118. Guided by dreams and medical intuition w/ Dr. Larry Burk
Sean (00:01.703)
Welcome to the radically genuine podcast. I am Dr. Roger McPhilin. Sean, I remember what it was like to be asleep. Unaware, unconscious, and blind to what I could not see. I'll be honest with you, I love sleeping. And it gives me the most peace. So when I wake up and I'm no longer sleeping, I kind of want to be sleeping again. Yeah, and I think when I do refer to people still not yet awakened, I am referring to you. I know.
I know. If it was not experienced for me personally, and I didn't observe it within my three-dimensional limitations of my experience, it did not exist. That was my being asleep. I'd be the first to dismiss energy healing or other metaphysical concepts as quackery. And when I started my career, I was full focused on what had been sold as evidence-based therapies or evidence-based medicines.
I was distrustful and skeptical of alternative healing modalities or metaphysical concepts until I had spiritual experiences and events that could not be explained by what I knew.
and I then met other people who had similar experiences. Till I opened my eyes to what existed beyond what I was told or what I was sold.
Things didn't change for me. And at any point in history, we can look back at advancements in science or technology that at one time, those exact ideas before they could be understood would be also viewed as quackery.
Sean (01:50.175)
With the limitations of human evolution and consciousness, dissenters from mainstream ideas were jailed, killed, burned at the stake until those advancements became understood by the culture and eventually accepted. Until then, those ideas, modalities, and even people who support them tended to be vilified. This leads us to today's guest.
First, I do want to give credit again to Molly Adler, who's back from the Borderline podcast is rapidly becoming one of my favorite shows. I was exposed to today's guest after listening to him on Back from the Borderline. Since I believe there are no coincidences and everything is happening for me, not to me, my exposure to his career is an opportunity for me to learn and for our listeners to learn as well.
We're certainly going to look for a radically genuine conversation to push ideas, concepts, challenge what is the norm. Hopefully we can all feel a little bit uncomfortable because it is only within that discomfort where we will grow. With that being said, I want to introduce Dr. Larry Burke, who is the co-founder of
Sean (03:14.047)
recently retired in 2021 after a 40 year career as a holistic radiologist. He did his medical school and residency training at the University of Pittsburgh. He transitioned from one of the leading MRI researchers on MRI of the knee and shoulder in the eighties to becoming a co-founder of Duke Integrative Medicine and in the nineties, and then a certified energy health practitioner in 2010.
as is described in his previous book, Let Magic Happen, Adventures in Healing with a Holistic Radiologist. So we're going to be exposed to someone who woke up a lot earlier than us, been awake for a while, and has been an innovator, trailblazer, in being able to shift from the traditional allopathic training that's provided to coordinating with one of the most prestigious academic institutions in the United States and in the world.
to create a integrative medicine clinic. So much to learn there. He's trained in acupuncture, hypnosis, as I said before, certified energy health practitioner. He's a founding member of the American Board of Scientific Medical Intuition and a former board president of the Ryan Research Center. Right now, he's doing online coaching practices. He specializes in things that are gonna be new to us. EFT, dream work for pain.
immune and sinus conditions. His background is so diverse, his knowledge of integrative, traditional, Eastern, holistic, metaphysical healing is so extensive, I can't do it justice with a quick bio, but it offers us the opportunities to ask questions about things maybe we think about but do not say out loud. Bottom line is this, please enter this episode with an open mind. Dr. Larry Burke
Welcome to the radically genuine podcast.
Larry Burk (05:11.188)
Great to be here, Roger and Sean. Yeah, listening to my bio, I'm going, where did I go off the rails?
Sean (05:19.059)
Well, that's the first question. I mean, you were traditionally trained as a Western medical physician, you eventually connected into this path that is so off the typical trajectory. So how did you awaken? How did you take the road less traveled?
Larry Burk (05:35.9)
I moved from Pittsburgh to Philadelphia. That was the first trigger. And I found my first metaphysical bookstore, the famous Garland of Letters on South Street. And my radiology colleague who preceded me at the University of Pennsylvania took me there as a joke. It was like, oh, look at this place with the incense and the big crystals and the wild books. Little did he know that I would go back there every week and buy a book for the next two years. And it was mind-blowing. And then,
I also joined the National Safety Committee for Society for Magnetic Resonance Imaging. So we're worried about health effects of electromagnetic fields. And we didn't know anything back in those days. So that was another rabbit hole that I went down that got me interested in all the electromagnetic healing effects. The second book I read at the Garden of Letters was The Body Electric by Robert Becker. And since I'm an orthopedic radiologist, he's an orthopedic surgeon who was pioneering electromagnetic healing for fractures that wouldn't heal.
And that back then that was fringe science. And now there is a plethora of companies that sell these devices that accelerate bone healing. But in the middle of Becker's book, there's this basically when Nixon went to China in 72 and one of James Reston got acupuncture during his appendectomy after his appendectomy, his abdominal pain, they called the acupuncturist, came in, abdominal pain went away.
came back to New York Times wrote an article about it. Acupuncture's flocked out of all the Chinatowns around the country and the NIH just freaked out. It's like, whoa, we gotta find out how this works. So they gave Becker a million dollar grant, figured it must be electromagnetic. And so in that book, there's a contour map of an acupuncture point with skin resistance and showing that the resistance drops when you go over the point and the conductance goes up. And the caption was,
acupuncture as an objective basis in reality. And that was life changing for me because then I wanted to learn acupuncture. And that sort of opened the, and during the MRI safety committee, we're worried about people who are claustrophobic. So I learned hypnosis as an alternative to sedation. Those are my two entrees into the field, acupuncture and hypnosis. And that's how it all started.
Sean (07:53.663)
So it actually did start with that entering into that bookstore. Do you believe in coincidences?
Larry Burk (08:00.244)
The other coincidence that happened was I watched Shirley MacLaine's Out on the Lim TV mini-series that same year. She walks into the Bodhi Tree bookstore in Los Angeles and books start jumping off the shelf at her and changed her life. Many things converge. That was also the harmonic convergence in 1987. Jose Arguelles talked about the Mayan calendar. That all happened.
Right then in 1987.
Sean (08:30.751)
Well, since you did just talk about your exposure to kind of like Eastern medicines, and going into acupuncture, what can you tell us about your experience with acupuncture? What value does it actually have currently? Health wise? What have you learned? What are you experiencing? What conditions are you using it on? What do you think happens?
Larry Burk (08:56.98)
Yeah, so I got interested in acupuncture in like 97. I didn't take my training until 1998. And at that time, it was the UCLA acupuncture course. And it was the hottest CME course in the country. There were 5,000 physicians taking that, no, I'm sorry, 500 physicians taking that course and paying $5,000 each for it. And it was a revelation. That was also the year that the NIH, 1998, started the Office of Alternative Medicine. So that was like a break.
out year in acupuncture. They also published a review article, a consensus statement about acupuncture, reviewing hundreds of articles showing that there is an objective basis in real science, from the basic science up to the clinical science. And the acupuncture literature is really robust. I mean, the most impressive thing to me was in the animal models they used, if you gave Narcan, you know, which is the endorphin blocker,
acupuncture wouldn't work in the animals. So, it was clear that the acupuncture system was activating the endorphin system. And there have been lots of other studies, you know, placebo sham controls. That acupuncture literature is really robust and it just continues to grow. I practiced acupuncture from 98 to 2004. And then that's when I got interested in emotional freedom techniques, which is for me the ideal combination between acupuncture and hypnosis. You're combining the two.
you know, instead of putting needles in, you're tapping on the acupuncture points and instead of saying positive phrases like in hypnosis, you're saying negative phrases and that was a merger of those two ancient traditions in a new modality which was really, you know, big for me and the acupuncture research was sort of platform on which EFT research was built and there are now over 50 randomized controlled trials of EFT and
way more other clinical studies. But when I started in 2002, there was one and it hadn't been published yet. So I was at Duke going, I'm gonna do EFT and it's evidence-based medicine. Look, there's one preprint article here. And I was like, not good enough for the powers to be at Duke.
Sean (11:09.951)
Okay, so I'm interested in underlying mechanisms of action into any kind of intervention or treatment. So what are the underlying mechanisms of action that would exist with acupuncture or EFT? Both of them, some...
Larry Burk (11:22.66)
Well, there have been some studies in the last couple of decades looking at if they can actually find the mysterious channels. Some of them involve injecting radioactive dye into the acupuncture meridians and watching it flow. Some have been anatomic dissections looking for these tiny little channels that they find that ordinarily at surgery you would just disrupt them and wouldn't even notice them. But that research has shed some light on.
possible mechanism of acupuncture. The EFT mechanisms, which I find really interesting, are the metaphor that I explain to all my clients is, every bad thing that ever happened to you, every trauma is like a malware program. It gets downloaded into your body, and it's uptake through the acupuncture meridians and then through the nervous system, up into your limbic system and your brain where all your emotional files are stored. And in that file, there is a...
picture of what happened, a story about what happened, and this program that'll run your body back to the original scene of the trauma. And so all we do with EFT is we find the file name and have the patient client repeat the file name over and over again, start the program running in a controlled fashion, because you don't want to re-traumatize people. So you tell them, okay, you're in control of this process. You can just start that file opening. As soon as your body starts to feel that,
You start tapping on the acupuncture points, and there's nine of them on the face and chest. And then the metaphor is you're hitting the delete key on your computer, and you uninstall that program. And when you go back and you look in the file when you're done, there's a picture and a story, and the program is gone. And the neurophysiologic explanation has several different terms. One is memory reconsolidation. It's a pretty hot thing.
topic these days. So any memory you have is only as old as the last time you opened it. So if you opened it, you work, we started tapping, it had this pleasant sensation on your body and then save the file. All the palpitations and the gut-wrenching feelings you had are gone and you have to replace this feeling. So that's why people get immediate results.
Sean (13:38.379)
Alright, I've got some really important questions to you because I am a clinical psychologist and I do treat post-traumatic stress. So some of my patients have been horrible victims to sexual trauma, some violent sexual trauma. And we do have some established therapies that exist in psychotherapy, including like
Larry Burk (13:42.913)
Sean (14:04.791)
processing therapies. There are some underlying mechanisms of action that mean that exposure to the trauma memory itself is necessary for healing. We're very resilient in order to process that memory and reconsolidate that memory. We can now like observe it and we can speak to it and you know what remains in the dark cannot heal. And so we do see that improve a portion of people.
Also, you know, what you learn from the trauma itself has powerful influences in how it's filtered out and how you see yourself in the world. So there's value in those. And I have some success in that. But there's a percentage of people that it's like their nervous system continues to be so reactive to any reminder, any stimuli. You know, for if someone was
you know, sexually assaulted or stalked or anything like that, then it would be attention to any threat, right? And they just find sometimes have a hard time being able to regulate fear. And in that regard, I think there's limitations to the therapies we have, and we have to expand our knowledge. And we have to be able to some way engage the nervous system. And there has to be rewiring and there has to be relearned.
Right? So I'll have clients who say like, logically, I know I'm safe. Logically, I know it's in the past, but I still can't calm down. So when I say that to you, what's the answer back from what you know about what the path would be for healing for someone like that?
Larry Burk (15:50.216)
I think first of all, I should say I'm not a mental health professional, so I'm not trained in EMDR. I have been exposed to all those techniques you mentioned, and I have a lot of friends who are trained in both EMDR and EFT. It's interesting to hear their perspective in that they say, oh yeah, EMDR is a one-on-one pretty intense therapy, and the rub you hear on that is sometimes people get ab reactions. And I've had people who had ab reactions during EMDR and then came to do EFT with me and
I keep it light. I don't go deep into and risk that re-traumatization and I also don't advertise that I treat PTSD because I'm not a mental health professional. However,
Sean (16:30.443)
Can I ask you a question? Because you use that word twice, retraumatization, right? So that would be an area where I would have disagreement as a clinical psychologist. I don't think you can be retraumatized by a memory, but you seem to maybe think differently.
Larry Burk (16:45.196)
Well, maybe the term for his av reaction, I guess, and it might be a better term.
Sean (16:48.087)
Okay, all right. What does that mean? What is so I actually think it's harmful to communicate it to somebody to be afraid of their own memories, right? Because that would that would lead them to be to avoid the actual processing of the trauma. It's actually opposite, we have to take an accepting stance. So you know, one of the things that we say to our clients is remembering isn't the same as reliving. Okay, right? Because you
Larry Burk (16:56.516)
That is true.
Larry Burk (17:11.927)
I like that.
Sean (17:12.691)
you are safe, right? So remembering it. And I see, I hear too many mental health professionals avoid processing trauma with people under the idea that it's somehow emotional distress or pain is re-traumatizing. So I just wanted clarity for that for our listening audience.
Larry Burk (17:20.797)
Larry Burk (17:28.34)
I like that. That's very useful. And I always liked having a dialogue with the mental health professional, especially someone who knows how to work with trauma. And I did go up to Boston about 15 years ago and took Bessel van der Kolk's, you know, trauma conference. So I got a little exposure to some of what, in his book, The Body Keeps the Score, is life-changing for many.
Sean (17:48.755)
Yeah, it seems similar because so I engage in, for the most part, daily yoga practice. And in that world, they speak about the movement of energy or like energy can get stuck or blocked, blocked to better word. So when you're talking about things in terms of this, whether it's when it's EFT, or we'll talk more about energy healing, is that same idea that you know, the electrical nature of
of human beings that there's energy that can actually get blocked and create interference.
Larry Burk (18:24.884)
Well, again, I like to use a metaphor for this too. It's like, it's break the word emotion up into two words, emotion, energy and motion. And that works for acupuncture, works for EFT. It's like you explain to people, the emotions are supposed to move through your body and keep going. And if they get stuck anywhere, if the energy gets stuck someplace, that's where you get a symptom. And that's, people can get their mind around that. And I always bring up Rumi's famous poem, The Guest House.
which is taught in a lot of mindfulness-based stress reduction programs. This being human is a guest house. It's like, invite all the visitors in. If it's a terrible sorrow or a screaming anger or a wonderful joy, they may be messengers from beyond bringing you some important gift. But the key point is in the title. It's a guest house. They can come, welcome in, and then let them move. Even a joy can be a problem.
because you can get manic in Chinese medicine if you get too much joy, imbalances the heart meridian. So yeah, and also another great correlation with that is if you read Michael Stanger's books on tethered soul, oh, you need to go, if you could get him on the podcast, that would be phenomenal.
Sean (19:39.787)
All right, so you know how I believe that there are no coincidences. So every time a guest brings up a book that I'm supposed to read, I read it. Body Electric was brought up by Dr. Leland Stillman. And I think you may have ordered it. You maybe have not read it yet. I have it at home. Yeah. Okay. I have it at home because I ordered it after, but I haven't read that one. You took pictures of the books that he said and you showed it that you had actually purchased them. So, okay. Who's the author again?
Larry Burk (19:49.362)
I'm gonna go.
Larry Burk (20:04.016)
Michael Singer, three famous books. The first was The Untethered Soul, second is The Surrender Experiment, and the third is Living Untethered. And his remarkable story and it's really all about his secular approach to meditation and he describes an important concept from the Sanskrit is the
that gets stuck in the heart chakra. And he described, because he always talked, his main message is no matter what you do, keep your heart open and don't hold on to anything. And he said, the things that hurt your heart create negative samskaras and you spend the rest of your life attempting to heal them. But the positive samskaras are the really great things you had that get attached there and you spend the rest of your life trying to find them again. And so he says, either way,
the samskaras need to go. He's just a brilliant teacher. And the three books are progression of his whole belief system. Plus, not only that, but he's also a Fortune 500 CEO. It's fascinating, fascinating.
Sean (21:18.175)
Dr. Burke, we had a guest on our podcast. Uh, it was, I believe it was episode 99. His name is Danny Carroll. He has a book called cancer is not a terminal illness. And at the time we had the conversation with him, we were very hesitant, very reluctant, we felt like what he was communicating could be misinterpreted. And we had concerns and he constantly talked about a cancer is a physical manifestation of a conflict.
Larry Burk (21:27.791)
Ah yes.
Sean (21:47.375)
And if you recognize the conflict in your life and you, um, resolve that conflict, your body will respond and heal that cancer. A lot of what you're saying, there's a thread that connects it. And my walk away from that experience was like, there's something there that there's some truth in it. I don't know if it's necessarily the way he's understanding it in terms of like that energy and that flowing through the bottom and healing.
Do you think that we have multiple understandings of how that is and, and yours is just another method or another way of approaching that healing process?
Larry Burk (22:25.132)
Well, I only know just a little bit about new German medicine. So I'm going to approach this from a couple other ways. The first physician who ever really got me thinking outside the box was Bernie Siegel with Love, Medicine, and Miracles. And that was way back in 87. And my dad had kidney cancer at the time, just diagnosed with kidney cancer. And two things happened in that regard. I just moved to Philadelphia.
first trip out from Philadelphia from dinner. That night I just started keeping a night I had a dream that I had a cancer was shocked because I was asymptomatic.
Larry Burk (23:22.12)
He's in the ER, they get a CAT scan, he's got a big left kidney cancer. I was like, that was life changing for our family. And I had just encountered Bernie Siegel's book by Synchronicity a few days before, bought the book for him, and the whole thing was a magical awakening. But Bernie Siegel mentions in there that, you know, he's the first physician ever gave any credence to dreams, having any significance.
And when I look back through my dream diary and found that I had dreamed about my dad's cancer, the only night I saw him. But you know, oftentimes you dream about yourself and it may be about someone else. But he had the kidney, it was a left-sided kidney cancer. Kidneys like a brain has got a cortex and a medulla. He was asymptomatic totally as a shock to everyone. And I'm the same, I'm a junior. I have the same name as he does. So it was a pretty interesting fit. And then my dad had trained in transactional analysis.
And he would use in the year or two leading up to the cancer, he would say, I'm building up a crud ball of frustration and related to his job as a steel mill executive. And he would gesture right to the place where the kidney cancer was and a crud ball of frustration. That speaks to some of the German medicine. The other way I'll approach that is through my interest in medical intuition.
Larry Burk (24:48.208)
famous medical intuitive Carolyn Mase was a I'd met her at the Edgar Cayce Association of Research and Enlightenment. I'd asked her if she could demonstrate what she does because she does it remotely and she had written a book with Norm Shealy who's one of my mentors a famous neurosurgeon and founding of the American Holistic Medical Association and they wrote the book Creation of Health which talks a lot about medical intuition concepts and so
So I asked Carolyn, can we do some research? And she goes, no, I only work with Norm and Christiane Northrup, and that's about it. And I'm like, oh, OK, whatever. And so I took her number down. And two weeks later, I had this MRI scan of a young girl who walked into the MRI scanner of Virginia Beach. She had the requisition said, sciatica, leg pain. And when she limped into the MRI scanner, I thought she was faking it to get out of a day of school. That was my crude intuition.
Unfortunately, it came from my best orthopedic surgeon. So she got on the scanner and she has a huge tumor in the left side of her sacrum, which is working its way in the spine causing nerve damage and all this other stuff. And I was like, whoa. So Caroline happened to call me back that afternoon. I said, Caroline, can you show me what you do? She goes, look, I really don't want to work with you. And I was like, okay, maybe some other time. She goes, I'll take a quick look. She's very gruff. You know, it's like, you know.
Sean (25:54.071)
Larry Burk (26:13.732)
Okay, I gave her the name and the age of this young girl. I didn't give her any clinical information, nothing. And there was five seconds of silence on the other end of the line. All of a sudden, and she's in Chicago and I'm in Virginia Beach. She goes, there's a large tumor in the pelvis working its way into the spine. I was like, okay. In Duke basketball terms, that was a slam dunk. And I was pretty stunned, but I managed to stammer out, tell me more.
she goes, oh this girl has a severe imbalance of the second chakra energy center. It's related to a whole host of things genetics, her relationship with her mother, family background, and I'm going whoa and that was way more information than I had. And then I said how did you get that information? So I tuned in to her through youth using that spiritual signature of her name and age. And the wild thing was
When I looked at her, I thought the girl was like 10, but the requisition said 13. And when I asked Carolyn for more of an explanation, she goes, this is an immature young girl. She got nailed down without ever seeing the girl. Immature young girl who would rather die than go through puberty. I was like, whoa. And so talk about a heavy emotional conflict there. She definitely had it. And then I said, that's a pretty heavy trip to lay on this girl. As a radiologist, I always make a differential diagnosis. So I said...
It could be a malignant tumor, but it could be an infection or in my heart I knew it wasn't an infection. It was a Ewing sarcoma. And it was like, yeah, it was pretty straightforward diagnosis. And she goes, no, this is a terminal condition. I'm like, what? And so then two weeks later, the girl had a biopsy. It was an Ewing sarcoma. They did nerve damage during the biopsy. She got the wrong chemo and the wrong radiation protocols.
as if there was some sort of bizarre death wish playing out. But when I left Virginia Beach a year later, I seen her once in a follow-up scam, and she was still alive. I don't have any more follow-up on that. But that was a life-changing experience right there.
Sean (28:19.007)
Well, that blows my mind and now we're off and running. Yeah. So I want to get more into this idea of intuition, intuitive sense. Maybe this is the time just to kind of share our story a little bit, Sean. Can I share a dream? Since Dr. Burke, you brought up a dream, and I've never really spoken about this. So I had a very vivid dream. It was over 20 years ago at this point. And I.
Larry Burk (28:22.651)
Yeah, okay, good.
Larry Burk (28:35.172)
Oh yeah!
Sean (28:48.327)
In my dream, imagine, you know, in the movie Jurassic Park, when they're running and all the dinosaurs are chasing them, they're like almost in that valley. So I was in this green field, very green on both sides were mountains. And there was boulders scattered about and I was with my father and I looked up in the sky and we saw a passenger plane, like a seven 37 kind of teetering back and forth coming towards us. And we turned and we started to run.
Larry Burk (28:54.075)
Sean (29:18.187)
And we ran and ran and the plane was getting closer. We knew it was going to crash behind us. And we jumped behind these boulders. And everything kind of wrecked and exploded around us. And I woke up from that dream with this intense nausea. And I went downstairs to the kitchen in the house that I was staying in, kind of got a glass of water and I had the phone in my hand and it was probably about four o'clock in the morning and I wanted to call you know, my parents and just like check in
And just hours after that, my father, our father had died of a massive heart attack. So it was within six to eight hours. I don't know exactly what time he fell asleep. You never Why'd you never say that? I think I said it like once or twice. But you know, everybody else has their own experiences. But that was just a dream. Can I tell you what happened to me? No, yeah. I've never
Larry Burk (30:10.836)
Just, I like when you say it was just a dream. Yeah, it was more than just a dream.
Sean (30:14.291)
Well, I didn't, you know, I'm a skeptical person. And I didn't want to wake them up. Because it was four o'clock in the morning. And it was like one of these things that I would just put off and, and then check in with them afterwards and say, I had this horrible dream. But that window was obviously too short to have that conversation. Wow.
Larry Burk (30:32.036)
Yeah, and those are very common occurrences, more common than you might realize. And I wrote a blog about this called The Spiritual Offer, that soup of death and dying, looking at the four phenomena around death. One, most people are familiar with near-death experiences. The second is after-death communication, which is like if this had, if you had heard from your dad weeks later, that would be an after-death communication. Okay, more to that.
Sean (30:59.251)
Well, hold on, there's more to this story that we'll get into. Go ahead, say the four things though.
Larry Burk (31:03.772)
And then the nearing death awareness is the phenomenon of people getting communications as they're dying in the month before they die. They get visitations by relatives. It's called the Welcoming Committee. And that's well documented in one of the most famous TED Talks ever by Christopher Kerr from Buffalo Palliative Care. It's called I See Dead People. It's got like 6 million views. And he talks about his research documenting that people have those experiences at the end of life.
they have a better outcome. And now the fourth one is the rarest, and that's called a shared death experience, which is somewhat similar to what you had, because that's something that you're either at the bedside when the person's dying, and you go into an altered state of consciousness and experience their death, or you're not there and you are somehow tuned into their death when it's happening. And that happened to me with, I had an aunt, Betty, who was my mother's sister, she...
been a COPD smoker for years on an oxygen tank. But one night, I just had, I didn't know, I hadn't heard from her in months. One night, she shows up in my dreams. She's younger than her age at the time. And that often occurs in what we call visitation dreams. And that's where they show up. And then she goes, little Betsy's going home and waves to me and walks away. And I called my mother that morning just like, and it's like,
Yeah, Aunt Betty died last night and I said, well, she said Betsy and that doesn't really register with me. She said, oh, that was Uncle Walt's pet name for her. He's the only one that used it. And I was like, wow. So that was a shared death experience. So you had something similar to that.
Sean (32:47.047)
Yeah, I did. And I think Roger Mayall, can you share your story, Roger? Well, you had more to say on that. So I want to just continue with what you were saying. No, maybe we'll connect it. I want to hear your story. All right. So this was the night before. So no, there's days. So there's, there's two things. So our father died of a heart attack on his 50th birthday. And I was young. I was in, I guess my early twenties then 24 years old, maybe. And I was a high school football coach.
Larry Burk (33:06.677)
Sean (33:12.559)
and working as a juvenile probation officer. It's before I went on my path to become a psychologist. So like I saw him like Thursday before our Friday night game. I think his birthday was like on a Monday or something like that or Tuesday. I think it was a Friday. So I think you saw him. Oh wait, so it was the week before. Okay, so it was the week before. Yeah, now I remember it was the week before it was after our game. And I asked him if he was coming to the game.
Larry Burk (33:17.347)
Sean (33:42.699)
the following week, which was his birthday. And he stopped and he looked at me with the strangest look on his face, right? Like he wasn't going to be here. Right. And I felt it right. Like, like he couldn't commit to doing anything that day. It's his 50th birthday. He was a college football player, all American, really into sports. So, you know, he would have definitely committed to coming to watch the game that I was coaching in. And.
Larry Burk (33:53.716)
Larry Burk (34:09.89)
Sean (34:12.231)
It was the oddest experience, but it didn't make sense of it at that time. Fast forward to the Friday morning. I'm driving into work and I get shot with energy. Like this elevation in mood and experience that felt surreal and supernatural. Um, I didn't know what was going on with me. It almost felt like manic like.
And I became so excited about my day, which I attributed it to the game that night, because I was excited just to coach. I love football. Excited about my job that day. Like it was just this tremendous elevation in mood that I've never experienced any, you know, at any other point in my life. And although I get excited about a lot of things, this was at a supernatural level. I drive into work that day and call him to wish him happy birthday.
Larry Burk (34:58.496)
Sean (35:08.767)
but end up leaving a message on the answering machine. You know, I later find out, you know, I got a call, you know, that he did die, he had a heart attack, but that exact timeframe, the exact moment that I felt that emotion was the exact time of his death. So that stands out. You experienced something right prior to him dying and then I experienced that, but we've never talked about it. No, no.
Larry Burk (35:35.224)
Yeah. And believe it or not, these things are, they're real and they happen. And more people just don't talk about them enough.
Sean (35:35.383)
Sean (35:44.095)
So can I talk to you a little bit about intuition? So here's another situation. We talked about this on the podcast. It was February, 2020. My father, by the way, was a huge Billy Joel fan. All he did was listen to Billy Joel. If we had long car rides or anything, it became the soundtrack of our life, really. We listened to Billy Joel songs. So anyway, during the entire month of February, so it was right before COVID,
Larry Burk (35:47.664)
Oh yeah.
Larry Burk (35:59.204)
Oh, nice. Wow.
Sean (36:14.867)
Every time I got into my car, a Billy Joel song popped on the radio. And I was in my car a lot, back and forth to work, picking my kid up at like wrestling practice, taking him to like workouts, you know, a lot of back and forth in my car. Every single time, I would, a Billy Joel would pop on the radio. So it was so odd, people would pop into my car and I'd say, you know, listen, Billy Joel is going to pop on the radio. I'm turning, I'm turning the station.
to something where he would not come on. Like a serious radio I would put on like a modern station or something else, and then it would come on, right? And then COVID happens, and I end up within maybe that summer, or fall, I wake up out of sleep one day, I walk downstairs and I write an entire email to Sean, my brother, who's sitting right here.
Larry Burk (36:49.064)
Sean (37:13.535)
living in Los Angeles, California. Yep. None of the thoughts came from my mind. I just wrote the entire thing. I never thought about this ever before. It never popped into my head. I never considered it to bring Sean back home here in the Lehigh Valley, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, to be a part of something that's ahead of us that I don't know if I could have really identified what it was going to be. So I write this really long.
Larry Burk (37:21.356)
Larry Burk (37:36.406)
Sean (37:42.159)
email to him and it's about it. He's, he's just about to have a son, right? I think you've had a son right after I wrote that. You wrote it to me. It was five days before he was five days before his son was born. To really invite him here, which becomes the radically genuine podcast. Yeah. And up me and other things that other things that we're doing. And it took me on a path where I ended up meeting a woman who I guess we can identify her as a medium or she has those capabilities.
Larry Burk (38:10.24)
Sean (38:11.191)
and I ended up talking to my father and I was a skeptic. This is when I was still asleep, I was a skeptic. So my father ended up talking through her and having conversations with me that only he and I would know. I never opened my mouth to not give her anything about me because I was a skeptic. And to make a long story short, I met with her probably twice a year for the next couple of years.
Larry Burk (38:14.721)
And that's it.
Larry Burk (38:25.76)
Sean (38:37.607)
I usually kind of go every six months. Every time I go, she has another message for me and a book to read. One book takes me to another book to another book. So I have probably read 40 books, listened to channelers, number of things. But one of the consistent messages that has been occurring was she told me there was a guide who works with me with my clients. And then I'm really, really good at certain things. But I'm not helping people in the way that I can.
Larry Burk (38:43.029)
Larry Burk (39:00.577)
Sean (39:09.396)
I need to listen. I need to quiet my mind and I need to listen and the answers are going to be there for me. They're trying to help me. I'm not listening. They're knocking on the door. I'm not answering. Boy, that sounds like dad. You're not listening. Yeah. And sometimes I am. They said like I'm acting in ways that I'm listening to them because I'm not thinking or I'm acting intuitively. But a lot of times I'm acting based on my learning.
Larry Burk (39:24.379)
Ha ha ha!
Sean (39:35.295)
what I was taught, what I was told. So I have committed to consistent meditation practice to quiet my mind. In my meditation practice, ideas come to me, answers come to me, podcasts come to me, books come to me, questions that I ask become answered, and I've taken that same skill into my therapy and I quiet my mind and the work is done through me.
What is happening there from your knowledge of this stuff, like what you've learned?
Larry Burk (40:06.517)
It's supposed to be easy and fun if you let it happen. You know, so, and this, your story reminds me of, one of my first introductions to an intuition teacher was Marcia Emery, who's a Fortune 500 consultant. And she wrote a book about intuition that I had bought. And it was the intuition like workbook. And I did the first exercise out of it and started having some interesting results. And I decided,
after my dad had died that I could use this technique called the house of intuition to get a message from my dad. It was like, it was a year after he died. So I'm out jogging around the trail around the Duke golf course. And where I frequently jog when he was dying and I would send messages to him like, if you die when I'm not there, I expect you to come and let me know. So this is like a year later, he's died. And the exercise is pretty simple. You just.
All you need is a container with a lid on it and an intention about a question that you want to answer to. And then you just, at some point during the visualization, you just pop the lid off and you reach in and pull out whatever's in there. And so, but the secret is you gotta change the container every time to make it fresh and new. So I just watched Forrest Gump. And of course, immediately I saw.
First of all, I'm jogging on the trail, and I have my eyes half closed, and I start visualizing a feather coming down, like the beginning of the movie. It lands on the bench, Tom Hanks is sitting there, you know, Forrest, and he hands me a box of chocolates, and he says the classic line, "'Life is like a box of chocolates, "'you never know what you're gonna get, "'but I'll bet there's a message from your dad "'on one of these chocolates.'" And I'm like, okay. So I open the box, I'm still jogging, open the box, I look for the, you know, you're always looking for which one is gonna have the.
Larry Burk (41:59.312)
the caramel fudge in it, you know. So I grabbed the square dark chocolate one and opened it and it's cream filled. I'm a little disappointed that it's filled with cream but it turns into a cream colored angel on the trail. I'm like okay that'll work and then the angel hands me a red rose and that was the message and then I said thank you. Nothing else happened. I closed, the angel went back into the chocolate, put the lid on, gave it back to Tom Hanks and I sent the feather back up and I finished my jog and I was like
What was that about? And later that night, my wife and I went out to a brand new Barnes and Noble, and it just opened, like just opened, the grand opening. They had a Celtic band playing when you walked into the place. I walk in, the first shelf I see, there's a book with a feather on the cover. It's like, huh. And so I go up to, it's called The Eagle and the Rose. Okay, and I'm like, whoa, this is getting more interesting. And then I read the blurb at the top is by James Redfield. It's like,
Rosemary Altia's journey shows that life is far more mysterious than you could ever imagine. And James Redfield, The Celestine Prophecy was the last book I gave my dad which he read before he died. And so, it's all starting to come together. Say, well, who's Rosemary Altia? Well, she's one of the most famous mediums in England. She contacts her Apache spirit guide, Great Eagle, who will get information for her from
the other side to relate to the sitter and it's something like Roger was describing like oh remember when your dad got you that baseball glove for your 13th birthday it's like no one else could possibly know that you know and then that's what gives you the evidence that it's a real communication so yeah wow.
Sean (43:43.539)
It's interesting because some of these books that come my way, they're actually not for me, they're for a client. And I know exactly the moment where they need it or where I've read something and then they ask a certain question. I just started scanning through some of the books that have been put in my path. Because for the most part, I like to listen to my books, audio books on Audible. So I can just kind of scan through this. Transcending levels of
Larry Burk (43:49.053)
Sean (44:11.191)
Consciousness, power and force, creativity, spirituality, and making a buck, the energy cure, the field, the energy codes, becoming supernatural, conversations with God, the universe always has a plan, the conversation with God, three, anti-fragile, frequency, what God said, same soul, many bodies, Brian Weiss, messages from the masters, Brian Weiss.
Only love is real, Brian Weiss, past regression, hypnosis, the seven spiritual laws, the law of divine compensation, journey of souls, signs, right? It's all the same kind of stuff. So I started asking questions, like in meditation, and then the answer would come in the form of a book that was provided to me.
Larry Burk (44:42.173)
Larry Burk (45:08.785)
Wow, that's great.
Sean (45:09.651)
And that continues to happen to this moment. So I wanted to kind of transition maybe into hypnosis because one of the things that I was told, one of the things that was learned is that this is not our only life. And I am a born and raised Catholic, right? And so this idea of incarnations, right? Doesn't fit with the teachings, with my learning and that we are carrying burdens.
from previous lives. Or we are conflicts, so to speak. Or maybe it's karmic energy. Or, you know, whatever that may be. I wanted to understand your, how you think around hypnosis, the idea of past lives, incarnations, purpose, our souls, kind of we can walk down in that direction.
Larry Burk (46:00.328)
Yeah, no, that's a good segue because I do address that in chapter four of my first book was Brian Weiss reading those books was life-changing for me. I happen to be living in Virginia Beach right next to the ARE, the time which of course Edgar Cayce and past lives are all and there's many regressionists there and I did have some past life regressions done. But a couple things come to mind. One is and not only the past life sometimes
clue you into what your past traumas are and need to heal, but also sometimes tell you what your strengths are. And so we moved from Virginia Beach to Durham for me to start working at Duke. And my younger daughter was like three years old. And when we arrived at Duke, the basketball capital of the East here, she's just one morning at breakfast, she goes, when I was big, I used to play basketball. I'm like, hmm.
And I just read the Brian Weiss book, so I'm going like, that's interesting. And then unfortunately, my wife and I were both stupefied, but we didn't ask any more damn questions. It was like, who'd you play for? Were you white or black? Were you male or female? Now I really regret that because on her fifth birthday, we bought her space jam with the Michael Jordan and the Looney Tunes. And she, that was just like, boom, something happened. She said, I need a basketball hoop. So we went to the Toys R Us and got her one of those little six foot basketball hoops. She says, well, that's not a basketball hoop.
Sean (47:12.346)
Larry Burk (47:29.836)
So we had to get her one of those 10 foot ones that came down, you know. And then she had a natural three point jump shot ever since she was four, you know, and she was the star of the high school basketball team. And, you know, the whole thing just kind of unfolded. She still coaches basketball now and was captain of the club team at Duke. That was like a past life, you know, coming through pretty strong. And then the most important thing that ever happened with me was I...
In chapter 16 of that first book, I read about my frozen shoulder, which is my favorite mind, body, spirit disease. It's really all about repressed anger in your shoulder. And I had already worked with some clients with it, with Acupuncture and EFT, but when I experienced it myself, I'm like, oh no, I'm getting a frozen shoulder. This is terrible. And I had no major trauma. It just started hurting and then losing my range of motion. I'm going, oh man. So I went to my favorite.
intuitive counselor here in Durham. And she also does energy healing. I was going to her for energy healing. And she goes, oh, would you like to know about your past lives related to this shoulder? I'm like, okay. I hadn't asked for a reading, but she had a spontaneous one. She says, I see where you were burned and poisoned during the dark ages for your righteous anger and unjust authority figures. I'm like, ooh, Spanish Inquisition.
And that gave me enough insight to start moving to heal my shoulder. Prior to that, I'd been tapping on my anger issues, which I knew were a problem. I was angry at Dick Cheney and the neocons. It was in 2006. I was furious about 9-11. I had gone down the 9-11 truth rabbit hole. I was really, really upset. And I was giving public lectures on 9-11 truth, which my wife wasn't too thrilled about. But.
And so, I got really super angry. And when you get super angry and there's nothing you can do about it, that's when you get a frozen shoulder. It's like, and the synovium of the shoulder is angry red. It's inflamed. It looks just, it's angry, you know, and so many people I've worked with have no clue. They want a mechanical solution to their frozen shoulder. And so, oh, let's do, you know.
Larry Burk (49:49.856)
manipulation or anesthesia or surgery or acupuncture or you know chiropractor or something or take some pill and do injections But it's like until you address the anger You're not going to heal it may take a couple years to heal mine healed in a couple months because I had that insight I and out and my tapping wasn't working before that reading from that Intuitive I was tapping on angry at about 9-eleven and dick Cheney, but after the reading I started tapping
angry about Dick Cheney and the Spanish Inquisition. I started tapping on a past life, you know, so, and then my shoulders started getting better.
Sean (50:24.087)
It's incredible. Uh, I have a question for you. So anybody who listens to this podcast knows that I periodically, um, have the sniffles and, and Roger makes fun of me because he says I'm always sick, but it's, I'm not like sick, ill fever laying in bed. I just have this recurrent sinus infection that happens. And I found out, um, our mother does too, like she always gets sinus infections. Is there any connection to.
Sinus infection and maybe some type of issue in my life that I need to resolve.
Larry Burk (50:59.04)
I mean, I read a blog about that about 10 years ago because I had, yeah, I had post-nasal drip comes along with it, you know. And I had worked with some clients with that same issue. And, but for me, the, I never get sinus infections. Some people genetically Chinese five element are more predisposed to getting sinus problems. So.
Sean (51:01.662)
Oh, did you?
Larry Burk (51:28.948)
So I had post-traumatic stress for one of the first times in my life. And, but it occurred. I watched a movie on a Sunday night with my second wife a couple of years after my divorce. And it was in a drafty cold theater and it's like, oh, you know, it's, I'm getting what Chinese medicine call perverse wind invasion. That's their metaphor for a virus. Comes in the back of your neck, goes into your throat, then spreads the rest of your body. If you catch it early, you can extract the perverse wind invasion using
Sean (51:46.549)
Larry Burk (51:55.828)
hot ginger tea and taking a hot bath. And you drink the tea while you're in the bath and you will sweat out, extract the perverse wind. And I felt great the next morning. I was like, oh, this is no problem. So that night, going to bed, all of a sudden I go, I got post-nasal drip. And I'm like, oh, this is annoying. And I started tapping on annoying post-nasal drip, nagging, cough, nothing. I get nowhere, you know? Cause I couldn't, there was no emotional connection to it. And my wife finally goes, you're gonna do that all night long, you're going to the basement.
So I got banished to the basement and I was down there coughing the rest of the night. The next morning I felt okay, no cold, but the same thing happened the next night and the following night. By the third night I was pretty drained and I was like, oh, and by the way, I had looked up Post-Natal Drip in Louise Hayes' Heal Your Body Book, which I've been using for many years. It's like the metaphor. Yeah, and Louise, she's a...
Sean (52:45.131)
Louise Haynes' book I'm reading right now, by the way. Is it really? Wow. So that's another.
Larry Burk (52:51.068)
a treasure, you know, and she, the final version of that book she wrote with Mona Lisa Schultz is a famous MD, PhD medical intuitive. It's called All is Well. That's the final.
Sean (53:00.075)
So the book I'm just into right now and it was given to me in meditation for a client, it's called You Can Heal Your Life. Is that it? Okay.
Larry Burk (53:06.988)
Yeah, she's written many versions of this. But that mine was from 1986 and I've been using it. But my first reaction to it as a physician was, this is complete bullshit. She's like making up stuff. But the more you use the book, you realize the more the nuggets of truth that she's pulled intuitively out of somewhere. And so I look up, so that Monday night, I look up Poznan's O'Bripp, it says, inner crying. And I'm like, no. That's like, didn't connect with that at all. And so.
By the third night, I am desperate. I'm coughing so hard, I have chest pain, I think I broke a rib. It's like two in the morning, I'm in the basement, by myself, miserable. And I start, finally I start tapping and swearing at the top of my lungs. And that's called emphatic EFT, when you really take it to another level. You either cry or you scream. So I was screaming, but shortly thereafter, I started to cry because I realized, oh, I had a flashback to the movie, which of course.
made sense. It was Shall We Dance with Richard Gere and Jennifer Lopez. He's a guy going through a midlife crisis taking ballroom dancing lessons from Jennifer Lopez, but he's hiding the lessons from Susan Sarandon, his wife and their teenage daughter, because he wants to surprise them with the big show at the end when he's accomplished the dancer. But his teenage daughter can see right through this whole facade and knows something's going on.
And then I realized, oh, she reminds me of my two teenage daughters who I hadn't been seeing that much since the divorce, not as much as I wanted to. And I started to cry at like 2.30, started to tap on I miss my kids, I miss my kids, I miss my kids. I actually got up and sent them an email at three in the morning, which they thought was strange. But the post-insult drip was gone in a matter of minutes and never came back. So inner crying.
Sean (54:52.479)
No kidding.
Sean (54:56.235)
What's my inner crying? Well, I've got a lot of inner crying.
Larry Burk (55:00.892)
Yeah, so when I work with clients, obviously you go to an ENT surgeon, they're going to want to give you Benadryl and Azurtec and then they're going to operate on you because your one turbine is too big, we're going to operate on that and do a rhodorotor process under sinuses. But I always say, well, just ask people, did you lose anybody significantly when the symptoms started? And I was sharing this for a bunch of hundred psychotherapists. I was teaching EFT.
And I asked them, I told them the story and this woman comes up to me after this. She goes, I think I got what you're describing. My husband died nine months ago. We were really close. And for the last nine months, I've had sinusitis, post-insulin and also bronchitis, which goes along with the grief element in Chinese medicine is the metal element, which involves the lung and the sinuses. She had all those things. She'd been taking multiple courses on antibiotics and she was scheduled for sinus surgery in two weeks. It's like.
I go, okay, well, and she goes, let's do a session with you. And so we did a tapping session. We tapped on the grief about her husband. She shared she'd had an after-death communication dream from him. Anytime I hear that from a client, I reinforce that. We call that really a visitation experience. It's a real phenomenon. And you should take that as comfort for your grief. And so she did that. I sent it to my wife. My second wife is an acupuncturist now.
And so she did some acupuncture with her. She went to a holistic ENT who taught her to use like the NETI pots and things like that. So her sinuses were completely cleared out. She calls the surgeon to cancel the surgery. It's like, my sinuses are fine, I'm gonna cancel the surgery. He goes, no, you have a mechanical problem. I need to go in and fix that with my roto-router device. You know, whatever. And she goes, no, I had a metaphor, trapped in my body of the grief and it's gone. And then the anniversary of her husband's death, she just sailed right through it.
Sean (56:55.915)
So you wrote the book, Dreams That Can Save Your Life, Early Warning Signs of Cancer and Other Illnesses. This was released in 2018. This is a good opening for what you've learned from women who were diagnosed with breast cancer.
Larry Burk (57:11.136)
Yeah, yeah. But before we do, I just want to shake in with Sean about the exploring. So what you want to do is just explore the griefs. And I have my clients keep a top 10 list of the worst things that ever happened to them. And then that's their homework, just to work through it. And
Sean (57:26.723)
I'm going to I'm going to do that because obviously our father there's possibly something there that I need to resolve but I'm gonna I'm gonna read a little bit about the FT and start trying some and I've been telling you it's your the fact that you're not drinking raw milk and raw kefir and eating beef liver.
Larry Burk (57:44.972)
Well, that's the first thing I ask people is what's your diet? Are you are you OK with milk products? That's the first, you know, just eliminate the simple things first. But if that doesn't if that doesn't help, then you got to dig into the degree. And I refer to my clients like this. We're going on a treasure hunt. We're going to find the energy that you lost along the way, and we're going to help you get it, get it back. And from a shamanic point of view, that's called soul retrieval, you know, and depth psychology, it's all part of the same process.
Sean (57:53.863)
I'm very healthy.
Sean (58:15.171)
You did mention something a little bit earlier that piqued my interest. I can't even remember your exact words, but it was something to kind of like surrendering and, and the, and joy, right? Like just kind of, and these are the messages that it's easier if you're listening, I think is kind of what you were saying. Um, because you were talking about your meditation and, and quieting the mind. Yes. Yeah. And you should have fun with it too, right? Like life, life is an adventure. Um,
And so one of the things that are coming to me now often is that I don't have to control everything. I don't have to predict everything. I don't have to plan for everything, but just to, yet just surrender to the, um, to your higher self, to the divine surrender to the, the energy it's some, it's about allowing the energy to be, to be present and you will create. So any comments on that?
Larry Burk (58:52.943)
Larry Burk (59:12.048)
Well, surrendering to the plot twists in your life because I like to say that God has a sense of humor. If you don't get the joke, then the joke is on you. Okay, so, so yeah, I mean, yeah, you gotta if you if you don't keep a sense of humor these days, you're gonna go crazy. I mean the things that have gone on for the last four years are just beyond belief so surreal. I was like, yeah.
Sean (59:22.282)
Sean (59:35.551)
Yeah. And to that point, I think Roger gets very distracted by some of those things that he can't control that he gets fixated on and it angers him and it pulls him away from the things that he's really good at, which is healing people and getting them to Can I jump in there? Go for it. Because I think you're exactly right. And I that's why I get so angry at you in this room. Sometimes I've been struggling the last two weeks. Yep. This last two weeks, you can probably you're gonna hear it in the podcast that we released last week. Yeah.
it's because I feel the anger and COVID pushed a lot of that to me. I do think it's past life stuff. Because when I met with that medium, she said I have some real past life traumas, where I think I was harmed by illegitimate authority in some way. And I am oppositional defiance. I am fixated and obsessed on two areas of history. World War Two, and the Revolutionary War.
So much so that when my wife isn't into that, but she, you know, she's, if we're ever gonna like watch something at night, I, it's gotta be like a compromise. I gotta like watch something that she's willing to watch. But it's like, she's away. Like she was away for a couple of days visiting her sister. And I just, you know, found documentaries, uh, you know, I'm watching, I'm bouncing back and forth for Nazi Germany and the, and the revolutionary war. And I'm just, I can.
get lost in it for hours and I've just always been like that. And so when it came to COVID, and I knew we were being lied to, and I knew we were being controlled. And my work with the psychiatric industrial complex with trying to drug the population, right, and everything I'm doing with this podcast and trying to bring the information to people, it is driven by such a passion, such an intensity to try to prevent further harm.
that sometimes it gets in my way. And I end up seeing my brother as a bystander and he becomes the... The punching bag. He becomes the focus of, because I look at Nazi Germany and I get angry at the people allowing that to happen. How do ordinary men, as an example, the book Ordinary Men, how do people who
Sean (01:01:59.003)
ordinary citizens follow out mass murder on innocent people, right? How do they allow it to happen? And I get mad at the bystanders and I got mad at the bystanders during COVID, who would get forced vaccinations, mandated vaccinations that were never studied on a human population, right? And they would try to divide the people and they'd go with it, right? And they would say that if you don't engage in this experiment, you're harming me or you're harming others, just the blind obedience to the authority.
Just as it creates a rage within me and the irrationality around it too, and the lack of connection and the lack of courage. And so I've no, I have to get out of that state of mind because I don't let the energy flow. Well, you know, I was gonna say he knows he can direct it at me because I'm his brother and he can get away with it. But you know, if he directs it to the wrong person, it could really, you know, alienate him.
Larry Burk (01:02:42.533)
I think it's, I think it's a, it's a, go ahead, go ahead, Sean.
Larry Burk (01:02:53.292)
Well, here's the challenge. We're walking the fine line razor's edge between needing to know the darkest depths of what's going on and still walking with the attitude of, I'm going to create my own reality no matter what happens. And so speaking of World War II, I'm reading Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s latest book, which is the Wuhan cover-up about bioweapons. And after reading it, you know,
The Real Anthony Fauci was an eye-opener a few years ago. But the last chapter of that book is the platform for this new book. And it's just as mind-boggling as the Real Anthony Fauci. He uses the same slanderous, libelous language in this book as he did in the old one, because he'd love for those people to sue him so he can bring all this stuff out in discovery in a lawsuit and he'd just blow them out of the water. But the scariest thing is he starts with the history of bioweapons. And he said...
Started in World War II. Chemical weapons with World War I, which is one of my... I'm obsessed with World War I, but World War II is all about the biological warfare. And Hitler... everybody knows about Mengele and Hitler's, you know, dark research with all the doctors in Germany. But few people know about General Ishii. I-S-H-I-I. And he was the Japanese equivalent. And I had never heard of this guy.
But apparently the worst bio warfare of that war was Japan against China. This Ishii guy would just unleash infected rodents and animals and send them all to China. Because apparently an estimated killed half a million Chinese with his attacks. But worse than that, he did the same thing that Mengele did only on steroids. He had like several thousand Chinese prisoners who he...
inoculated with all kinds of nasty vermin. And then he dissected them alive to get fresh specimens. That was like, whoa. That almost, I almost threw up when I read that one. And it's like, and then they go, so what happened to him after the war? You'd think he got executed. Oh no, he became a bioweapons consultant for the CIA after the war in the US.
Sean (01:05:11.219)
Man's inhumanity to man. And yeah, you know, we've talked about like Matthias Desmond work on here. And, uh, you know, the, the percentage of people are just going to be hypnotized and just go along with the tyranny and the harm. 30%.
Larry Burk (01:05:13.35)
Yeah, let's put it.
Larry Burk (01:05:19.134)
Yeah, yeah.
Larry Burk (01:05:28.636)
Well, the scary thing is it's the doctors who went along with it. I mean, the entire... Ishii and Mengele totally subverted the medical cultures in Germany and Japan. So all these doctors were doing this enthusiastically, thinking it's for the motherland, you know, for the war effort. And when you look at what happened in every academic center in the country during COVID, they all got corrupted. And it's horrifying when I look back at it, that every medical center in the country blocked the use of ivermectin in the hospital.
Pushrim-desivir, which killed a third of the people that took it, and then all in the name of the forced vaccine agenda. And that's just the worst case of malpractice since the World War II experiments. The Nuremberg code needs to be invoked.
Sean (01:06:13.535)
We've tried to kind of walk down the path of kind of understanding things from a transhumanist perspective, the depopulation. It's dark, the depopulation movement, because you're trying to get into the heads of somebody who could justify harm against other human beings. But I've been kind of looking at some of the data and consequences of the COVID vaccine. I know before we jumped on here, you know, you had some information because...
Larry Burk (01:06:19.904)
Yeah, it's pretty dark.
Sean (01:06:41.907)
And you've looked, I mean, you certainly are involved in cancer, in the cancer field. You know, what are you learning about the consequences of these mRNA vaccine, quote unquote vaccines, this technology that was administered?
Larry Burk (01:06:55.284)
Yeah, well, I mean, it seems to be dealing a real death blow to the immune system for a certain number of recipients. It turns out that the latest studies and I follow the three things I follow every week are FLCCC.net is the Paul Merrick and Pierre Cori every Wednesday night at 7 p.m. Eastern time free zoom for an hour. The latest COVID updates. I, my wife, I'm watching
Just amazing stuff. And I got to meet Pierre at the Children's Health Defense Conference in Savannah a month ago. And that was a highlight because he's good buddies with my brother-in-law, Senator Malcolm Roberts in Australia, who's one of the only freedom fighters in all of Australia and my sister's husband. So yeah. And so Pierre, when he heard I was related to Malcolm, he said, let's take a selfie for Malcolm. And we took a picture and texted it to Malcolm.
And I watch that and I watch Del Bigtree every Thursday at two on the ICANN. And ICANN is his informed consent action network. And he has the best lawyer in the world working for him, Aaron Seary, and they just bring down the hammer. And but the latest thing that they've said, we're finally getting the evidence that's been talked about for the last couple of years that there are bad batches of the vaccine. And one out of 20 is like super toxic. So you got every time you take another shot, you're really like Russian roulette.
Sean (01:07:58.912)
Larry Burk (01:08:21.3)
If you keep shooting, you're going to eventually pull the trigger, you're eventually going to get a bad batch and you get myocarditis or you'll die. And so I tell people, if you've been lucky enough to get through a couple of shots, just don't take any more. You know, it's like you may have dodged a bullet, but we still don't know the long term effects on the immune system because it clearly suppresses the whole T cell system, which allows you, makes you more susceptible to infections, including COVID and the flu and everything else. But it also unfortunately makes you more.
susceptible to sepsis like lethal sepsis. And now there's information coming out on the so-called turbo cancers which are people who either had no cancer like women who had normal mammograms for years. They had the shot two months later. Boom! They got a big aggressive breast cancer out of nowhere or you got people like one of my close friends who died last year had stable cancer for years was doing well.
oncologist said you better get the shot. much more, it was prostate cancer came back said I've never seen a prostate cancer and that's a turbo cancer and that and that yet there's obviously no science on that. So that's a scary thing. We don't and Palmer said
Looks like if you've dodged the bullet for a month or two, you're okay. But some of these things take longer to play out as your immune system never really recovers and then you get long COVID and all and you know, it's more like a long hit. They call it, you said long vax is more common than long COVID. So.
Sean (01:10:01.567)
Yeah, that's why I'm hopeful that Sean's sniffles are something with a with blocked grief expression and not the fact that he's getting sick all the time for depressed immune cells. I had the sinus infections prior to getting the shot.
Larry Burk (01:10:14.905)
And by the way, just my other than the ginger tea and the fervous wind invasion, any sign of a viral infection I've gotten in the last two years, I immediately start taking the ivermectin like candy. It is the safest drug on the planet. Unfortunately, you can only get it compounding pharmacies in this country.
Select ones and they charge you on your leg for it. Most people get their ivermectin from South America or from India And it's it should be only a buck a buck a dose And so and the secret of that American is if you if it's not working here, it's like brute force You're not using enough and you can keep taking it until you get little white spots around the pre-fever vision which tells you you've taken enough ivermectin you can stop and as soon as you stop it goes away and
I haven't had a viral illness last more than two days in the last three years. It's like, it's fine. It's fine. And you got to take zinc with it too.
Sean (01:11:11.115)
Sean (01:11:14.751)
So since I learned that we are creators of our own reality, I've just decided that the raw milk kefir that I make at home, that is my antidote. That protects me from all virus and all conditions and I do not get sick and I will not. I've manifested, I believe it to be true and therefore I will not get sick. Wait, let's go back to cancer and women and breast cancer.
Larry Burk (01:11:22.324)
Mm-hmm. Yeah.
Larry Burk (01:11:28.831)
Larry Burk (01:11:39.124)
Oh, Preskins, yeah, yeah.
Sean (01:11:39.975)
And the idea of dreams because you have the dream connection to there as well. Can you tell us a little bit, a little bit about that, please?
Larry Burk (01:11:45.472)
Yeah. Yeah, I mean, I started I've been keeping my dream diary for 35 years. I have a lot of precognitive dreams, which always blows my mind when it happens. But encountered a couple of women, first one in 1999, who was one of my assistants in teaching me great medicine. She had a wild story about having dreams about a spider crawling out of her mouth, thought she had a problem with her tongue, went to the doctor.
got looked over her tongue, said, I don't see anything wrong here. And then she goes back and we call this a clarifying dream. The next night she had a MASH dream, Hot Lips Hoolahand, shows up and with one of the doctors from MASH and says, you need to go back and have them biopsy that. So they did. They biopsied it and she had cancer of the tongue, which is a really serious disease. She went on for the next 10 years.
way out living her prognosis because she was guided by all these amazing healing dreams. And then about five years after that, one of my best friends who's a meditation teacher shared her dream with me which was she's waking up in the middle of night. She's on an OR table. It's a vivid more real than real kind of dream. There's a woman surgeon operating on her left breast and it's like...
What do you do with that dream? You know, it's so real. And so she goes to get a mammogram later that week, walks in for the mammogram. Doctor comes up, radiologist comes out a few minutes later says, you're clean, you can come back in six months. It's a woman radiologist. And my friend goes, no, I think I have breast cancer. And she goes, well, there's nothing here on x-rays. But you need to do an ultrasound on my breasts. And...
The radiologist goes, we don't do ultrasound just on a fishing expedition. We have to know what we're looking for. And she goes, well, just do it right here because I'm not leaving until you do it. So she puts it on. The radiologist turns white and says, oh, there's a one centimeter mass deep in your breast, which you have dense breasts and we couldn't see it on the mammogram. And she, how did you, how did you, she didn't talk about the dream until that point. She, how did you know? Oh, I had a dream about it a couple of days ago. And then the punch line though is that a week later, she goes to see the surgeon and it is the woman surgeon in the dream.
Larry Burk (01:14:05.872)
And so the precognitive aspect of it and then she goes on, you know, did very well and was guided with dreams as to what how to change your diet, you know, amazing stuff. And then after that, I had one other woman who a doctor who had a similar experience. By that time after I'd heard that and then I had a friend who had a dream, doctor ignored it and she died. And those three kind of triggered me to do a survey.
women around the world who had breast cancer dreams. And I want to find the 18 women around the world who'd had that experience. And for many cases, it was a guide would show up and it would be either a deceased relative of theirs like a father or a white-coated healthcare professional who they would often meet subsequently during their treatment. But the key thing is none of those women or maybe one of them has died since the study and that was you know.
10 years ago. So once you have the ability to diagnose yourself, you seem to be able to have healing dreams that help you to heal, which I think is really, really far out there. The best one ever though is a 29-year-old woman not with breast cancer. I was starting collecting other types of cancers. The woman, 29 years old, single mother, young daughter, she's got stage four uterine cancer. It's like really bad part of the diagnosis.
The doctor says, well, you know, even with chemo, you have a 5% chance of living. So she has a dream that night about an alien spaceship landing on her backyard. The alien gets up, brings a green syringe to her and says, you need some interferon. And this was 20 something years ago when interferon was still an experimental drug. So she goes to the oncologist and she says, can you get me some interferon? He goes, what? Well, how do you even know about that? It's in like phase one trials or something. And
And she goes, well, I had a dream about it last night. So, okay, I'll get you some. So we got her some, that was 20 years ago and she was cured, you know. So I love the space alien messengers.
Sean (01:16:09.939)
What do you think a dream is?
Larry Burk (01:16:13.012)
Oh, okay. So this gets into how I discuss with clients the connection between dreams and symptoms. It's like Okay, a dream is the early warning sign is coming from your subconscious somewhere in my TED talk I gave on this I said three options one is you're in denial You already know you have breast cancer and the dream just makes you face it, you know two is
you don't know you have breast cancer and there's some subtle signaling system that goes through your you know neuropeptide nervous system and delivers the message to your subconscious which creates the dream or it's not a physical mechanism. It's always an intuitive process and you're tapping into your higher self or a cashew records or whatever you know and those are the options. So I tell people.
And Edgar Cayce said, nothing important happens to you that isn't already foreshadowed in your dreams. So the dreams are the early warning signs. And if you're paying attention, you'll get those signs and you'll take action on them. If you're not paying attention, guess what? You get a symptom and you treat the symptom the same way as you do a dream symbol. It's like, okay, what's that dream symbol mean? Or what's that symptom? What's the message coming from you? And it's like, how loud does that message have to get before you find it?
get it. And the other thing that's fun with dreams is asking for clarification. Then one of my favorite MRI tech from Duke was an avid dreamer. And she had this dream. When I was getting my TED talk on the breast cancer, she said, oh, you got to share my dream. I was like, oh, well, okay. Well, what happened? She said, well, I had a dream about giving birth. And she's 58 postmenopausal. She said, I knew that was impossible. So I
about giving birth to my next creative arts project. She's a rug hooker. And she goes, but I wanted to know for sure. So I asked for a clarifying dream. The next night, she got taken to a graveyard in Ireland, shown a headstone with her name on it. Daisies all around. And the dream voice goes, if you don't do something about that dream last night, you'll be pushing up these daisies soon. It's like, ooh. So she goes to the gynecologist. She's a little bit overweight, so she doesn't really have any symptoms or any mass, but she does.
Larry Burk (01:18:31.64)
examined and does an ultrasound and sure enough she has an endometrial carcinoma. And the treatment for that is either an abdominal hysterectomy or a vaginal hysterectomy where you actually pull the uterus out through the vagina, which is what she had. So she gave birth to that tumor a week later. So yeah.
Sean (01:18:48.587)
Fascinating. So by the time that this is published, this is posted, I would have already published this on Substack at the time of recording, it's coming out tomorrow. So I post a weekly Substack, I just write, and I knew I wanted to write something on the sick care system. I don't call it the health care system, I call it the sick care system. But I didn't know what I wanted to write.
Larry Burk (01:19:10.208)
Sean (01:19:15.427)
And this is a very busy week. My son's a wrestler. He's got three matches. Um, we have two podcasts we're recording, including this one. Plus I have all my clients that I'm seeing. And I said to my wife, I'm like, I'm screwed. I'm not going to be able to, this is the first time I'm not going to be able to get out a sub stack on a weekly basis free. And so the very next morning, which was yesterday out of a deep sleep, I wake up. Uh, 5 a.m.
Larry Burk (01:19:20.768)
Larry Burk (01:19:26.528)
Wow. Yeah.
Sean (01:19:44.127)
with the entire article written in my head, with this statement that I needed to write in there. And I walked downstairs and I just pull out the computer, brew some coffee, and in about a three hour span, I write this entire article with what came to me in the dream. And it was the words, this is intentional. So it was everything about how our sick care system has developed, including like the
Larry Burk (01:19:46.922)
I like when that happens.
Sean (01:20:13.759)
how research is funded by industry and the lobbyists and how they influence our policy by owning our politicians and this whole entire process. The day before I put an outline in a tweet, but the entire thing came up and the message that came to my dream is I had to let everyone know this is intentional. So I would write something and then write, this is intentional and I write something and I have all these paragraphs that I'd list how the sick care system has developed and it's been maintained.
and how it serves the financial interests of the industry at our harm. And then I just had, you know, this is intentional. And then I ended it talking about how we can kind of reclaim our health back and how we have to resist these illegitimate authorities. And then I just wrote, this has to be intentional. And the entire thing came to me in a dream. I got it done yesterday and was still able to go get a workout in. So sometimes things feel like they are divine messages.
Larry Burk (01:21:10.076)
Yeah, no question. And it reminds me of Michael Moore's movie, Syco, where he has all the different congressmen with little balloons which show their sponsorship and who's paying them. And then my favorite meme is where they have congressmen should be like NASCAR drivers, they should wear their sponsors, you know, logos on their outfits. Because, I mean, that's been the whole message of COVID was follow the money. And the conflict of interest.
Sean (01:21:30.311)
Larry Burk (01:21:38.272)
As soon as you start looking at the complex, it just blows your mind. It's like, whoa. It's, you know, and then you mentioned when it started, it started with the Rockefellers and the Flexer report back in the early 1900s. And it's gone on from there.
Sean (01:21:50.667)
So I do want to kind of end on this because this is such an important piece of your life and your career. Because I would say what almost 99 to 100% of our listening audience doesn't know what MKUltra is. And, and we have a, it's the it's the blind obedience to authority that is really of concerning to me and just blind trust in your own government. I actually believe we all have a responsibility to challenge our own government and I think our founding
Larry Burk (01:22:05.072)
Oh boy.
Sean (01:22:19.531)
fathers were very clear about that and to resist illegitimate authority. But can you tell the story of MKUltra and the patient that you worked with?
Larry Burk (01:22:29.788)
Yeah, yeah. So the, um, you know, actually, we are in top of World War II. It all goes back to World War II, because the Nazi and Japanese scientists were imported into this country through Operation Paperclip. And out of up and that was all done through the CIA and DARPA came out of Operation Paperclip, which is, you know, the dark force that's behind this and the government. And so and then the CIA, they all and they were worried that other companies
countries were getting ahead of them in mind control and that we need to have an aggressive program for that. And the Manchurian candidate and all those movies, and then there were many branches to that whole program, and including mind control, but also psychedelic experiments on without informed consent, et cetera. And I had only, you know.
some periphery knowledge of this. And then one day the medical intuitive who helped me with my shoulder referred me a client. And I said, okay, that's usually a good referral from her. So this woman walks in, sits in my, and this is what I was doing in-person sessions. And she says, before we start, you need to know that I'm an MKUltra survivor. I'm like, I said, I thought that was a myth. She goes, no, just Google it. You know, you'll see that the center.
Frank Church hearings from 1977. There's 10 pages on MKUltra. I was like, whoa, this is like real. And then she gave me other proof that she'd been deprogrammed in the 90s. And the person who deprogrammed her had been murdered. I'm thinking like, do I really wanna work with this lady? And, but we did some EFT. She was having some neuromuscular problems, sort of like ALS and.
but not exactly ALS. So we worked with some of those in tapping. Interestingly enough, she had flashbacks to growing up in a military family, they had turned her over to the program and it involved electroshocks at a young age. And when we did some of the tapping and the hypnosis, she flashed back to some of the smell. She could see the wallpaper in her childhood room. And she released a lot of things, but she came back a week later for a follow-up and she goes,
Sean (01:24:36.116)
Larry Burk (01:24:54.576)
I almost didn't come back because I saw you were affiliated with Duke and Duke was one of the 80 academic medical centers who were funded by the Department of Defense to do MKUltra. All the psychiatry departments around the country got funding from the DOD for MKUltra. I'm like, well, this is really big. And she said, and she asked me a series of questions that were probing questions and she could tell whether I was a programmer or not. And she said, if I had answered them incorrectly, she wouldn't have come back. So
Sean (01:25:19.016)
Larry Burk (01:25:19.796)
She went on to heal really well and is now moving on with her life. So that was pretty cool. And then I have encountered one other client who had a similar story. But then when I realized it, I asked this woman what her path was in MK Alvarez. And she said, well, there's two paths. You either become a sex slave and blackmail politicians, which was her role. And so when politicians behave strangely like they're not following their campaign promises, it's because someone's got dirt on them.
It could have been the Epstein Island or whatever. And then if you, the other track is to become an assassin like Jason Bourne. So it's like, I said, boy, you're lucky you got out of that path. But then when you look at all this school shootings around the country that happened, a lot of them are on psychiatric medication. And I suspect a lot of them are MKUltra, you know. And it's done for a purpose, intentional, like you said. You know, it's like.
They want gun control, they want all our guns taken away, and they want all the resistance neutered, and this is how they're gonna do it.
Sean (01:26:23.455)
So with that being said, um, you know, I'm very outspoken about the modern psychiatric industrial complex from the DSM to all the mind and mood altering drugs that they're pushing on the entire population. Are you saying there's a possibility that this is CIA or, or has a government interest in this?
Larry Burk (01:26:31.104)
Thank you.
Larry Burk (01:26:41.048)
Well, reading the Wuhan cover-up book, Kennedy is already at risk to be assassinated because he's calling out the CIA for killing his father and his uncle. But if this book doesn't get him assassinated, nothing's going to get him assassinated because he's calling out the CIA as being behind the entire bioweapons program. And it's really crazy. So we're going to see that play out in this campaign this year.
And but just to spin this around in a more positive direction, you know, I just have gone down to so many dark rabbit holes that it's just, you know, unbelievable. But so to come away with keeping a positive attitude, I've been doing the Joe Dispensa work for the last two years, which I've been to one of his advanced workshops, and he does talk a lot about not being controlled by the members of the past, but by your vision of the future. And I think if we all did that, we would easily overcome.
Sean (01:27:26.348)
Larry Burk (01:27:36.98)
what we're facing. But, you know, it has to be a critical mass of people who are doing that.
Sean (01:27:44.059)
Yeah, that's exactly what I'm reading. That's what I'm experiencing when I'm in meditation. There is a collective consciousness and I have to be very careful of going down that path that just ends up experiencing like the trauma of illegitimate authority and the dark aspects of humanity. Yeah.
Larry Burk (01:28:04.912)
And there are a lot of omens for the next couple of months that the WEF puts out predictive programming ahead of time. So cyber attack has been predicted, so probably some version of that will happen. There's also economic crash in the forecast. If you haven't read The Great Taking yet, that's a free online ebook which talks about what's been going on for the last 20 years with the.
the laws regulating the financial system to protect these secured investors who are all the big banks are too big to fail and everyone else is considered unsecured. So the secured investors get their money first and everyone else gets what's left. And then the third thing is the fake, the false flag alien invasion, which has been predicted as well. And those are all ways of creating fear in the populace and getting them to give up their authority to the new world order. So that's, stay tuned.
Sean (01:29:00.215)
I, um, I often don't go on to Twitter, but I did jump on just the other day. And there was that, um, the 10 foot alien thing that was happening down in like Miami at a mall. And I was like, what the hell is this crap? It's very confusing.
Larry Burk (01:29:14.848)
Well, that's probably about likely to be Project Blue Beam, which has been the prediction is there'll be holographic projections that'll be very, very real. And there already are examples of that with these whales jumping out of buildings and things like that. It looks very real. So stay tuned for any attractions.
Sean (01:29:27.187)
Yeah, I mean, the US government's already put it out there, right, that we, you know, they have this, the intelligence. The hard thing is, though, in order to focus on the positive and move forward, there needs to be an awareness of all the negativity. And it's very easy to get sucked into that negativity and get consumed by it and never look towards the positive. But your problem is you're putting this into two dichotomous categories of as if things are, you know, positive or negative.
Larry Burk (01:29:41.257)
Sean (01:29:57.315)
old structures have to burn down in order for them to be rebuilt. So accept that there's going to be a period of mass chaos, and there is going to be, we are going to face these challenges and these problems. But if we look at it in terms of positive and negative, we don't understand the bigger picture on what needs to be rebuilt in humanity. So these old structures are going to die. These ones that are harmful to each other.
that are harmful to our health, our wellbeing, that are toxic, that create disease, war, a number of the things that we've collectively, as a consciousness have been manifesting into our reality, we have to change them. We know the systems that exist that are harmful to people have to break down. Yeah, but in order for increased awareness of those negative things, it needs to come, the message needs to be received in a way that it is...
that people are open to hearing it like loving loving, not from a perspective of anger and frustration and you need to fear this. And then and then redirecting and focusing that energy towards the positive things away from those negative things like saying, Hey, these are the things that you need to be mindful of. When those fearful things start coming in your direction. It's highly likely that this is what it is and what it's trying to do. Turn away from it.
Larry Burk (01:31:17.548)
Well, since you guys are big fans of out of the box podcasts and books, I'll leave you with one recommendation. Have you been to Bledsoe said so yet?
Sean (01:31:28.823)
Oh, I just, I just listened to an episode of, of you on that, that podcast. And you, you talked about some incredibly fascinating things based on your experience, um, at the parapsychology. Um, and, and in that area and I, it would, it would be a whole nother episode. Um, there was some
Larry Burk (01:31:33.114)
Larry Burk (01:31:40.64)
Yeah, that could be a topic of a whole nother conversation. But I'll just I'll just leave you with the UFO of God is the book I'm going to recommend. It's my close friend Chris Bledsoe, UFO of God. He's the bestseller ever since March. He's the most famous UFO experiencer in the country right now. And and he's also the introductions to his books are written by insiders from the CIA and the NSA. So he's got
inside, he's got high level security clearance, but he's the real deal. And he also one of the reasons the three agencies like to keep in touch with Christopher is he gets direct communications from the lady who is the ET version of the blessed Virgin Mary, who appears to him as an apparition and comes every Easter and tells him what's going to happen. And in Easter 2019, she said, we are and we are entering the.
biblical period of tribulation, which is in the book of Revelation is seven years. And it goes from Easter 2019 to Easter 2026. And she said we've already passed through the tribulation, which is the first three and a half years. We're in the second half is the greater tribulation. Okay, and it's interesting you know that Christopher also refers to the ETs not as extraterrestrials. He calls them angels.
and he's had amazing healing experiences and they've now given him the healing abilities as well. And it's that the stories in the book are just beyond belief and so he and he there's movies coming out about his life. He was on the history channel this summer on the Beyond Skinwalker Ranch series as the highlight of the whole summer and Christopher's message is very hopeful. So I'd leave that out there for people and yet he does warn us.
to be aware of these fake alien invasions because that's definitely in the cards.
Sean (01:33:39.711)
Yeah, I do think a lot is just on the horizon. I've certainly felt it. Messages, when I was told that, you know, they're knocking on the door trying to talk to us, open the door, listen, and you start training your mind to do it, you listen and you hear the messages, right? So even today's podcast to me is a message, more to learn, more to read, things we're saying, continue to grow, continue to evolve. Kept you a long time. I do want to...
kind of end this on a positive message because we are talking about expanding consciousness, improving health and well-being. We're talking about humanity from multiple perspectives. If you can leave our listening audience here with some, you know, some main takeaways in your experience in integrative health and your background, if there's ways outside the mainstream about what we know, what we're told, ways that we can enhance the quality of our life.
our health, our wellbeing, expand our consciousness. What are your recommendations that people can start taking right now?
Larry Burk (01:34:46.016)
Pretty simple, just keep a dream diary, ask questions every night before you go to bed, and expect an answer, and keep asking until you get information that's gonna guide you, and always write them down right away. Don't wait till the morning, and if you need to write it down in the middle of the night, get a red light of some sort, because you don't wanna use a white light which disrupts your pineal function. So red light's okay, and that'll let you write in your journal.
And then the second thing is treat all your symptoms as sacred messengers from beyond. And it's like if you can do that, treat them the same way you treat your dream symbols and your symptoms will guide you to clean up whatever is going on in your life that is out of balance. And if you pay attention and you know there's ways of working with your own personal stuff and some of it.
ties into the chakra systems. I teach workshops on the lower four chakras, which is where your childhood traumas are stored. That's the ACE study from the CDC. So you work through the different emotions in the chakras from fear to anger to shame to grief. And I'm teaching a workshop on that. The information is on my larryberg.com website. And that's one of my fun things to do because
It doesn't require any sophisticated metaphysical abilities to be able to work with your own chakras if you just tune into the emotions that are there and you work through fear in the lower chakra is autoimmune disease and neurologic disease. Second chakra is chronic pain syndromes and bladder problems. Third chakra is eating disorders and type 2 diabetes and the fourth chakra is heart and lung problems and signs conditions. If you work with those, that gives you a place to start.
on your little quest for self-healing.
Sean (01:36:40.119)
Excellent. Where can people find you? You mentioned your website.
Larry Burk (01:36:43.476)
Yeah, either LarryBurt.com or LetMagicHappen.com. It's the same website. And yeah, I like to do the chakra workshop a couple of times a year. And I'll be doing one up in the mountains, the Blue Ridge Mountains, April 19th to the 21st at the Art of Living Retreat Center.
Sean (01:37:03.738)
Great. Dr. Larry Burke, we want to thank you for a radically genuine conversation.
Larry Burk (01:37:08.284)
I thank you because this is a refreshing opportunity to do this and you guys are a hell of a team. So your dad would be proud. I'm just saying that. So yes.
Sean (01:37:16.395)
Thank you.
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