everything that exists in the universe. And so this might be such a powerful energy that those of darker spirits or darker energy would want to keep this from, you know, humanity and raising its consciousness by keeping us stuck in lower frequencies.
Sigmar Berg (56:17.202)
Yeah, I mean, like through history, you just named Archangel Gabriel and there are so many channeled messages. What really would help to, you know, create a different life form for the human race here on the planet. And when we look into what is happening on Earth itself, the planet is raising its own frequency. So what does this mean? Like that means you are living on this planet.
If you don't raise your frequency, you will be torn apart. And this is exactly what is going on. So if you look at the newest generation, these kids are so advanced spiritually. They have abilities where we are like DNA wise, like dinosaurs, know, spiritually seen. And this generation is the generation that gets bombarded the most with everything negative. They grew up with a phone, you know.
They are completely disconnected. They're sitting in rooms, ten kids together and no one is talking, you know? It's just like, and I mean, just this idea, you know what I mean? It's like when you have been growing up, I'm sure your parents came into a room with your friends and said, can you dim it down? Because whatever music was blasting, kids screaming, having fun. And now it's that silence, you know?
Roger K. McFillin, Psy.D., ABPP (57:23.832)
Roger K. McFillin, Psy.D., ABPP (57:41.346)
Yeah, there's like zombies with those phones.
Sigmar Berg (57:43.06)
Exactly. It's like some is and I mean, and I, I talk a lot even to adults, you know, this thing is dangerous. It's programmed in a way that you have fastly carried away. And by the time you look up, you go, where did the last 20 minutes go? Because it's, it's a matrix. It really sucks you in there. It's like, you know, like the same thing, how slot machines are made and, how certain drugs are working. This is the same thing with, with, this device.
And I think the only way out of this is being really conscious about why this frequency disappeared, why we are constantly exposed to negative frequency. And when you look at the new generation, they are out there. They would connect in no time. What we had to learn, they have it. And these are the ones that got shut down the most. And these are the most effective ones. And this is what makes me personally really sad.
because Dalai Lama said if every kid with eight years would learn how to meditate, the next generation would have no war. We would overcome because the thing what meditation does is you get the understanding of one is all and all is one. Everything is reaction. know, there's cause and reaction in everything. mean, quantum physics proves it. You know, like, I mean, there's so much science out there and we still tap.
into the same wrong behaviors. Even science shows that it's not me talking spiritual voodoo. That's science. We know it's working. The problem is just that in every culture, knowledge was always withhold from the people. That's just how it works. It started in Egypt, the same star culture we have now in Hollywood. You look in one direction,
and people just swallow it. That's what it is because the knowledge is withheld. And why did all the powerful from Napoleon to out of Hitler, you name it, why did they all go to Egypt? Why did they know and resource all those things? If it's not interesting, if it's not interesting for humanity and it's just a handful of rocks in a weird formation, then why did everybody go there and why did they take away?
Sigmar Berg (01:00:09.576)
this powerful stuff, you know, and why don't they talk about the knowledge? Very simple, because you could not hold people under control when we would have the full knowledge, you know, because people, we are not here to be fighting each other. No, it's like we are really here and we are made out of love and our own purpose is to spread love. I mean, it doesn't it's not something where I talk about highly
abstract. Yes, we all swear, we all are upset. We are humans. That's what it is. Otherwise, we would be in heaven. But we are humans. We can be upset. We can do stupid stuff. But overall, we should understand that only love can change something. And you see this everywhere. I see it so often when I interact mainly with people that I like to interact with because I'm very careful about the vibrations I want to be in. But even with
with very normal people that you have an interaction, whatever, on the street, it really comes down to how you approach people, you know? And right now, we see an aggression that has never been here before. I moved to the United States 18 years ago. I was going back and forth between New York and Europe for many years. So I have an understanding, but I really moved here 18 years ago. And I tell one thing, it was different.
The aggression that we have now is outrageous. And especially Americans have been, for Europeans, very, very friendly. I mean, you have been to Europe. We are not the friendliest. You like, it's like, you don't have this friendliness what America is known for, you know? And it's really gone. People are... And it's even beyond, it's not about being polite anymore. It's about like being so frustrated that the smallest thing can trigger you to an outburst.
And this is not the fault of the individual, that's the fault of the collective and the BS what they're feeding us.
Roger K. McFillin, Psy.D., ABPP (01:02:19.456)
Yeah, I totally agree. think we're in this very transformational stage in humanity. And I do think that comes with tremendous opportunity to raise the vibration of the planet. we're seeing the veil has really been lifted on a lot of corruption and propaganda and systems that are designed to keep human beings
in a state of slavery and anger and low vibrational emotional states. And of course, when you go through that transformational stage, think COVID is one of these key areas where, you know, we're able now to see things a little bit more clearly. And I do really feel like a lot of people are more spiritually awakened and more aware of what is happening across the globe to keep us stuck and almost blinded.
to the forces that are really trying to influence our perception of reality. And once we realize the power that we do have, the power for good that is driven by love, we have this tremendous opportunity to raise the vibration of the planet and to create a new earth. And I think if you listen to other channelers, which I think is just a fascinating information of wisdom that is gifted to us, that's something that's constantly communicated is that
There is going to be a new earth that we can raise the vibrational frequency. We are all here. Everyone who's here during this chaotic and violent time is here for a reason. Like our souls are here for a particular reason to do that. And we have that energetically, like we have this power to create this, but we have to be very mindful of what we're creating in our minds and in our hearts. You know, if you're going to stay in that cycle of toxicity,
with news and division and politics and drama and materialism, you're going to feel sick. There's no doubt about it. And you're going to stay in the sick care system when all that's going to happen is you're going to go to the doctors for more drugs with more side effects. That's going to keep your vibration low. That's going to create more illness. And that's not what we're designed for. We're designed to heal. We are designed to love. We're designed to create. Our time on this planet is
Roger K. McFillin, Psy.D., ABPP (01:04:41.036)
meaningful and we have to realize our collective power.
Sigmar Berg (01:04:46.152)
That's beautiful. I can absolutely agree with it. And obviously you have heard some channeling about, you know, that we are going into the golden age. So the light one, there's nothing to be said after this. We are just in this transitional thing. So in this 5D world, the light is already there. It's just manifested on earth right now. And the proof we have for this is
Why would the system in power and the matrix fight so hard against liberation of humanity if they would not know what we know? They know they lost. It's just like they're doing so much. They extend the time that is left for them. And that's what it is. Otherwise, if it would be decided that the dark side, the dark ages will be continued,
then don't have to do anything. You don't have to come up with a matrix. You're just like, that's what we're going to do. But the knowledge is out there. The light one, it's manifesting in the 3D world. It's causing a lot of rapture. And it was not written and said anywhere that it's going to be an easy one. And when you go into transcendence, it's also, COVID showed very clearly that it's not.
the collective net that will transcend them because a lot of people made decisions not to transcend, know, where the journey just ends. And this is also, it was never written that it's for everyone. And there will be some dark stuff for people who are doing dark things. That's very, very simple. And this is where they're gravitating towards and this is what they're holding onto. But the light won and it's now on us.
to facilitate this because we need like -minded people because that's the power we have. There will be no political revolution anymore. There will be a spiritual revolution. And this happens when a lot of like -minded people connect on a heartfelt level and really make change happen. And this just needs to be done. And you don't even have to go on the street and demonstrate. The spiritual shift is happening.
Sigmar Berg (01:07:06.812)
It's impossible to be stopped.
Roger K. McFillin, Psy.D., ABPP (01:07:09.294)
Totally agree. All right, how can people find out about you, your work, your company? We're gonna partner with you. There's gonna be a link in our show summaries where right now we're gonna be generating also a code I'm working with your staff for 10 % off. This is something again, I wanna support, I use it myself. I'm only gonna partner with companies and work with groups of people that I believe in what they're doing.
How can people find more about Loftuner?
Sigmar Berg (01:07:39.892)
Roger, I really appreciate your support here and spreading the love with your followers. Yeah, the best thing is to go either through the link that you guys are going to publish on your podcast and on your homepage, but it's lovetuner .com. So it's available everywhere in the world. We have different fulfillment centers in the States, Europe, and even South America. So it's easy to buy. It's not an expensive product. We sell it for I think $68.
And this was the most important thing for me because as you mentioned earlier, I came from the design and fashion world where everything is about luxury. And this product was important for me to be as cheap as we could produce it, that it's a mass product. want that people tune. I want that they really connect and give it a chance, you know, to a different approach to life.
Roger K. McFillin, Psy.D., ABPP (01:08:35.33)
Yeah, my hope is that the more people adopt not only these mindsets, but these practices that we collectively raise our consciousness and increase the vibration on earth. mean, these are the, these are powerful things that, that we can do, you know, simply walking down the street and in your mind, you know, blessing a stranger, you know, and wishing well on others. Like these are the things that are powerfully, energetic that, you know, create change. And so these, a tool like love tuner, love tuner where you can
Sigmar Berg (01:08:58.92)
Roger K. McFillin, Psy.D., ABPP (01:09:04.354)
you know, connect with, that amazing miracle love frequency. you know, you're going to feel it. I guarantee you you're going to feel it. I've felt it. It's enhanced my meditation practice. And, you know, I really do want to encourage it. There'll be a commercial that's going to be popped in here with the, with the code. I work out, what that's going to be probably radically genuine, you know, with, with the love tuner, team.
So listen, Sigma was a great conversation. I feel like we could probably talk for hours on some of the things where we just got into, you know, talking spiritually and talking about what's going on on the planet right now. And so maybe we do that down the line, but I won't appreciate, you know, your time. And it certainly was a radically genuine conversation.
Sigmar Berg (01:09:47.632)
I appreciate it. I want to point one thing out because, you know, Loftuner is a little bit more than a product. It's real, a love and peace mission. This is how it started. And a couple of years back, we go like, what can we do to even help people more in like, you know, spreading love, spreading kindness, et cetera. And we created something on our page. I don't know if you have seen it. It's called the Act of Kindness. I did it together with my friend, Nippon Meita.
So when people do really kind stuff and it helps the world, we accept it as currency at Loftuner. So you can pay with an act of kindness for a Loftuner.
Roger K. McFillin, Psy.D., ABPP (01:10:27.426)
Love it. Check it out. Check out love tuner. Listen, thank you. Sigmar been great conversation. I want to wish you best with everything that you're doing moving forward.
Sigmar Berg (01:10:36.638)
Thank you, Roger. I appreciate it.
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