96. BREAKING: Schools pilot Mental Health Apps behind Parents' backs

Mental health apps are being introduced with the goal of addressing underdiagnosed and undertreated psychiatric disorders using AI technologies. Kooth U.S. and the Pennsylvania state Department of Human Services signed a $3 million grant to pilot a digital mental health platform in 30 school districts. The platform offers anonymous message boards, online chatting, a personalized library, and journaling options for students in grades 6 to 12. However, concerns have been raised regarding the potential risks of children communicating with unknown Kooth team members on the platform without parental consent.

Parents need to get involved—ACTION ITEMS

If you are in a crisis or think you have an emergency, call your doctor or 911. If you're 
considering suicide, call 1-800-273-TALK to speak with a skilled trained counselor.




Creators and Guests

Dr. Roger McFillin
Dr. Roger McFillin
Clinical Psychologist/Executive Director @cibhdr | Coach & Consultant @ McFillin Coaching & Consultation | Radically Genuine Podcast⭐️top 5% in global downloads
Kel Wetherhold
Kel Wetherhold
Teacher | PAGE Educator of the Year | CIBH Education Consultant | PBSDigitalInnovator | KTI2016 | Apple Distinguished Educator 2017 | Radically Genuine Podcast
Sean McFillin
Sean McFillin
Radically Genuine Podcast / Advertising Executive / Marketing Manager / etc.
96. BREAKING: Schools pilot Mental Health Apps behind Parents' backs
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